Juneau Empire
Editor’s note: This column was inspired by the One Billion Rising rally and flash mob at the state office building atrium on Feb. 14, and was submitted by the author.
It was me.
“It could be anyone,” she said today. “One out of three women is raped or beaten in her lifetime in our world today.”
I was one.
My soul still screams.
I remain forever one who was raped by one of the hims who do the raping.
“It could be anyone,” she said.
But it was me.
It was my heart crushed by the weight of him pushing against my chest.
It was my voice unheard pleading, “No, please no.”
It was my beliefs shattered by this priest, my teacher, who violated me and my Church, robbing me of all spiritual connection to my rich religious past.
It was my vocation to be a nun, and serve God, stolen by him, replaced with emptiness.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.