Nov. 19, 2019
By Matt Heckel
The Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously passed three bills aimed at reforming the state’s statute of limitations law on Monday.
House Bill 962 would allow victims of childhood sexual abuse until the age of 55 to file a lawsuit against their abuser. The current law gives them until age 30. The bill would also eliminate the criminal statute.
The bill was amended to allow payment for counseling to be paid from the victims’ compensation fund.
House Bill 1171 would clearly state that confidentiality agreements cannot prohibit someone from speaking to law enforcement.
House Bill 963 would amend the state constitution to allow older sexual abuse survivors a two-year window to retroactively file lawsuits against their offenders and organizations. It would have to pass in two consecutive sessions before voters decide whether to pass it.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.