Priest sex abuse: New report lists 263 Catholic priests in Oakland, San Jose, San Francisco dioceses accused of child sex abuse

Bay Area News Group

October 23, 2018

By Matthias Gafni, Julia Rodis Sulek and John Woolfolk

As Bay Area Catholic leaders release or promise to release lists of priests credibly accused of abusing children, a Minnesota law firm published a report Tuesday naming 263 priests in the San Jose, Oakland and San Francisco dioceses accused of sexual misconduct involving kids.

The report names 135 accused offenders in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, 95 in the Oakland diocese and 33 in the San Jose diocese. Earlier this month, the San Jose diocese released its own list of credibly accused priests that had only 15 names, which this report calls “deficient.”

Jeff Anderson & Associates, a law firm that has represented a number of Catholic priest abuse victims in California and elsewhere, compiled the 66-page report which included the mugshots of priests, their parish work history and a short synopsis of their alleged abuse. Some names are duplicates because some of the priests worked in more than one diocese.

“The data reveals the scandalous scale of hundreds of priests assaulting thousands of minors from early history to the present in these Dioceses,” the report concludes. “The data collected suggests the patterns and practices of Church officials, including the orchestration of an institutional cover-up of an enormous magnitude.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.