The response to Fr. McCloskey illustrates the failure of the conservative Catholic approach…

Patheos blog

January 8, 2019

By Mark Shea

…to the sexual abuse crisis.

For a brief moment this past summer things began to come into focus for us concerning sexual abuse in the Church. When the PA report came out, the focus was where it should be: on victims. It didn’t matter whether the victim was male or female, or whether the abuser was gay or straight or his protecter and enabler conservative or liberal. What mattered was the victim and getting justice for the victim.

Then, never letting a crisis go to waste when it could be exploited, the Right Wing Lie Machine moved in with a huge ginned up panic from Abp. Vigano and the focus was ripped away from victims, never to return. It all became a Culture War narrative in which propaganda organs like EWTN, the Register, Lifesite News, One Peter Five and others locked in rigid ideological combat with a “liberal” pope they have hated and sought to destroy for years promoted the lie that the one man–Francis–who actually did something about sexual abuser McCarrick was guilty of lifting non-existent “sanctions” asserted to exist by the one man on US soil who could have acted against McCarrick from 2011-2016 and did who did nothing. In a massive and coordinated shock and awe assault that cared nothing for victims or the good of the Church only for power, that media screamed for Francis to “RESIGN!!!!!!”

When that power grab and palace coup fell to pieces and Vigano was shown to be sucking up to and feting McCarrick during the time he was supposedly enforcing “sanctions” again McCarrick…

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.