Successor to O’Brien vows allegations will be investigated

Herald Scotland

Thursday 25 July 2013

Gerry Braiden
Senior reporter

THE new Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh has pledged that all complaints from clergy and parishioners over the fallout of the Cardinal Keith O’Brien scandal will be fully investigated.

Monsignor Leo Cushley, who was yesterday unveiled as Cardinal O’Brien’s successor following the enforced resignation, said he would “work hard to get this business sorted out”, adding it was crucial any investigation had to be open and transparent.

Mgr Cushley, 52, is currently head of the English-language section of the Vatican’s Secretariat of State and has been a close collaborator of both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.

Cardinal O’Brien resigned as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh five months ago after admitting decades of sexual behaviour with other clerics and was exiled by the Vatican from Scotland in May. He remains a cardinal.

Asked of his intentions to ­investigate the scandal, Mgr Cushley said: “If there is an investigation it won’t be up to me. It will depend on the Holy See.

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