>>Pope: I see with concern communities that want to show themselves more than touching reality
January 16, 2018
El pontífice además volvió a referirse a los abusos contra menores.
“Sigo con atención cuanto hacen para superar ese grave y doloroso mal”, aseguró.
Durante la liturgia realizada en la Catedral Metropolitana con sacerdotes, religiosos, consagrados y seminaristas, el papa Francisco reiteró su “dolor” por los casos de abusos sexuales cometidos por integrantes de la iglesia en contra de menores.
En el encuentro religioso, el pontífice deslizó una crítica a ciertas comunidades “que viven arrastradas más por la desesperación de estar en cartelera, por ocupar espacios, por aparecer y mostrarse, que por remangarse y salir a tocar la realidad sufrida de nuestro pueblo fiel”.
Asimismo, consideró que la Iglesia Católica vive un momento de “turbulencias”.
“Conozco el dolor que han significado los casos de abusos ocurridos a menores de edad y sigo con atención cuanto hacen para superar ese grave y doloroso mal. Dolor por el daño y sufrimiento de las víctimas y sus familias, que han visto traicionada la confianza que habían puesto en los ministros de la Iglesia”, dijo en la liturgia.
[Google Translation: – The pontiff also referred again to the abuses against minors.
– “I follow closely what they do to overcome this serious and painful evil,” he said.
During the liturgy held in the Metropolitan Cathedral with priests, religious, consecrated and seminarians, Pope Francis reiterated his “pain” for cases of sexual abuse committed by members of the church against children.
At the religious meeting, the pontiff slipped a critique of certain communities ” that live dragged more by the desperation of being on the billboard, to occupy spaces, to appear and show, to roll up and go out to touch the suffering of our faithful people” .
He also considered that the Catholic Church is experiencing a moment of “turbulence”.
“I know the pain that cases of abuses have caused to minors and I follow with attention how much they do to overcome this serious and painful evil, pain for the damage and suffering of the victims and their families, who have seen the trust that has been betrayed they had put on the ministers of the Church, “he said in the liturgy.
He also expressed his sorrow for the members of the Church who have suffered the consequences of the abuses committed by some religious.
“Pain for the suffering of ecclesial communities, and pain also for you, brothers, that in addition to the wear and tear of surrender have experienced the damage caused by suspicion and questioning, which in some or many may have introduced doubt, fear and distrust, “added Francisco.
“I know that sometimes they have suffered insults in the subway or walking down the street, that going ‘dressed as a priest’ in many places is ‘paying dearly’, which is why I invite you to ask God to give us the lucidity of calling the reality by its name, the courage to ask for forgiveness and the ability to learn to listen to what He is telling us, “stressed the leader of the Catholic Church.
The pontiff arrived at the place on board the popemobile after visiting the San Joaquin Women’s Penitentiary Center , where he held a meeting with more than 400 inmates.
Later he will close the day with a visit, scheduled at 7:15 p.m., to the Shrine of Father Alberto Hurtado, where he will meet with members of the Society of Jesus in Chile, a congregation of which he is a part.]
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.