SNAP Wisconsin
SNAP Responds: Vicar General of Milwaukee Archdiocese assails clergy abuse victims during Mass
Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director (Milwaukee)
CONTACT: 414.429.7259
In condescending, hurtful and, at best, deeply confused remarks announcing the removal this morning of Fr. John Schreiter as pastor of St. John Neumann’s parish for reports of sexually abusing a minor, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee attacked victims for their “antics” in coming forward and speaking publically about their abuse and expressing their concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability from church officials (read a transcript of Kohler’s remarks or listen to the audio).
Fr. William Kohler, who is also the pastor of St. Leonard’s in Muskego, was explaining why Schreiter—who Kohler clearly believes is innocent—had to unfortunately be removed from his post: “We will pay for it [if we don’t remove Fr. Schreiter], we will pay in the court of public opinion, you know that the victims have lawyers and you know they are watching us. You watch television; you see the kinds of things they say about the church on the courthouse steps. You don’t want that kind of antic to take place against you…”
The parishioners of St. John’s Neumann’s, however, are not on trial in the court of public opinion for raping, sexually assaulting and abusing children and then covering it up. In fact, it was parishioners of St. John’s who alerted victim/survivors and advocates of Schreiter’s removal and who were upset with Kohler’s remarks. Kohler’s paranoid presentation is a perfect illustration of why the archdiocese is in such deep trouble and has lost so much credibility.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.