Finalizó el juicio canónico al cura denunciado por abusos sexuales

[The Vatican removed the clerical state of the priesthood from Emilio Lamas]


August 29, 2020

Finalizó el juicio canónico al cura denunciado por abusos sexuales

El Arzobispado de Salta dio a conocer que encontraron al religioso culpable de las violaciones y que la sentencia ya es definitiva e inapelable.

[GOOGLE TRANSLATION: The canonical trial of the priest denounced for sexual abuse has ended

The Archbishopric of Salta announced that they found the religious guilty of the violations and that the sentence is now final and unappealable.]

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.