‘It’s not enough’: Parents, advocates demand more from Cleveland Catholic Diocese after resignation of pastor

WEWS - ABC News 5 [Cleveland OH]

May 30, 2024

By Jonathan Walsh

Calls for bishop to resign; diocese says its actions were appropriate

There are calls for more action from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland after a News 5 Investigation exposed a convicted sex offender being allowed to help lead masses. The pastor at St. Thomas More Church in Brooklyn was forced to resign, but advocates say that’s not enough.

“Father Michael Feldtz met with Bishop Malesic this week,” said a deacon during Sunday’s mass at St. Thomas More. He read word for word what News 5 Investigators have reported. “The bishop asked Fr. Feldtz for his resignation from the Office of Pastor….”

“This letter is not giving the parishioners of St. Thomas More the information they deserve,” said Anne Barrett Doyle from BishopAccountability.org. She told us the diocese gave no real information about why Fr. Feldtz or the diocese allowed former cantor Keith Kozak, a convicted sex offender, to help lead services. Kozak told us church leaders knew his criminal background. When we found Kozak, he said he was permitted to volunteer, despite admitting to Fr. Feldtz he is a sex offender. “I sat down with him and we had a nice long talk, plus I filed paperwork with the diocese,” said Kozak.

During his volunteer work, Kozak admitted he was around students from the St. Thomas More School. “I played piano for one school mass, but I was at the piano and I didn’t even go over to where the kids are,” he told us.

“Don’t they deserve that information (about Kozak’s conviction)? They certainly do and shame on Bishop (Edward) Malesic for continuing to suppress really crucial public safety information,” said Barrett Doyle.

News 5 Investigators heard from several parents with children at this school who say they were never warned by the church or diocese about the sex sting that Kozak was caught in where he tried to meet up with a boy, about his nearly year-long prison stint or about him now being required to register as a sex offender for 25 years.

“I share in the outrage of those parents. I join them in feeling duped,” said Claudia Vercellotti from the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests or SNAP.

“They should have never been warned from Channel 5. They should have been warned by Bishop Malesic,” said Vercellotti.

All the parents News 5 Investigators talked to wanted to remain private but did tell us they were demanding meetings with the principal and the former Pastor Fr. Feldtz to get answers. One parent said he pulled his son out of the altar boy program. Another parent questioned why the diocese wasn’t “doing more for the safety of children.”

News 5 Investigators obtained an email addressed to Fr. Feldtz from a parent saying the news of Kozak “… has changed and affected the way we see the leadership in our parish…” that Kozak “was with 8th graders… (during an) evening performance…even spoke with students… and was also near students who serve as altar boys and altar girls….” Plus, the author of the email is “having a hard time… in trusting this parish is a safe place.”

“I would implore (parents) to demand answers, to feel free to come forward and to speak out and voice their concerns because that is when real change is going to happen,” said Vercellotti.

Just after our initial investigation, parishioners told us Fr. Feldtz spoke during the end of a Sunday mass, saying that News 5 had put a “spin” on the story of Kozak. When we clicked on the recording of that mass on the St. Thomas More website to see exactly what Fr. Feldtz said, the video claimed there was an hour-and-18 minutes of the mass. However, we found only 2 minutes and 47 seconds were available. The rest was gone. This is despite numerous other videos of masses being there, like this past Sunday’s service, where the diocese’s statement said, “Keep Fr. Feldtz in your prayers.”

Victims advocates said there was no mention of prayers for the parents and students who say they were blindsided by the Kozak revelation and were left confused and angry. “Where’s the checks and balances for Bishop Malesic? Who’s calling for his resignation? Who’s firing him?” asked Vercellotti.

“If he were committed to doing the right thing, he, himself would resign,” said Barrett Doyle about Bishop Malesic.

We did reach out to the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, asking for an interview with the bishop. It sent a statement instead:

“We believe that the May 22 announcement of the appointment of an administrator for the parish and the bishop’s request for Fr. Feldtz’s resignation demonstrated to those concerned that the bishop is committed to addressing the matter appropriately and to restoring the trust of the parish and school community.”

“They owe the truth to the parishioners…the unabridged, full accounting of the truth. That’s how you protect kids,” said Vercellotti.

“I hope the bishop is going to take further steps,” said Barrett Doyle.
