Vatican reaches decision in appeal of Father William Graham

Diocese of Duluth [Duluth MN]

April 4, 2024

On Monday, March 18, 2024, the Diocese of Duluth received official notification from the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome regarding the ongoing appeal of the Rev. William C. Graham, a priest of the Diocese of Duluth. 

The Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith decided that there was not sufficient evidence presented to arrive at moral certainty that Father Graham was guilty of the accusation made against him, and therefore he was acquitted with a decree of absolution. 

As a result of this decree, Bishop Daniel Felton has been directed by the Dicastery of the Doctrine of Faith to take steps to restore Father Graham’s reputation and his ability to exercise his priestly ministry. The Dicastery stated that this should be done according to the way that Bishop Felton decides is most appropriate to guarantee the public good and that of Father Graham. With that being the case, in response to the directive of the Dicastery, Bishop Felton is taking several steps to do so, most notably the following: 

  • All canonical restrictions in place on Father Graham’s exercise of his priestly ministry are lifted. 
  • Father Graham’s name has been removed from the Diocese of Duluth’s list of Clergy with credible claims against them concerning sexual abuse of a young person. 
  • Father Graham is to be restored to active ministry as Pastor of St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Duluth, MN, as soon as this is feasible. 

“Now that a final decision and decree of absolution has been issued by the Dicastery of the Doctrine of Faith, I will do all that I can to attend to the pastoral needs of those impacted by this very long and difficult process,” Bishop Felton said.