Radio Universidad de Chile
>>Anne Barrett-Doyle on Bishop Barros: “He should be removed, but we have no hope of that happening”
January 10, 2018
By Maximiliano Alarcón
La representante de Bishop Accountability, organización estadounidense que recopila información en todo el mundo respecto de miembros de la Iglesia Católica acusados de abuso sexual o violación de menores, presentó un listado con 79 nombres del credo en nuestro país vinculados a estos casos. Todo en medio de la visita del Papa Francisco, de quien esperan alguna acción concreta más que palabras.
Durante este miércoles, en medio de la inminente visita del Papa Francisco a nuestro país, la sede de la Fundación para la Confianza sirvió de espacio para que Anne Barrett-Doyle entregara de manera pública los antecedentes que recopilaron con la organización Bishop Accountability respecto de los sacerdotes o miembros de la Iglesia Católica chilena que han sido acusados alguna vez por abusos sexuales o violaciones en contra de menores de edad.
La lista que se encuentra publicada en el sitio consigna a 79 casos nacionales, pero según Barret-Doyle, representante de la organización, es posible que aún existan muchos casos ocultos.
[Partial Google Translation:
Q. Concealment is another of the most serious problems along with cases of abuse or rape. In your experience in other countries, what steps can civil society, journalism or other institutions take to face the cover-up?
A. There must be a law within the church for any bishop or anyone who knows about these abuses to report them. But the real answer comes from outside the church, from lay organizations, from prosecutors who can get involved in this issue and solve it. When a Chilean bishop spends a day in jail you will see changes in the Chilean church.
Q. It is difficult to expect such changes in Chile, which despite being a secular country, invests a large amount of resources in the visit of the pope, in addition to being the church a major player in politics.
A. agree. Investing so much time and resources and not taking concrete actions for the good of the church seems a waste of time.
Q. Do you hope that Pope Francis will make a gesture towards the victims in Chile?
A. In meetings with the victims, which may or may not occur, the really important thing is that after this a change really happens, in the past it has not happened.]
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.