PolandIn.com [Poland]
March 29, 2021
Archbishop Sławoj Leszek Głódź and Bishop Edward Janiak were punished by the Holy See after a church investigation into cases of pedophilia among priests was conducted.
Abp Głódź and bp Janiak were ordered to live outside their former dioceses: the Gdańsk Archdiocese in northern Poland and the Kalisz Diocese in western Poland respectively. They are also forbidden to participate in any public religious celebrations or secular meetings in their dioceses.
The hierarchs must donate “from personal funds” an appropriate amount to Saint Joseph Foundation, “intended for preventive activities and assistance to victims of abuse.”
The Vatican’s decision was announced on the website of the Polish Episcopal Conference (KEP). This is the result of the conducted procedure to cover up cases of sexual abuse of minors by priests in dioceses managed at that time by abp Głódź and bp Janiak.