La iglesia y la pedofilia

La Republic


Aciertos y omisiones en el caso del obispo Miranda

Fiscalía de Ayacucho abrió investigación por pedofilia contra el ex obispo auxiliar de esa diócesis Gabino Miranda Melgarejo. Esta decisión fue adoptada de oficio luego de que un columnista de nuestro diario diese la alarma. Miranda fue destituido hace más de 40 días.

Según revela el corresponsal de La República en Ayacucho, el obispo de esa jurisdicción comunicó el 15 de agosto a la Iglesia la destitución de Miranda y su expulsión del estado clerical.

El fulminante proceso contra el obispo se realizó en mérito a las nuevas reglas canónicas. El año 2010 se reformó el documento De Delicta Graviora endureciendo la lucha contra la pederastia en la iglesia, ampliando el plazo para la denuncia, introduciendo el delito de adquisición y difusión de pornografía infantil y estableciendo que los casos graves sean presentados directamente al Papa. …


The Ayacucho prosecutor opened an investigation into charges of pedophilia against former auxiliary bishop of that diocese, Gabino Miranda Melgarejo. This decision was officially adopted after a columnist for our paper give the alarm. Miranda was removed more than 40 days ago.

As revealed by the correspondent of the Republic in Ayacucho, the bishop of that jurisdiction announced on August 15 the Church Miranda’s dismissal and expulsion from the clerical state.

The withering process against the bishop was made in recognition of the new canonical rules. Vatican rules were reformed in 2010 to fight pedophilia in the church. The deadline for reporting was extended, the crime of acquisition and dissemination of child pornography was added and it established that serious cases are presented directly to the pope.

By intervening in this case based on canon law, the Church collected evidence and testimony of (the) victim (s) and their families. This information has not been referred to the civil authorities. For this reason, the prosecution questioned why having heard the case the national church hierarchy had not contacted the prosecutor.

In May 2011, American Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, ordered bishops to denounce clergy suspected of pedophilia to civil justice saying that child sexual abuse is not just a canonical delict but it also a crime to be prosecuted by the civil authorities. These efforts are aimed at no longer keeping these crimes in secrecy and asked the episcopal conferences to develop prevention programs and listen to and compensate the victims.

Contradictory to the spirit of the Universal Church are the words of the Cardinal Primate of the Peruvian church, Juan Luis Cipriani, who has criticized the public denunciation by the renowned Bishop of Chimbote, Luis Bambaren. We can say the same about the release from Opus Dei in Peru focused on explaining that Miranda does not belong to this prelature, a half truth, and instead of having solidarity with the victims states that Miranda denied any wrongdoing with minors.

It is also unfortunate that the President of the Episcopal Conference postponed explaining the facts until his return home. This attitude is far from adopting what other episcopal conferences in the region have done. For example, in April 2010 the Chilean church apologized for child abuse cases reported and urged victims to report these crimes.

This is an opportunity to bring change to the Peruvian church hierarch. New cases are added every yea. In February 2011, Sodality of Christian Life canceled the process of beatification of their leader Germán Doig due to serious accusations without revealing whether the facts have been judged by the law. In May of that year it was discovered that in Moquegua a Belgian priest served when a case file was reopened showing three alleged cases of child sexual abuse.The priest was suspended but the bishop of that diocese has refused to report on the outcome of the case. Then, other cases have been reported in Pucusana and Vitarte, in Lima, without further information from the authorities of the diocese.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.