Reinstated Duluth Catholic Priest Returns To His Parish

KQDS - Fox 21 [Duluth MN]

May 17, 2024

By Steve Goodspeed

Father William Graham reinstated by Vatican, appeared before grateful supporters Friday.

Describing it as a story of “light triumphing over darkness,” a Duluth Catholic priest once accused of sexual abuse returned to his church Friday.

Standing in front of supportive congregation members, Father William Graham said the immediate task will be to pray together and listen to each other.

The Duluth Diocese removed Graham from the St. Michael’s Parish for almost eight years, after allegations of sexual abuse from a man who said he was abused as a teenager in the 1970s.

Graham had steadfastly denied the allegations, and earlier this month the Vatican said there was not enough evidence, and he was reinstated.

“I am grateful to God and to the Vatican for declaring my innocence after a painful seven years and ten months of suffering under a demonstrably false accusation,” said Graham.

“As I return to Duluth and to my parish, I am thankful for the unwavering support of family, friends, parishioners, as well as my canonical and civil legal team,” he said.

Graham was never charged with a crime, and won a civil lawsuit against his accuser, who was ordered to pay Graham $13,000.

Friday, Graham was critical of the Duluth Diocese for not returning him to the ministry earlier, and that he had to appeal to the Vatican.

Longtime parishioners were among those thankful to have him back.

“Justice delayed is justice denied,” said Greg Bonovetz, a St. Michael’s member.

“Now in this setting, eight years later, eight years of delayed justice has ended. Finally, justice has been achieved,” he said.

Judy Bonovetz was one of the members who wrote letters and tried to get meetings to get Graham back to the parish.

“Finally at long last, the Vatican has spoken. And on March 25th, Father William C. Graham was exonerated. We can celebrate today. Thanks be to God,” Bonovetz said.

Graham, 74, said he and the congregation would now move to healing, peace and reconciliation.