Lest there be any remaining doubt that the advocacy group SNAP is more about advancing a radical left-wing social agenda than providing actual helpful support for clergy abuse victims, this weekend’s annual conference for the group in Washington D.C. is headlining a speech by Eleanor Smeal, the rabid president of the abortion activist group Feminist Majority.
Smeal’s contempt for the Catholic Church cannot be overstated, as she has made it clear that the Catholic Church is her number one obstacle in advancing unfettered abortion-on-demand.
A few years ago, she told a pro-abortion gathering, “Opposition from the Roman Catholic Church and of the hierarchy is a major reason this issue (abortion) stays controversial. We’ve got to keep more pressure on this hierarchy [because] they’re vulnerable now [due to the clergy sex abuse scandals].”
Smeal’s appearance comes on the heels of last year’s headline speaker, Rev. Barry Lynn, the ringleader of the loopy Americans United for Separation of Church and State, whose speech consisted almost entirely of him railing against the Catholic Church for its opposition to the Obama administration’s healthcare mandate, thus providing more proof that SNAP really has another agenda at play.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.