St. Cloud Times
Alyssa Zaczek, azaczek@stcloudtimes.com
July 27, 2016
“When trust is betrayed, community breaks down,” James Hanson said. “We struggled for a long time to come up with a title, but ‘TRUST’ seemed so perfect because it’s what human life is based on.”
Hanson and his friend and artistic partner, John Woehrle, will bring a story of broken trust to The Black Box Theatre in St. Cloud this August in the form of Woehrle’s stage play “TRUST.”
The play follows Michael, a seemingly well-adjusted graduate of a fictional Minnesota university, whose life and family are devastated by the lingering effects of abuse by a trusted member of the clergy.
Woehrle, a Minneapolis-based playwright and actor, developed the script at the Self-Reliant Actor Workshop he teaches at MacPhail Center for Music, a class in which Hanson, a professor of religion and victim of childhood clergy abuse, was a student.
As Woehrle and Hanson forged a close friendship with one another, Woehrle found himself inspired by Hanson’s harrowing real-life story of abuse and shattered trust.
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