Allentown council fires attorney who advised diocese during sex abuse scandal

Lehigh Valley Live

August 16, 2018

By Tony Rhodin

Allentown City Council on Wednesday night fired the city solicitor a day after his controversial handling of a sexual abuse allegation came to light in a statewide grand jury report on abuse of children by clergy.

The grand jury report says Thomas Traud told the Allentown Diocese to discredit a victim and reassign an allegedly offending priest.

Councilman Courtney Robinson introduced the action to fire Traud — something that eventually happened in a unanimous vote — after speaking broadly about the report.

“I am a practicing Catholic and I am disgusted and I am appalled at what was done in the name of my faith,” he said, according to a recording of the meeting posted by council. “As a Catholic and an elected official I feel it necessary to apologize to every victim of this and to state the unimaginable pain and sorrow that you’re going through was only compounded from this.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.