[Stories from former students about an abusive priest at the San Vicente de Paul de La Plata school]
Prensa Obrera
July 31, 2020
Raúl Sidders fue trasladado a principios de año a Iguazú, Misiones, donde sigue en contacto con menores y es capellán de Gendarmería.
[GOOGLE TRANSLATION: Raúl Sidders was transferred at the beginning of the year to Iguazú, Misiones, where he continues to be in contact with minors and is a chaplain of the Gendarmerie.]
“Ustedes, las mujeres, lo único que saben es comer, dormir y coger” dijo el “padre Raúl” entre risas, mientras se presentaba a una de las divisiones del secundario en ausencia de la profesora. “Eso fue en el primer día de clases. Quedé impactada”, recuerda Antonia, exalumna del Colegio San Vicente de Paul de La Plata. Los exalumnos varones recuerdan al sacerdote del colegio como “Frasquito”, el cura que les hacía preguntas fuera de lugar durante la confesión y los obligaba a masturbarse para guardarse su semen en frascos.
[GOOGLE TRANSLATION: “You women, the only thing you know is to eat, sleep and fuck,” said “Father Raúl” with a laugh, as he presented himself to one of the secondary school divisions in the absence of the teacher. “That was on the first day of school. I was shocked, ”recalls Antonia, a former student of the Colegio San Vicente de Paul de La Plata. Male alumni remember the school priest as “Frasquito”, the priest who asked them inappropriate questions during confession and forced them to masturbate to keep their semen in jars.]
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.