Church Militant
August 8, 2020
A Michigan priest has been officially vindicated after a detective who falsely accused him of rape has agreed to pay him damages awards.
On Friday, Sgt. Det. Nancy LePage of the Macomb County Sheriff’s Department agreed to pay $125,000 to Detroit priest Fr. Eduard Perrone, one month after a three-person panel unanimously found her guilty of defamation and recommended that she pay damages. Friday was the deadline set by the panel for accepting or rejecting the recommendation.
Now that LePage has accepted the finding of guilt and has agreed to pay the money, it becomes a binding court ruling, formally bringing an end to Perrone’s months-long lawsuit for defamation, and officially vindicating him.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.