La Tercera
>>Ezzati rules out participation in letter sent by Pope to Episcopal Conference by Bishop Barros
January 12, 2018
[Note: Cardinal Ezzati was the president of the bishops conference and its permanent (standing) committee at the time that Pope Francis sent the letter to the committee. The announcement of his reelection to a three-year term was made on November 7, 2013.]
El Arzobispo de Santiago también se refirió a los templos incendiados durante las últimas horas.
Este viernes el Arzobispo de Santiago, Ricardo Ezzati, recorrió las iglesias afectadas por los ataques incendiarios durante las últimas horas en Peñalolén, Estación Central, Quinta Normal y Recoleta. Además se refirió a la carta enviada por el Papa a la Conferencia Episcopal en 2015 donde abordaba la situación de Barros.
“Nos duelen profundamente estos hechos contradicen el espíritu de paz que anima la visita del Papa al país”, sostuvo Ezatti.
Y llamó a “reflexionar sobre la necesidad de que exista respeto y tolerancia entre todos, para construir una patria de hermanos”.
[Partial Google Translation: “The letter is authentic, what it says there is what the Holy Father says. The content of what the letter says is not my competence, I do not know what may have been behind. The letter was received by the Episcopal Conference, it was not sent to me personally, it was addressed to the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Conference “said Ezzati when asked about this issue.
Consulted by the possibility that the Pope would have contemplated asking Barros to take a sabbatical year, the Archbishop said: “Abuses are always very serious. I have always said that even if there were only one case, that case would be serious. And in front of all the abuses I say that I have a very great clarity and I have acted with a lot of truth and a lot of conscience, in spite of what some deranged minds in the United States say “.
However, he insisted that he can not interpret the intentions of the letter. “Regarding the intentions I had, if it was Monsignor Barros in his dialogue with the nuncio or in his dialogue with the Pope, do not ask me because that is not my competence.]
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.