Worcester Telegram & Gazette [Worcester MA]
December 12, 2022
By Mike Elfland
The Rev. Alan J. Martineau, most recently of parishes in Warren, will remain on administrative leave after an investigation sought by the Diocese of Worcester deemed an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor to be credible.
Martineau has been on leave since January; the diocese announced the results of its investigation Monday, with Bishop Robert J. McManus ruling on the case.
Martineau, a former associate pastor at St. Anne’s of Shrewsbury, was most recently the administrator of St. Paul Parish and St. Stanislaus Parish in Warren. He grew up in Spencer and graduated from St. John’s High School, the diocese said in 2018, when Martineau was ordained.
The diocese gave the following account of the case: “In late January of this year Fr. Martineau was scheduled to be transferred to a new parish to benefit from the tutelage of a seasoned pastor because of concerns over boundary issues with a minor, and for other pastoral issues. Before that assignment took place, additional information was reported to the Diocese that prompted Bishop McManus to place Fr. Martineau on leave, suspend his faculties to function publicly as a priest, and to begin the independent investigation.”
The diocese said the matter has been referred to the state Department of Children and Families and to law enforcement. A diocese counselor has reached out to the victim, the diocese said.
“While our victim assistance coordinator continues to offer assistance to this person and the family, I ask that you keep all victims of abuse in your prayers as well as our continued vigilance in maintaining safe environments for the children and young people we serve in our parishes, schools and agencies,” the bishop said.