Irish Independent
By Lise Hand
Wednesday June 13 2012
Given the sporting week that’s in it, an apt description of the event taking place in the RDS is that it’s a Congress of two halves.
On one hand, every day finds groups of pilgrims singing hymns while gathered around picnic tables in the grounds of the Dublin 4 complex, or attending music-filled Masses in the arena.
There is a relaxed, festival feel (albeit a sedate festival largely consisting of senior citizens), as the pilgrims wander in and out of the myriad workshops or browse the maze of stalls.
But in another room yesterday a discourse on the dark side of the Catholic Church was taking place, dealing with the clerical sex abuse scandals which have cast (and which continues to cast) a long, sorrowful shadow over the organisation.
And the prelate selected to grasp this thorny topic was the Archbishop of Manila, Antonio Tagle.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.