La Tercera
June 23, 2018
[Google Translation: Chile becomes a benchmark in the fight against abuse and elevates pressure on the Pope]
By Juan Paulo Iglesias
Activistas lanzaron campaña para exigir al Papa a actuar en el resto del mundo con la misma decisión que en Chile. “La iglesia chilena no es única”, asegura a La Tercera Anne Barret Doyle, fundadora de Bishop Accountability.
“Mientras todos están mirando Chile, el arzobispo Wilson de Australia fue condenado en una corte criminal por cubrir abusos (será sentenciado el 3 de julio). Se retiró de su diócesis por el momento, pero no ha renunciado y no ha sido removido por el Papa. ¿Por qué?”. El tuit de Marie Collins, la activista contra los abusos sexuales en el clero que renunció a la Comisión Pontifica para la Protección de Menores, reiteró el jueves pasado un llamado que se ha repetido en redes sociales y en el que han insistido diversas organización contra los abusos: que las señales dadas por el Papa Francisco en el caso chileno se extiendan a otras partes del mundo. Por ello, varios promotores de la lucha contra la pedofilia en la iglesia están aprovechando lo que la agencia The Associated Press califica como “el momentum” de la crisis de abusos chilena para impulsar una respuesta global del Vaticano.
[Google Translation: Activists launched a campaign to demand the Pope to act in the rest of the world with the same decision as in Chile. “The Chilean church is not unique,” assures Anne Barret Doyle, founder of Bishop Accountability.
“While everyone is looking at Chile, Archbishop Wilson of Australia was convicted in a criminal court for covering abuses (he will be sentenced on July 3). He retired from his diocese for the time being, but has not resigned and has not been removed by the Pope. Why?”. The tweet of Marie Collins, the activist against sexual abuse in the clergy who resigned from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, reiterated last Thursday a call that has been repeated in social networks and in which various organizations have insisted against the abuses: that the signals given by Pope Francisco in the Chilean case spread to other parts of the world. For this reason, several promoters of the fight against pedophilia in the church are taking advantage of what The Associated Press agency describes as “the momentum” of the crisis of Chilean abuses to promote a global response from the Vatican.]
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.