Church Militant
August 12, 2020
By David Nussman
Washington – Joe Biden’s running mate has a history of targeting Catholics and pro-lifers.
Senator Kamala Harris is Biden’s vice-presidential candidate, the Biden campaign announced Tuesday.
Throughout her political career, Harris has touted her record of prosecuting sex crimes in San Francisco, where she was district attorney (DA) in 2003–2011.
But victims of Catholic clerical sex abuse say Harris neglected to follow through with their abuse allegations, despite an abundance of evidence gathered by the previous DA, Terence Hallinan.
Abuse victim Joey Piscitelli, for example, says Harris “did nothing” as the district attorney of San Francisco after he wrote to her about his molestation at the hands of a local priest.
Five years later, Piscitelli wrote to Harris, again urging her to assist alleged sexual assault victims by releasing records of their abuse lawsuits that had been compiled by Hallinan.
But Harris again failed to respond. Her refusal to release the records was seen as significant, as Hallinan’s team was gathering evidence as part of a wider investigation into clerical sex abuse. His inquiry lapsed when Harris became the new DA.
In June 2019, the Intercept released a graphic video detailing Harris’ dubious record on clerical sex abuse.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.