Baldwin Bulletin [Baldwin, WI]
December 9, 2022
Most. Rev. James P. Powers, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Superior, last month released the list of abusive clergy who have substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. The list of names is the result of three separate clergy file reviews, including one by a private independent security consulting firm, more than a year of meetings, multiple sessions with the Diocesan Review Board (lay people with various life experiences), and much prayer and discernment.
Bishop Powers sincerely acknowledges the sinful harms of the past, apologizes on behalf of the local Church, and prays for the healing of all victims-survivors and their affected families and friends.
“I wish we could go back in time and undo all of the hurt and pain, the sins of the past. But we cannot,” said Bishop Powers. “What we can do is learn from the past and do everything in our power to never repeat the abuse. I firmly believe that the Diocese of Superior is clearly on the right path in protecting our children.”
Victims of clergy abuse are strongly urged to report their abuse to local law enforcement and Kathy Drinkwine, Diocesan Coordinator of Assistance at (cell) 715-718-1110, (office) 715-394-0216, and (email)