Martinsville Bulletin
August 3, 2020
By Bill Wyatt
[Includes a substantial video of Fr. Mark White being interviewed and speaking to the demonstrators, and scenes from the demonstration in front of the Vatican embassy.]
After being shunned at the doorsteps of a Richmond bishop and now also at the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States in Washington, D.C., Father Mark White of Martinsville and his supporters intend to take their demands for justice to the Vatican in Rome.
On Friday, White and his supporters took their appeal for justice to Apostolic Nuncio Christopher Pierre in Washington, D.C. Pierre serves as the pope’s ambassador to the United States.
White’s group had sent Pierre a letter two weeks before the trip asking for a meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Friday to discuss Knestout’s actions against White including the sex-abuse scandal and the rights of Catholics to speak their minds about the problems they see in the church.
“We came to try to talk to the pope’s representative here in the United States,” White said. “We had two topics that we wanted to discuss: The first one is – does it help our church to cover up the crimes of bishops and priests – does it help us or does it hurt us? Can we live in the truth? Can we help people to heal and find God again by living in the truth? That’s the first topic that we had hoped to discuss with him.
“Question number two: Are we allowed to have free speech in the church? Are we allowed to speak our minds about these things? Are we allowed to get things out in the open? Because that seems to be the way to make some headway here, to make some progress or do we have to suffer reprisals and persecution when we try to have this discussion?
“We’re here hoping someone will welcome us to have these discussions … but at least we can say at the end of the day today ‘we tried.’”
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.