Washington Post
Intrigue mounts over Vatican bank chief ouster; leaks show board, psych questioned behavior
By Associated Press, Updated: Saturday, June 9
VATICAN CITY — Intrigue is mounting over the controversial ouster of the Vatican bank’s president, with leaked documents showing the bank’s board members and even a psychiatrist questioned his behavior and fitness for the job months before he was fired.
The board ousted Ettore Gotti Tedeschi on May 24, firing a man handpicked by the pope’s No. 2 to help turn around a bank plagued for decades by scandal.
The board has already made public a scathing denunciation of Gotti Tedeschi’s failings as bank president. On Saturday an Italian newspaper reproduced a letter from the bank’s in-house psychiatrist who in March wrote the bank’s general director with concerns about Gotti Tedeschi’s personal behavior. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter Saturday.
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