Diocese of Toledo [Toledo OH]
April 30, 2022
The Diocese of Toledo is announcing the final decision regarding Rev. Nelson Beaver, who was placed on administrative leave in October 2018 having received an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor dating back over 25 years. Three other allegations of sexual abuse of a minor from a similar time period were subsequently made against Beaver.
According to diocesan policy, the four allegations were reported to county prosecutors in Huron, Lucas and Williams counties where the alleged abuse took place. Only after all of the prosecutors determined that they would not pursue the allegations (July 2019), was the diocese then free to conduct its own investigation. In October, 2019, the diocese announced that the investigation had been completed, the Diocesan Review Board found all four allegations to be substantiated and voted unanimously that Beaver is not suitable for priestly ministry. Bishop Daniel E. Thomas accepted the Review Board’s recommendation that Beaver is not suitable for priestly ministry, and presented the canonical case to the Holy See, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in Rome for their full review, judgement and final determination.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, having fully reviewed the canonical case presented by Bishop Thomas, has made its judgement and a final determination of guilt concerning the allegations of sexual abuse of minors brought against Beaver. The Holy See has imposed the penalty of perpetual prohibition from public ministry (“prayer and penance”).
“Prayer and penance” is the permanent removal from priestly ministry whereby the offender is not permitted to celebrate Mass publicly or to administer the Sacraments. He may not wear clerical attire or present himself publicly as a priest. The cleric is placed under the supervision of the Diocese of Toledo.
The Diocese of Toledo remains vigilant in ensuring the protection of children and providing a safe environment for all young people, as well as ensuring the dignity and integrity of the priesthood. The Diocese of Toledo asks for your continued prayers for all those involved.
Any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, staff member or volunteer affiliated with the Diocese of Toledo should first be reported to local law enforcement where the abuse is alleged to have occurred. Please also report any such allegation to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at 419-214-4880.