Catholic Faithful Create ‘Coalition Of Canceled Priests’ To Support Those Who Speak Up Against Wokeness, Abuse

Christianity Daily [Los Angeles CA]

July 5, 2021

By Anton Carillo

Catholic clergy reportedly created a “Coalition Of Canceled Priests” to support those who allegedly speak up against wokeness and abuse.

WND reported that the coalition was established early 2021 due to the “Vatican’s cowardice,” “in response to ‘secular corruption’,” as an aftermath of “leftist backlash,” and from “wokeness” within the Catholic Church.

WND cited that one of the reasons for this was the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ refusal to deny Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians out of being “ever mindful of the feelings (and influence)” of said politicians, but “betrays” the rest of the Faithful.

“Ever mindful of the feelings (and influence) of nominally ‘Catholic’ politicians, these bishops have forsaken one of the first duties of priests. Such churchmen bring to mind the image of a commanding officer who, when the battle turns against his troops, goes over to the enemy and betrays his men,” WND quoted from the website of the coalition.

According to the website, the Coalition of Canceled Priests is comprised of lay members and priests who have come together “who came together in the spring of 2021 after one too many instances of persecution or betrayal.” Their mission is to “identify priests persecuted by forces in the secular world or the aberrant element in the Church for doing so,” gather needed funding for said priests, and “identifying priests, bishops and other Catholics who either persecute or fail to defend such priests.”

The Illinois-based coalition is said to be led more by lay members than that of clergy, as per a statement of support released by former Papal Nuncio to the United States Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

The archbishop praised the lay initiative as a testament that “concretizes the prophetic words of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen” that the “courageous contribution of the laity” is “essential” in bringing “salvation” to “the Holy Church.”

“I can only wholeheartedly encourage you and your collaborators for this project, which I hope finds generous support among many faithful laity and perhaps some good Brothers among the clergy,” Vigano said in the letter.

Vigano, also known as a former Vatican whistleblower, stressed in his letter that the coalition is a “great consolation to witness this awakening of those who are good” for “persecuted priests” that they support with prayer and “tangible gestures of that Charity” as an “unequivocal proof of the newness of the Gospel.”

Vigano’ s letter was actually read during the coalition’s recently held panel discussion entitled, “Breaking The Silence,” as part of introducing their group and as part of their fund raising event.

Shaw Media said the event was held in Lombard and attended by 1,000 people. The event was also meant as a fund raiser for Rev. James Parker who was “sidelined” by Rockford Diocese Bishop David Malloy. Parker was formerly assigned in Batavia Township’s Holy Cross Parish before he was removed by Malloy and not given any further assignments. Shaw Media said the bishop removed Parker when the latter refused to resign and allegedly amidst strong opposition from parishioners that he do so.

“Ministerial assignments for priests are a personnel issue, therefore we have no additional comment beyond that previously stated,” the Rockford Diocese said in a statement as per Shaw Media regarding Parker.

Shaw Media explained that “sidelined” priests are those priests who are not given assignments after being removed from a ministry although continuously receive from their diocese the regular stipend of that ministry.

Normally, the Canon Law of the Catholic Church state that bishops remove priests from parishes or ministry assignments after corrective measures done to the priests did not turnout fruitfully. Such corrective measures are done over a period of time, years at times, after the bishop receives complaints from the laity or other priests on a particular priest to give the priest ample time for conversion. Removal then from a post and not giving new assignments serves as a disciplinary measure out of mercy extended by the bishop to the priest.

Besides Parker, Shaw Media said Mallow also removed Rev. John Lovell in 2012. Lovell and other sidelined priests from other dioceses attended the coalition’s panel discussion. Parker, however, decided not to attend the event out of “fear” despite conveying initially he will.

The Coalition of Canceled Priests have announced that they will provide $20,000 to Parker to cover his legal costs to be reinstated in his former post. The group was able to raise $18,795.26 during its panel discussion and is still raising the remaining funds. The coalition has also setup an online fundraiser of $150,000 for Parker.