Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse [London, England, United Kingdom]
October 20, 2022
[See the IICSA report, executive summary, and summary.]
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has today (20 October 2022) published its concluding Report,
which requires urgent action to ensure children are better protected from sexual abuse. It contains 20 recommendations to the government and other institutions. Media material including press release, photos and videos can be accessed from our media pack.
The Report comprises two parts. The first, Victims and Survivors’ Voices, reflects the accounts of over 7,000 victims and survivors who participated in the Inquiry’s work. The second part is The Inquiry’s Conclusions and Recommendations for Change.
The publication of this concluding Report follows:
- 325 days of public hearings with 725 witnesses
- Nearly 2.5 million pages of evidence processed
- publication of the Interim report, 19 investigation reports, 24 research reports and eight engagement reports
- Eight seminars
- Over 6,200 victim and survivor experiences shared with the Truth Project
- 87 recommendations for change already made