Juan Carlos Cruz Por Renuncia De Obispos: “Que Preparen Las Maletas Los Que Se Tienen Que Ir”

Rio Bueno Noticias (RBN)

May 19, 2018

[Juan Carlos Cruz on the Resignation Of Bishops: “Let Them Pack Their Suitcases”]

Juan Carlos Cruz, denunciante de los abusos sexuales al interior de la iglesia Católica, conversó con 24 Tarde para entregar sus impresiones respecto a la decisión de los obispos que este viernes pusieron su cargo a disposición del Papa Francisco.

Esto, luego que ayer finalizaran las tres jornadas de reflexión desarrolladas en Roma, donde los obispos fueron invitados a reflexionar y rezar los por hechos denunciados por las víctimas de los abusos.

Cruz señaló sentir emoción y tener sentimientos encontrados por lo ocurrido, señalando que sí sostuvo conversaciones con el Papa “y sabía más o menos lo que quería hacer, pero he estado en contacto con él y he estado dándole las gracias porque ha hecho lo que ha hecho, esto es inédito”, sostuvo.

En ese sentido, aseguró que el manejo de lo ocurrido no fue una sorpresa para él, agregando que “los obispos son una manga de corruptos que escondieron evidencia, que destrozaron documentos, que cometieron actos verdaderamente criminales”.

[Google Translation: Juan Carlos Cruz, a whistleblower of sexual abuse inside the Catholic church, spoke with 24 Tarde to give his impressions regarding the decision of the bishops who made their office available to Pope Francis this Friday.

This, after yesterday ended the three days of reflection developed in Rome, where the bishops were invited to reflect and pray for facts denounced by the victims of abuse.

Cruz said he felt emotional and had mixed feelings about what happened, saying that he did have conversations with the Pope “and I knew more or less what he wanted to do, but I have been in contact with him and I have been thanking him because he has done what he has done. fact, this is unprecedented, “he said.

In that sense, he said that the handling of what happened was not a surprise for him, adding that “the bishops are a bunch of corrupt people who hid evidence, who destroyed documents, who committed truly criminal acts.” ]

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.