Latest sex abuse victim: “I forgive you”

Pacific News Center

Written by Janela Carrera

Francis Charfauros says it was the testimony of Roy Quintanilla, who says the late Father Jack Niland ignored his cry for help when Quintanilla was sexually abused, that gave him the courage to finally share his story.

Guam – After numerous sex abuse lawsuits being filed by victims who have chosen to conceal their identities. The latest comes from a man who revealed his identity, noting that he now just wants closure.

Francis Charfauros spoke with us via Skype, opening up about his experience and sharing with us that he came forward because of others who came before him.

Charfauros’ lawsuit against the Catholic Church is now the 68th lawsuit to be filed involving civil claims of sexual abuse. It happened 35 years ago when Charfauros was just 14 years old. He never shared it with anyone and soon the abuse became repressed memories of a painful time in his life. It wasn’t until about a year ago when Charfauros heard about Roy Quintanilla’s story.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.