A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

September 9, 2015

Pope Francis will visit a US Catholic Church in financial crisis

Christian Today


When Pope Francis makes his first visit to the United States this month he will face a national Catholic Church whose finances are staggering under a shrinking membership and huge payouts to sex-abuse victims, threatening to undermine its social influence.

With the Church still absorbing the roughly $3 billion cost of a clergy sex abuse scandal, another financial crisis is looming – a potentially crippling shortfall in funding the pensions of its ageing priests.

A Reuters review of US Catholic financial disclosures shows the pension funding shortfall in 2014 probably approached $2 billion, with much of that coming due in the next five years as thousands of priests retire.

The US Catholic Church has lost millions of its members over the past 14 years following the child abuse scandal that tarnished its reputation and forced it to sell assets to pay billions of dollars in settlements.

The Church’s finances are also under pressure from emptying pews and a demographic shift among Catholics to the US south and suburbs that has left much of its inner-city bricks and mortar underused and bleeding money.

The financial woes and the destabilizing effect they could have on the Church’s social and educational work will be a constant backdrop to the pope’s September 22-27 visit to Washington, New York and Philadelphia.

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Maurizio child sex trial: 45 potential jurors excused but no jury seated after ‘long’ first day


By David Hurst

A U.S. District Judge spent nearly seven hours Tuesday questioning a pool of prospective jurors for a Central City priest’s sex tourism trial.

But it wasn’t enough to seat a jury.

After excusing 45 potential jurors for extreme hardship or cause – such as bias or prejudice toward one side or the other – Judge Kim R. Gibson said a second batch of prospective jurors would need to be interviewed Wednesday to complete the process.

Out of an original pool of 70 men and women, 25 remained at the close of court.
Gibson is seeking 12 jurors and four alternates to hear the trial evidence.

But the remaining group still falls short because federal prosecutors and the Rev. Joseph Maurizio’s defense team still have an unspecified number of “strikes” they can use to disqualify jurors viewed as unfavorable to their case.

“It’s been a long day,” Gibson told the remaining group.

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Law changes to be part of abuse solution


A ROYAL commission wants major changes to how the Australian legal system handles child sex abuse cases.

THE final recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on redress and civil litigation went to the federal government at the beginning of last week.

Abuse survivors and institutions await the publication of the commission’s proposals, which are due to be tabled in the federal parliament and made public before the end of this week or early next week.

The commission has already signalled the need for changes to limitation periods in child sex abuse cases.

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Tebartz-van Elst muss nicht zahlen

Frankfurter Allgemeine

[Former Limburger Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst does not have to pay compensation to his former diocese. The Vatican Congregation for Bishops in consultation with the Vatican state secretariat made the ruling.]

Der zurückgetretene Limburger Bischof Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst muss keinen Schadenersatz an sein früheres Bistum zahlen. Die römische Bischofskongregation halte im Einvernehmen mit dem Staatssekretariat des Vatikan eine Prüfung von Schadenersatzleistungen sowie die Eröffnung eines entsprechenden kirchenrechtlichen Verfahrens für nicht angebracht, gab das Bistum Limburg am Mittwoch bekannt. Das Bistum hatte die Frage einer materiellen Wiedergutmachung wegen zu hoher Baukosten für den in der maßgeblichen Verantwortung von Tebartz-van Elst errichteten Bischofssitz auf dem Domberg zu Limburg aufgeworfen.

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State police tapped to aid in Calvary investigation

Loudoun Times-Mirror

Wednesday, Sep. 9, 2015 by Crystal Owens

The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office has enlisted the help of the Virginia State Police in the investigation of alleged sexual assaults at Sterling’s Calvary Temple church.

Loudoun County Sheriff Mike Chapman said last week that he has called in additional resources “to have them work with us in an abundance of caution that there could be a conflict of interest.”

The Virginia State Police could completely take over the investigation, which began six months ago, but doing so would mean starting from square one, according to Chapman.

Former Calvary members last week called for the Virginia State Police to take over the investigation over concerns that a member of the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, Sgt. Kevin Robinette, is also a member of the Pentecostal church.

“Considering that you do have a member of the sheriff’s office that belongs to the church, we felt it was a good idea to get a set of independent eyes on it,” Chapman said.

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Child sex charges concern church members

Fox 4

[with video]

People in North Texas are wondering how an accused child sex offender moved from a different state and got a job at a local church.

Former Alabama youth minister Kyle Adcock now works at First Baptist Church of Bedford.

Alabama court documents show has been charged with 29 counts of sexual abuse of a 14-year-old girl between 2010 and 2012, when he was her youth minister.

Photo Child sex charges concern church members
He was working at Woodward Avenue Baptist Church in Muscle Shoals at the time; a city about two hours northwest of Birmingham.

Adcock was living in Frisco at the time of his arrest last year.

Julie Brooks and Jennifer Fawks have teenagers who take classes every week at First Baptist Church of Bedford.

Brooks and Fawks are worried about Adcock working at the church.

“Kids trust ministers,” said Brooks. “And if they are approached by someone who works in the church, you would trust him. You would have no reason not to.”

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Priest who served in McHenry County accused of sexual abuse


AURORA, Ill. –A 70-year-old Aurora priest accused of molesting a boy 40 years ago says he knows nothing about the allegations and had nothing to do with the abuse.

Fr. John Holdren, once an associate pastor with St. Rita of Cascia in Aurora, is accused of molesting a boy repeatedly between 1971 and 1973. The child was between the ages of 7 and 9 at the time.

In a lawsuit filed today, the victim, known only as John Doe JP, says he suffers from PTSD, childhood amnesia and depression, among other things, and is asking for $50,000.

Fr. Holdren says, “Good luck getting the $50,000. I don’t have any money.”

He denies any abuse and says he doesn’t even know the victim.

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No jurors picked in priest’s trial

American Daily

Posted: Wednesday, September 9, 2015

By JUDY D.J. ELLICH judye@dailyamerican.com

JOHNSTOWN — A panel of 70 jurors from five counties spent Tuesday in federal court as part of the selection process for the Rev. Joseph Maurizio Jr.’s sexual abuse trial scheduled to begin Thursday.

At the end of the day, 25 prospective jurors were told to come back to District Judge Kim Gibson’s courtroom Thursday for the final juror selection. Today, another panel of about 70 jurors will repeat the process. On Thursday the two smaller groups of jurors chosen during the two days will combine into a jury pool. The final 12 jurors and four alternates will be chosen by the prosecution and the defense teams from that group. Those people will decide the fate of the suspended 69-year-old Central City priest.

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Spanish court rules archdiocese is liable in altar boy sexual abuse case

The Local

09 Sep 2015

A court has ruled that the archdiocese of Granada can be held civilly liable for the alleged sexual abuse of a teenage altar boy by several priests.

A court ruled on Tuesday on a high profile case that has drawn intervention from Pope Francis.

Judge Antonio Moreno justified his decision on the grounds that accused Catholic priests “responded directly to the archdiocese of Granada” and because the events allegedly took place at parish headquarters.

The judge said any financial compensation which the archdiocese must pay would be established at a later date.

Spanish authorities opened their investigation late last year after a 25-year-old man filed a police complaint alleging that he was sexually abused by several priests in Granada when he was an altar boy between 2004 and 2007.

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September 8, 2015

Directions hearing for Case Study 33

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

9 September, 2015

The Royal Commission will hold a directions hearing in Sydney at 10:00am AEST on Monday 14 September 2015.

The purpose of the directions hearing is to hear from the State of South Australia in relation to production of documents to the Royal Commission.

The directions hearing is related to Case Study 33 into the experience of former child residents at institutions operated by The Salvation Army (Southern Territory) between 1940 and 1990.

The directions hearing will be presided over by Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission, and will be live streamed on the Royal Commission website.

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Priest accused of sexual abuse worked in Kirksville

Daily Express

By Jason Hunsicker

Posted Sep. 8, 2015

Kirksville, Mo.
A priest accused of sexually abusing a Moberly child in the 1960s and 1970s later worked at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Kirksville before abuse allegations led to the Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City placing him on leave.

According to an Associated Press report, David Clohessy received a $40,000 check from the Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City late last week. The check came with a stipulation that Clohessy would not take further legal action against the diocese.

Clohessy had alleged he was sexually abused by Rev. John Whiteley at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Moberly, Mo. According to bishopaccountability.org, Whiteley worked at St. Pius X in 1969 and 1970.

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Choirboy attacks deal for abuse bishop

The Times

Sean O’Neill Chief Reporter
September 9 2015

The leadership of the Crown Prosecution Service was called into question last night after a former choirboy complained that he had been denied justice by a “backroom deal” that allowed a former Anglican bishop to avoid a trial.

Peter Ball, 83, the former Bishop of Gloucester and a friend of the Prince of Wales, admitted a string of sex offences against 18 young men in a plea bargain deal under which prosecutors left

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El juez hace responsable a la Iglesia por el caso de abusos en Granada

El Pais

[The Archbishop of Granada, and by extension the Catholic Church, have to pay any compensation if there is finally a conviction for the alleged sexual abuse of minors by priests who are under investigation in Granada.]

RAÚL LIMÓN Sevilla 8 SEP 2015

El Arzobispado de Granada, y por extensión la Iglesia católica, tendrá que pagar las posibles indemnizaciones si finalmente existe una condena por los supuestos abusos sexuales a menores por parte de sacerdotes que investiga el Juzgado de Instrucción 4 de Granada. El juez considera que, en caso de concretarse las acusaciones, la responsabilidad civil subsidiaria recaerá sobre la dirección de la Iglesia católica en Granada, por su obligación de elegir y vigilar a los sacerdotes implicados en el denominado caso Romanones.

La cuantía de dicha responsabilidad civil se determinará en el momento procesa

En el caso está implicado el sacerdote Román M., jefe del clan imputado por supuestos abusos sexuales contra el joven que envió al Papa una carta denunciando lo que había sufrido entre los 13 y 18 años, cuando era monaguillo. Otros dos curas y un seglar imputados están en libertad con cargos y orden de alejamiento. Los imputados se declararon inocentes y atribuyeron la denuncia a intereses espúreos por parte de los dos exmonaguillos de la parroquia de San Juan María de Vianney.

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Group asks Rockford Catholic Diocese to seek victims after child sex abuse suit filed

Rockford Register Star

By Georgette Braun
Staff writer

Posted Sep. 8, 2015

ROCKFORD — A man who grew up in Aurora claims in a lawsuit filed in Winnebago County Court today that the Rev. John C. Holdren sexually assaulted him in 1972 and 1973.

The 49-year-old man, who lives in Maryland, is identified in court documents as John Doe JP, said his attorney Tim Frieberg of Rockford. The suit alleges that Holdren made unwanted sexual advances and fondled the victim when Holdren was at St. Rita’s of Cascia parish in Aurora.

The suit against Holdren, St. Rita and the Diocese of Rockford seeks damages of more than $50,000.

The suit says the church “knew or should have known of the dangers presented by Fr. Holdren but (failed) to adopt precautionary procedures” and “facilitated and enabled” the priest’s crimes.

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Rockford Priest Accused of Child Abuse


Sep 08, 2015
By: Amanda DeVoe

ROCKFORD (WIFR) — Forty years later, a Maryland man comes forward with new allegations, claiming he was sexually abused by a priest while growing up in Rockford.

“From and early age, the thought of death has been my only comfort to unending pain,” said John Doe in a statement.

Protesters of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, also known as SNAP, are in support of John Doe, who claims priest John Holdren of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford, molested him as a child back in the early 1970s. Today Doe has filed a lawsuit against him.

“Basically, this priest got close to him. Took advantage of his closeness of a priest, and ultimately performed unwanted sexual acts on him. Running the gamut of everything from from fondling to a sodomy,” said Doe’s lawyer Tim Freiberg.

Barbara Blaine of SNAP says Holdren is a pedophile, who needs to be exposed.

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Convicted priest wants to buy St. Paul chancery, aid sex abuse victims

Minnesota Public Radio

Madeleine Baran Sep 8, 2015

The Rev. Gilbert Gustafson, a priest convicted of child sex abuse, is behind a new effort to raise money to buy the headquarters of the Twin Cities archdiocese and turn it into a healing center for abuse survivors.

The website for the nonprofit Gilead Project, which seeks to raise money online, does not mention the priest’s criminal conviction or acknowledge any abuse allegations against Gustafson. It also does not indicate that he is a priest.

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis wants to sell the nearly 60,000 square-foot chancery property across the street from the Cathedral of St. Paul to pay creditors in bankruptcy. The archdiocese’s realtor has listed the price as “negotiable.”

Gustafson is one of two people mentioned by name on the Gilead Project website. The other is Susan Pavlak, who met Gustafson a few years ago at a restorative justice program run by the Minnesota Department of Corrections.

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Iglesia chilena niega que encubrió a sacerdote condenado por abuso sexual

El Nuevo Diario

[The Catholic Church Chile on Wednesday denied covering up for the priest Fernando Karadima, condemned by the Vatican for sexual abuse of minors.]

La Iglesia Católica chilena negó el miércoles haber encubierto al sacerdote Fernando Karadima, condenado por el Vaticano por abuso sexual a menores, en respuesta a la difusión de cartas que comprobarían que se tomaron medidas para ocultar sus acciones.

Karadima, un reconocido formador de obispos, fue denunciado por abuso sexual por cinco hombres que, cuando eran adolescentes, concurrían asiduamente a la parroquia que él dirigida en un exclusivo barrio del este de Santiago.

La justicia chilena cerró sin sanción la causa en su contra en 2010, alegando la prescripción de los delitos, pero el Vaticano declaró culpable a Karadima de abuso sexual contra menores y lo condenó a “retirarse a una vida de oración y penitencia”.

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Spanish court rules archdiocese liable in altar boy sexual abuse case

Yahoo! News

Madrid (AFP) – A Spanish court ruled Tuesday that the archdiocese of the southern city of Granada can be held civilly liable for the alleged sexual abuse of a teenage altar boy by several priests, in a case drawing intervention from Pope Francis.

Judge Antonio Moreno justified his decision on the grounds that accused Catholic priests “responded directly to the archdiocese of Granada” and because the events allegedly took place at parish headquarters.

The judge said any financial compensation which the archdiocese must pay would be established at a later date.

Spanish authorities opened their investigation late last year after a 25-year-old man filed a police complaint alleging that he was sexually abused by several priests in Granada when he was an altar boy between 2004 and 2007. He was aged 14 when he was first abused.

Pope Francis in November told reporters he received a letter documenting abuse from an alleged victim and called him, telling him to report it in person to the Granada diocese.

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Large Number Of Chabad Hasidim Sign Petition…

Failed Messiah

[the petition]

Large Number Of Chabad Hasidim Sign Petition Backing Rabbi Who Harassed, Threatened Child Sex Abuse Victims

The following petition is being circulated in the Chabad community of Melbourne, Australia.

Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Telsner resigned as the top rabbi of Chabad’s Yeshivah Centre after he – again – lashed out a victim of child sex abuse, verbally attacked other victims and their families and showed no remorse for his previous bad behavior.

But powerful Chabad families don’t want Telsner to go, just as they don’t want any of the other disgraced Chabad rabbis to be punished or reprimanded or fired.

And so we now have this petition, which reads in part:

“…We stand behind Rabbi Telsner in solidarity of both him as an individual as well as the position of Rabbi as a representative of the wider community. The Koach HaTorah and Halachic principles must be upheld despite there being impediments and hardships.

“We further insist that the Yeshivah Centre – true to its title of being “Under the auspices of the Lubavitcher Rebbe” – follow the directives, principles and spirit of the Rebbe’s explicit and inferred opinions in its running and operation. This point is not negotiable.…”

The “Koach HaTorah and Halachic principles” the petition is talking about appears to be the prohibition against mesira (informing), meaning don’t “inform” on fellow Jews, even if they are pedophiles or enablers of pedophiles. Don’t call police. Don’t tell the media. Don’t complain. Don’t make a fuss. That essentially what Telsner repeatedly told victims and it’s a big part of what got him in trouble. The petition is saying Telsner was right to threaten victims this way because the halakha and the Torah say so.

(A large number of poskim, decisors of Orthodox Jewish law, even some Chabad poskim, rule that there is no ban against informing when it comes to child sex abuse, and that all child sex abuse must be reported to police. But large portions of Chabad hasidim disagree, apparently including the signatories below.)

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Former Episcopal Bishop Heather Cook Pleads Guilty In Hit-And-Run Case


Former Episcopal bishop Heather Cook has plead guilty to auto manslaughter, DWI, driving while texting and leaving the scene of accident.

Cook’s vehicle struck and killed 41-year-old bicyclist Tom Palermo on a sunny Saturday afternoon in December. Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby stated that Cook’s blood-alcohol level was at .22 after the crash, nearly triple Maryland’s legal limit for driving.

Officials say Cook left the scene of the crash for about 20 minutes before returning.

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Former bishop Heather Cook pleads guilty in death of cyclist

The Baltimore Sun

By Justin Fenton
The Baltimore Sun

Former Episcopal bishop Heather Elizabeth Cook Tuesday pleaded guilty to charges in the December drunken-driving death of a bicyclist in North Baltimore.

Cook appeared in court a day before her trial was scheduled to begin. Her attorney previously had said that they were considering a plea and didn’t want to go through a trial “for everyone’s sake.”

Cook pleaded guilty to automobile manslaughter, driving under the influence of alcohol, leaving the scene of a fatal accident and texting while driving.
probation. Cook will have an opportunity to argue for less time at her sentencing this fall.

In April, Cook, 58, pleaded not guilty to all 13 counts against her, including automobile manslaughter, driving under the influence of alcohol and leaving the scene of an accident, which left 41-year-old bicyclist Thomas Palermo dead.

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Fr. Joseph F. Byrne

Cape News

Posted: Thursday, June 19, 2014


The Reverend Joseph Francis Byrne, 70, of East Falmouth died on June 18.

Fr. Byrne was born in Boston, the son of Joseph and Mary B. (Coursey) Byrne. He was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Boston on May 21, 1969.

He served in St. Matthew Parish in Dorchester, St. John the Baptist Parish in Quincy, St. Albert the Great Parish in Weymouth, and Pastor of Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish in Waltham, before coming to Falmouth in 2003.

Fr. Byrne served in the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations, Project Rachel, and the Office of Spiritual Development. He also was the spiritual director for the Permanent Deaconate Program, the Chrism Adult Education Program, and the Special Needs Religious Education Program of the South Region of the Archdiocese.

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Right Wing Cons Begin to Undermine Our Best Pope in Modern History: They Hate Compassion

Ring of Fire

— September 8, 2015

A small group of conservative Vatican officials are beginning to assembly within the ranks of the Catholic church against Pope Francis, reported the Washington Post. Apparently, they hate the compassionate approach of Pope Francis.

One such conservative is Cardinal Raymond Burke of Wisconsin, and he has “issued a warning” to the pontiff. Burke was demoted by the pope months ago and said that he will “resist” the pope’s liberal changes within the church. Pope Francis has been accepting of LGBT people, called against corporate greed and corruption, and supports the pro-environmental agenda.

“We have a serious issue right now, a very alarming situation where Catholic priests and bishops are saying and doing things that are against what the church teaches, talking about same-sex unions, about Communion for those who are living in adultery,” said an anonymous, conservative Vatican official said. “And yet the pope does nothing to silence them. So the inference is that this is what the pope wants.”

The arguments of conservative Vatican officials against Pope Francis sound very much like the arguments that Republicans make against Democratic presidents. They create hysteria among followers by saying the church is out of control and and has lost its course. Burke said the Catholic church under Pope Francis is “a ship without a rudder.”

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SNAP Update: Church Officials Pretend to be Powerless About Predator Priests

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

By David Clohessy

No warnings, no outreach, no way, no how

At best, I’ll seem ungrateful. But I’m not.

At worst, I’ll seem whiny. You decide.

The gap between how the Catholic hierarchy is and ought to be is perhaps most clearly seen in this one simple fact: when it comes to fighting abuse survivors, church officials “pull out all the stops,” but when it comes to seeking out and helping abuse survivors, church officials pretend to be powerless.

When a bishop learns that survivors are pushing for legislative reform to help expose predators, he goes “whole hog,” hiring lobbyists and public relations experts and aggressively mobilizing church staff and members with new conferences, public statements, op-eds, bulletin notices, website pleas, pulpit announcements and direct mail to parishioners’ homes, begging them to push lawmakers to protect the bishop’s interests and block survivors seeking justice.

But when a bishop hears about an abuse case, virtually all of these resources and mechanisms are ignored. Have you ever heard or seen a bishop say “We suspect that Fr. Mike may have molested more than just one girl, so we’re doing everything humanly possible to find and help others he’s hurt.”

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Alleged sexual misconduct against Vernon Leis, deceased pastor

The Mennonite

MCEC responds to allegations against Vernon Leis, deceased

Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) has received an allegation of sexual and ethical misconduct against a former credentialed pastor, the late Vernon Leis. “It is a painful recognition of human sin and failure,” says an August 31 news release from MCEC. “In the midst of this challenging and painful situation, MCEC will do its best to walk alongside all those who are impacted.”

Leis, 60, was killed in a head-on collision while driving home in the late afternoon of Feb. 26, 1994, on Highway 7 near Baden, Ont. Pastor of East Zorra Mennonite Church (Tavistock, Ont.), Leis, a well-known figure in the conference, was the first moderator of MCEC and chair of the Canadian Mennonite Publisher Service, among other positions. (See more about him at GAMEO.)

In a situation such as this, the release says, “MCEC typically removes the pastor from ministry until an investigation has been completed. As part of such an investigation, the accused pastor is advised of the specifics of the accusation, and given an opportunity to respond and tell his/her side of the story.

“In the case of an allegation against a deceased pastor, it was not possible to follow the usual investigative course, nor to give the pastor an opportunity to respond,” says MCEC. MCEC’s Executive Council therefore established a task group to advise on how to respond to this unique situation. After review, MCEC is satisfied that the complainant’s account is sufficiently compelling and credible, despite MCEC’s inability to test it in the usual investigative fashion.

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Peter Ball victims accuse C of E, police and CPS of sexual abuse cover-up

The Guardian

Sandra Laville
Tuesday 8 September 2015

The Church of England, the police and senior prosecutors are accused by victims of a former bishop who sexually abused more than 18 young men of presiding over an establishment cover-up that prevented him facing justice for decades.

Details of how Peter Ball, the former bishop of Lewes and Gloucester, escaped justice 22 years ago can finally be revealed after he pleaded guilty on Tuesday to two counts of indecent assault and one charge of misconduct in public office, relating to the sexual abuse of 16 young men over a period of 15 years from 1977 to 1992.

Ball was not charged when the allegations of abuse against him first emerged in 1993. Instead the police and senior figures in the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), then led by the late Barbara Mills, agreed to issue Ball with a caution. This was done with the knowledge of the then Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey. Ball proceeded to resign as bishop and went to live in a property lent to him by his friend, the Prince of Wales.

Since 1993, those who accused Ball of abuse have struggled to be believed. Phil Johnson, who alleged 19 years ago that Ball had sexually abused him as a 13-year-old boy, said the last two decades amounted to an establishment cover-up.

“He is very well connected,” said Johnson. “There has been pressure on the police ever since 1993 when all this first emerged. It’s been going on for years.

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Assignment Record– Rev. Adalbert J. Wolski, T.O.R.


Summary of Case: Aldabert Wolski was ordained a Third Order Regular of St. Francis priest in 1958. He was assigned to parishes, seminaries and at least one high school in dioceses including Altoona-Johnstown PA, Coronel Oviedo in Paraguay, St. Cloud MN, St. Paul and Minneapolis MN, Washington DC, Youngstown OH and Wheeling-Charleston WV. He died in 2012 at his order’s monastery in Hollidaysburg PA. In January 2014 Adalbert’s name was included on a list released by the St. Cloud MN diocese of clergy with likely claims against them of sexual abuse of minors. Wolski was assigned to St. Cloud’s Cathedral High School 1964-1965.

Born: February 13, 1931
Ordained: June 7, 1958
Died: January 3, 2012

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Pedofilia, accuse a don Zappella: «Calunnie».

Rete L’Abuso

Il sacerdote dà le dimissioni ma il vescovo le respinge: «Sono il bersaglio di una vendetta»

SAVONA. «Sono sereno perché non ho commesso niente. Si tratta di calunnie. Comunque ho consegnato il mio mandato al vescovo Borghetti che mi ha detto di stare tranquillo». Don Francesco Zappella, parroco missionario in Uruguay e titolare della parrocchia di Sant’Antonio da Padova di Borghetto, si trova al centro di un’inchiesta (al momento senza indagati e iscritta nel registro delle notizie non costituenti reato) della magistratura in seguito alla denuncia di L.M. F., brasiliano di 29 anni, che lo accusa di averlo violentato ripetutamente nella missione della cittadina uruguaya Treinta e Tres e in un alloggio di Albenga.

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20 Burschen missbraucht? Schwere Sex-Vorwürfe gegen englischen Bischof



Ein ehemaliger Bischof der Church of England hat zugegeben, mehr als zwanzig junge Männer sexuell missbraucht zu haben. Entsprechende Vorwürfe standen schon seit Jahrzehnten im Raum.
Peter Ball, von 1991 bis 1993 Bischof von Lewes und Gloucester, hat sich heute Vormittag vor dem Old Bailey, dem Londoner Gericht, mit zitternder Stimme schuldig bekannt, zwei junge Männer sexuell belästigt zu haben und eine Amtsverletzung begangen zu haben: Diese beinhaltet den sexuellen Missbrauch von 19 jungen Männern zwischen 1977 und 1992. Ball war dem Gericht über Video aus Taunton zugeschlaltet.

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Anglikaner-Bischof gesteht sexuellen Missbrauch


Der 83-jährige anglikanische Bischof Peter Ball hat am Dienstag, 8. September, zugegeben, zwei Jungen sexuell missbraucht zu haben. Der frühere Bischof von Lewes und Gloucester habe die Taten, die sich zwischen 1980 und 1983 sowie zwischen 1990 und 1991 ereignet hätten, während einer Gerichtsverhandlung in London gestanden, berichtet der britische Sender BBC.

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Chile: Vertuschungsvorwürfe gegen Kardinal Errazuriz

Radio Vatikan

[Chile: cover-up accusations against Cardinal Errazuriz.]

Gegen Kardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz ist wegen des Vorwurfs der Missbrauchsvertuschung Anzeige erhoben worden. Medienberichten vom Montag (Ortszeit) zufolge reichte der Anwalt eines Missbrauchsopfers des katholischen Geistlichen Fernando Karadima Farina (84) Klage gegen Errazuriz ein. Darin beruft er sich unter anderem auf Briefe von Errazuriz, in denen dieser Karadima und dem ebenfalls beschuldigten Geistlichen Diego Ossa Verhaltenstipps gegeben habe.

In einem Brief fordere Errazuriz Ossa dazu auf, eine Schadenersatzzahlung als einen Akt der Barmherzigkeit darzustellen und nicht als Mittel, um einen Kläger ruhigzustellen, heißt es. Die Briefe stammen aus der Zeit, als Errazuriz noch nicht in den Kardinalsrang erhoben worden war.

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Spanish court rules archdiocese liable in altar boy sexual abuse case


8th September 2015

A Spanish court ruled Tuesday that the archdiocese of the southern city of Granada can be held civilly liable for the alleged sexual abuse of a teenage altar boy by several priests, in a case drawing intervention from Pope Francis.

Judge Antonio Moreno justified his decision on the grounds that accused Catholic priests “responded directly to the archdiocese of Granada” and because the events allegedly took place at parish headquarters.

The judge said any financial compensation which the archdiocese must pay would be established at a later date.

Spanish authorities opened their investigation late last year after a 25-year-old man filed a police complaint alleging that he was sexually abused by several priests in Granada when he was an altar boy between 2004 and 2007. He was aged 14 when he was first abused.

Pope Francis in November told reporters he received a letter documenting abuse from an alleged victim and called him, telling him to report it in person to the Granada diocese.

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Jury selection underway in Johnstown priest’s sex tourism case

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

September 8, 2015

By Torsten Ove / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Jury selection is underway in the federal trial in Johnstown of a suspended Catholic priest accused of traveling to Honduras to molest young boys during missionary trips.

The Rev. Joseph Maurizio, 70, formerly pastor at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Somerset County, is charged with engaging in illicit sex in foreign places, possession of child pornography and transferring money into and out of the country for unlawful purposes.

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CA–Victims want local Catholic officials to take action

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

Pedophile priests are expose
They worked in the Sacramento area
But each was “publicly outed” elsewhere
Victims want local Catholic officials to take action
“Almost no one here knows about them,” group says
SNAP to bishop: “Warn your flock & reach out to others”

On the eve of the Pope Francis’ visit to the US, while holding signs and childhood photos, clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters will

–disclose the names of three predator priests who worked in the Sacramento area but mostly molested elsewhere and were “exposed” elsewhere, and
–urge anyone who “saw, suspected or suffered” their crimes to call police, so that “both those who commit and those who conceal child sex crimes might be prosecuted.”

They will also prod local Catholic officials to:

–use church bulletins and pulpit announcements to seek out other “victims, witnesses and whistleblowers” who may be “suffering in silence,” and
–beg them to permanently post on church websites the names of local predator priests (like 30 other US bishops have done).

Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 1:45 p.m.

Outside the Sacramento Catholic diocese headquarters (“chancery”), 2011 Broadway, Sacramento, CA

Three-four adults who were abused as kids by clerics and who belong to a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAPnetwork.org), including a Missouri man who is the organization’s long-time director

Some are aware of the 20 publicly accused Sacramento predator priests who have been suspended, prosecuted or sued in this area. Virtually no one, however, has heard about at least 11 predator priests who worked in Sacramento but were publicly exposed as child molesters in other places.

A victims group is especially concerned about three of these clerics who are still alive. That group, SNAP, wants Bishop Jaime Soto to publicize the predators’ names and “aggressively reach out to anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered their crimes” so that “these dangerous men might be prosecuted and kids might be safer.”

The clerics SNAP is most worried about are:

–Fr. Robert “Bob” Marsicek, who was first exposed as a credibly accused abuser in 2013 in Milwaukee where he now lives. During the 1980s and 1990s, he was a priest and Boy Scout chaplain in Sacramento. In 2012, Sacramento police launched an investigation of Fr. Marsicek after a local woman reported that he had abused her two sons in Sacramento.

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Juzgan a sacerdote que buscó sexo con menores en Honduras

El Universo


Este martes comenzó la selección de jurados en el caso de un sacerdote católico estadounidense suspendido y acusado de tener relaciones sexuales con niños de la calle en Honduras durante sus viajes como misionero.

El reverendo Joseph Maurizio Jr., está en la cárcel desde hace un año, cuando los fiscales federales lo acusaron de abusar de un niño y poseer pornografía infantil. La acusación fue ampliada en abril para incluir abusos a otros dos niños y el envío ilegal por el sacerdote de 8.000 dólares a una organización caritativa para ayudarle en sus viajes, que finalizaron en 2009.

El cura de 70 años se ha declarado inocente de todos los cargos y conserva el apoyo de algunos parroquianos de Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Angeles, la iglesia de la que fue párroco hasta su suspensión debido a los cargos.

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El juez declara a la Iglesia responsable civil en el caso de los abusos sexuales en Granada

El Mundo

[A judge in Spain has declared the Catholic Church has civil responsibility in sexual abuse cases in Granada allegedly perpetrated by members of the Romanones clan.The writ describes harshly attitude of the Archbishop of Granada, Archbishop Francisco Javier Martinez, who had failed in his duty of “surveillance.”]

El Juzgado de Instrucción número 4 de Granada ha declarado la responsabilidad civil subsidiaria del Arzobispado en el ‘caso Romanes’, en el que se investigan los presuntos abusos sexuales a menores por parte de un grupo de sacerdotes.

El auto judicial califica con dureza la actitud del arzobispo de Granada, monseñor Francisco Javier Martínez, que habría incumplido su deber de “vigilancia, policía o seguimiento recomendados tanto por la Santa Sede como por la Conferencia Episcopal”.

En un auto de ocho folios que lleva fecha de hoy martes, 9 de septiembre, el magistrado Antonio Moreno, titular del Juzgado que investiga los hechos, considera que las personas imputadas, que actuaron en su condición de sacerdotes, dependían directamente del Arzobispado de Granada. Los imputados, cuatro sacerdotes y un seglar profesor de Religión, habrían aprovechado casas parroquiales o sedes de la Iglesia para el reclutamiento y aprovechamiento de sus víctimas. La Audiencia Provincial de Granada debe dictaminar este mismo mes de septiembre si el grueso de los delitos que se les imputan estarían ya prescritos y solo afectarían, por su mayor grado de gravedad -abuso sexual continuado-, al sacerdote Román Martínez, que ejercía de líder del grupo y da nombra al clan.

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Ex-Church of England bishop Peter Ball, 83, admits sex crimes dating back four decades

Evening Standard

PAUL CHESTON Tuesday 8 September 2015

A former Church of England bishop today pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to sex crimes dating back nearly 40 years.

Peter Ball, 83, the former Bishop of Lewes in East Sussex and Bishop of Gloucester, admitted misconduct in public office between 1977 and 1992.

He is said to have “misused his position and authority to manipulate and to prevail upon others for his own sexual gratification.”

Ball also pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a man aged 19 to 20 between 1980 and 1982 and a man over 16 between 1990 and 1991.

However he denied further charges of indecent assault on a boy then aged between 12 and 13 in 1978 and on a boy under 16 between 1984 and 1985.

These not guilty pleas were accepted by prosecutor Bobbie Cheema QC and they were left to lie on the file.

Ms Cheema told the court there had been a great deal of communication between prosecutors and the defence that had resulted in the pleas.

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Retired bishop, 83, admits sex offences against 18 young men

The Times

Sean O’Neill Chief Reporter
September 8 2015

A former Church of England bishop has pleaded guilty in a landmark case at the Old Bailey to a string of sexual offences against young men.

Peter Ball, a friend of the Prince of Wales and former Bishop of Gloucester, admitted a charge of misconduct in a public office by abusing his position to exploit up to 18 young men for his sexual gratification.

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Ex Church of England Bishop…

Daily Mail

Ex Church of England Bishop, 82, who once described Prince Charles as a ‘loyal friend’ admits sexually abusing 18 teenagers and young men over a thirty-year period


A disgraced ex-bishop has admitted sexually assaulting two young men after failing in a bid to get his case thrown out on the word of an Archbishop of Canterbury who was assured the matter was closed 20 years ago.

Former Bishop of Lewes Peter Ball, 83, faced allegations of abusing boys and young men in Litlington, East Sussex, in the 1970s and 1980s after a review by the Church of England in 2012 prompted police action.

Today, weeks before his trial was due to start at the Old Bailey, Ball, who has suffered ill health but was deemed fit to stand trial, dramatically pleaded guilty to misconduct in a public office between 1977 and 1992.

He also admitted two counts of indecent assault on two separate males between 1980 and 1983 and between 1990 and 1991.

Two other counts of indecent assault on a boy of 12 or 13 and a 15-year-old youth were denied and will lie on file.

Ball, who entered his plead via video-link from Taunton, which is near his home in Langport, Somerset, was granted bail and will be sentenced on October 7 following a pre-sentence report.

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Ex-bishop owns up at last to sex abuse in case Church thought they had shut down

Yorkshire Post

Tuesday 08 September 2015

An ex-bishop who abused 18 young men and aspiring priests over 30 years has finally admitted his guilt after a last-ditch effort to throw his case out on the word of a former Archbishop of Canterbury failed.

Former Bishop of Lewes Peter Ball, 83, used religion as a “cloak” to manipulate his victims, many of whom were in their teens, after they came to his home to explore their spirituality.

In 1993, he accepted a caution in relation to one young man and resigned his post, believing the matter was closed despite police being aware of two more complaints.

But in 2012, prompted by a Church of England review, Sussex Police reopened the case and last year charged him with a string of sex offences against teenage boys and young men who had gone to his former home in Litlington, East Sussex.

Earlier this year, Mr Justice Sweeney refused to dismiss the case on a legal technicality after it emerged Ball and former archbishop Lord Carey had been assured in 1993 that there would be no future action once he accepted the caution.

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Other Pontifical Acts

Vatican Information Service

Vatican City, 8 September 2015 (VIS) – The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Raymond Poisson, auxiliary of Saint-Jerome, Canada, as bishop of Joliette (area 8,800, population 281,000, Catholics 256,000, priests 113, permanent deacons 7, religious 230), Canada.

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Jury Selection Set in Pennsylvania Priest’s Sex Tourism Case

ABC News

PITTSBURGH — Sep 8, 2015

By JOE MANDAK Associated Press

Jury selection is set to begin Tuesday for a suspended western Pennsylvania Catholic priest charged with traveling to Honduras to have sex with poor street children during missionary trips.

The Rev. Joseph Maurizio Jr., has been jailed since last fall when federal prosecutors in Johnstown accused him of molesting one boy and possessing child pornography. A new indictment in April added charges involving two other boys and that the Somerset County priest illegally sent $8,000 to a charity to help facilitate the trips which ended in 2009.

The 70-year-old priest has denied the allegations and has continued to be supported by some members of Our Lady Queen of Angels, the church he pastored before being placed on leave because of the charges.

U.S. District Judge Kim Gibson is expected to rule on two key issues before testimony begins Wednesday.

Federal prosecutors want to use an expert witness to describe the effects of sexual abuse on children, so prosecutors can argue that Maurizio’s victims were similarly affected. The judge also has ruled that prosecutors can call a witness, now an adult, who also claims he was molested by Maurizio while just a boy, even though he’s not one of the three alleged victims in the case.

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MCEC responds to allegations against Vernon Leis, deceased

The Mennonite

Last week, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada sent out a release saying it had received “an allegation of sexual and ethical misconduct” against Vernon Leis, deceased church leader, that was “compelling and credible.” Click here for a biography of Leis on GAMEO.

Leis, 60, was killed in a head-on collision while driving home in the late afternoon of Feb. 26, 1994, on Highway 7 near Baden. Pastor of East Zorra Mennonite Church, Leis, a well-known figure in the conference, was the first moderator of MCEC and chair of the Canadian Mennonite Publisher Service, among other positions, according to reporting by Canadian Mennonite. When contacted by Canadian Mennonite for a statement, the Leis family chose not to comment.

This is the statement released on Sept. 4:

Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) has received an allegation of sexual and ethical misconduct implicating a former credentialed pastor, Vernon Leis. In a situation such as this, MCEC typically removes the pastor from ministry until an investigation has been completed.

As part of such an investigation, the accused pastor is advised of the specifics of the accusation, and given an opportunity to respond and tell his/her side of the story.

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5 faith facts about Lawrence Lessig: long shot freedom fighter

Religion News Service

Brian Pellot | September 8, 2015

(RNS) Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig made good on a promise to run for president after crowdfunding his $1 million goal from more than 8,000 donors in the month leading up to Labor Day. Lessig wants to be America’s first “referendum president,” holding the top job only as long as it takes to pass his proposed Citizen Equality Act of 2017, which would reform the voting process, campaign finance rules and Congressional representation. Achieving that, his Veep — candidates include comedian Jon Stewart and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson –would take over as Commander-in-Chief.

Lessig may be a long shot, but with the improbable Donald Trump still dominating polls, we’re not ruling anyone out… Here are five faith facts:

1. He was a choirboy.

As a kid, Lessig sang for his church choir in Williamsport, Pa., and went on to attend the nonsectarian American Boychoir School in Princeton, N.J., where a choir director sexually abused him and other classmates. In 2006, Lessig defended before the New Jersey Supreme Court a fellow alum, succeeding in stripping some immunity from nonprofits that fail to prevent abuse. Lessig criticized the Catholic Church in 2008 for defending its own immunity, a move he said “will guarantee more kids are abused in the future,” and accused the church of protecting its own self interest during the clergy sex abuse scandal.

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Ex-bishop admits sex abuse 20 years after victims complained


A disgraced ex-bishop has admitted sexually assaulting two young men after failing in a bid to get his case thrown out on the word of an Archbishop of Canterbury who was assured the matter was closed 20 years ago.

Former Bishop of Lewes Peter Ball, 83, faced allegations of abusing boys and young men in Litlington, East Sussex, in the 1970s and 1980s after a review by the Church of England in 2012 prompted police action.

Earlier this year, Mr Justice Sweeney refused to dismiss the case on a legal technicality based on the argument that Ball and former archbishop Lord Carey had been assured in 1993 that there would be no future action.

Today, weeks before his trial was due to start at the Old Bailey, Ball, who has suffered ill health but was deemed fit to stand trial, dramatically pleaded guilty to misconduct in a public office between 1977 and 1992.

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Former bishop Peter Ball admits sex offences

BBC News

A former bishop has admitted sexually assaulting two young men in the 1980s and 1990s.

Peter Ball, 83, former Bishop of Lewes and Bishop of Gloucester, pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault at the Old Bailey.

He also admitted misconduct in a public office between 1977 and 1992.

Ball faced allegations of abusing boys and young men in Litlington, East Sussex, after a review by the Church of England in 2012 prompted police action.

He had failed in a bid to get his case thrown out on the word of a former Archbishop of Canterbury.

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Current opportunities at IICSA

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

8 September

The Independent Inquiry has been set up by the Home Secretary to consider the institutional failings that allowed child sexual abuse to happen in the past and to make recommendations to prevent it from happening in the future. During the course of the Inquiry, our vacancies will be advertised on the Civil Service Jobs website. Details of our current vacancies can be found below.

Clinical Psychologist

The Clinical Psychologist will be consulted on the development of IICSA’s core processes to ensure that the work of the Inquiry reflects clinical expertise. They will be responsible for developing and delivering the provision of support for victims and survivors. They will also be responsible for developing and delivering training to members of the Secretariat.

For more information, including closing date, and to apply for the role, please visit the Civil Service Jobs website:

Read more about the Clinical Psychologist role

Research Lead

The Research Lead will be responsible for delivering key elements of the Inquiry’s research, which will include the development and approval of the design for these research projects, as well as managing their delivery. Leading a small team of specialist researchers they will also be expected to make a clear contribution to the wider research strategy for the Inquiry, ensuring that it properly supports the work of the Inquiry.

For more information, including closing date, and to apply for the role, please visit the Civil Service Jobs website:

Read more about the Research Lead role

Private Secretary to the Panel

As a Private Secretary, supporting one of the four Panel members appointed by the Home Secretary, you will be at the heart of this once in a generation Inquiry. Your role will be to ensure the smooth running of the work of the Panel member.

For more information, including closing date, and to apply for the role, please visit the Civil Service Jobs website:

Read more about the Private Secretary to the Panel role

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Pope’s annulment reform will recalibrate the Synod of Bishops, and more


By John L. Allen Jr.
Associate editor September 8, 2015

In his latest reform move, Pope Francis on Tuesday issued two new legal documents, each technically known as a motu proprio, the thrust of which is to make it faster, easier, and less expensive to obtain an annulment.

In Catholic parlance, an “annulment” means a ruling by a Church court that a union between a man and a woman, even if it featured a Church wedding, is not a valid marriage because it fails one of the traditional tests, such as a lack of genuine consent or a psychological incapacity to undertake the obligations.

Annulments are hugely important at the retail level of the faith, because for Catholics whose relationships break down and who want to get married in the Church to someone else, they first have to obtain one.

It’s no accident that Francis is making this move on the cusp of a special “Holy Year of Mercy” that he has decreed will begin Dec. 8, the same day these changes take effect. On Tuesday, he said the decision was driven by a pastoral desire to lift the “darkness of doubt” from people’s hearts about their marital status.

While experts will pour over the details in the days to come, here are three immediate observations about what it means.

The decision will recalibrate the discussion at October’s second edition of the Synod of Bishops on the family, likely reducing the emphasis on the question of Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics and creating space for other issues to emerge.

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Insight – As Pope visit nears, US Catholic Church faces financial strain

Channel News Asia

BOSTON: When Pope Francis makes his first visit to the United States this month he will face a national Catholic Church whose finances are staggering under a shrinking membership and huge payouts to sex-abuse victims, threatening to undermine its social influence.

With the Church still absorbing the roughly US$3 billion cost of a clergy sex abuse scandal, another financial crisis is looming – a potentially crippling shortfall in funding the pensions of its ageing priests.

A Reuters review of U.S. Catholic financial disclosures shows the pension funding shortfall in 2014 likely approached US$2 billion, with much of that coming due in the next five years as thousands of priests retire.

The U.S. Catholic Church has lost millions of its members over the past 14 years following the child abuse scandal that tarnished its reputation and forced it to sell assets to pay billions of dollars in settlements.

The Church’s finances are also under pressure from emptying pews and a demographic shift among Catholics to the U.S. south and suburbs that has left much of its inner-city bricks and mortar underused and bleeding money.

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Former bishop admits sexually abusing young men

The Guardian

Sandra Laville Crime correspondent
Tuesday 8 September 2015

A former Church of England bishop has admitted sexually abusing more than 20 young men decades after his victims first complained.

Peter Ball, the former bishop of Lewes and Gloucester, pleaded guilty on Tuesday morning to two counts of indecent assault relating to two young men and one charge of misconduct in public office, which relates to the sexual abuse of 19 young men over a period of 15 years from 1977 to 1992.

Ball, 83, has connections to Prince Charles, whom he has described in the past as “a loyal friend”.

Ball was a senior figure in the diocese before he was enthroned as the bishop of Gloucester in 1991, a ceremony attended by Prince Charles. When Ball resigned in 1993 he moved to Manor Lodge, in the Somerset village of Aller. The wisteria-clad property is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, the private estate headed by Charles.

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BREAKING NEWS: Former bishop admits sex abuse charges

Eastbourne Herald

A former Church of England bishop is facing jail after admitting abusing his position to indecently assault two men in the 80s and 90s.

Peter Ball, 82, the former Bishop of Lewes, today (Tuesday) pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault and admitted misconduct in public office spanning more than 15 years.

The frail pensioner appeared at the Old Bailey via videolink to enter the pleas, after losing a protracted legal battle to avoid the charges.

He had thought the sex offences charges had gone away after the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, personally intervened to ensure he would not be prosecuted.

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Sex abuse trial to begin for Johnstown-area priest

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

By Torsten Ove / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

An unusual federal trial gets underway today in Johnstown as the Justice Department squares off with a suspended Roman Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing orphans in Honduras between 2004 and 2009.

The government says the Rev. Joseph Maurizio, 69, is a serial child molester and will present three Honduran men who say they were assaulted by Father Maurizio when they were children during his visits there under the guise of performing charity work. He is now in federal custody.

His lawyer, Steven Passarello of Altoona, declined to comment on his trial strategy but in court papers has indicated he will attack the credibility of the witnesses and the conclusions of a psychologist who will testify for the government as an expert on child abuse.

Both sides have won a few battles in pretrial sparring.

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Cardinal told of Bishop’s bullying nature

Malta Today

Jurgen Balzan 8 September 2015

Gozo bishop Mario Grech’s “reprehensible behaviour” could have cost him the post of Archbishop which Paul Cremona vacated last year due to medical reasons.

A letter that MaltaToday has seen shows how members of the clergy raised their concerns on Grech with high-ranking members of the Holy See, including Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who heads the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community.

Sources said that Grech was favourite to fill in Cremona’s boots but that the Vatican opted for Charles Scicluna at the eleventh hour, when it is thought that the protests voiced by members of the clergy swayed the decision Scicluna’s way.

This apparently soured Grech’s relationship with some elements of the Gozitan Church who warned the Vatican of his negative and “hostile” attitude.

Various clergymen spoke to MaltaToday since its report last week on how Grech had failed to carry out the Vatican’s order to defrock Dominic Camilleri – up to last week Camilleri still said mass in a private chapel and presented himself as a priest.

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Start the conversation with children

Cape Cod Times

By Stacy Gallagher

Posted Sep. 8, 2015 at 2:01 AM

The national spotlight shined recently on Jared Fogle for possessing child pornography. A few weeks ago, a Mashpee physician was sentenced in federal court in Boston after he was convicted of child pornography. A priest in Louisville, Kentucky, was arrested for taking and having sexually inappropriate photos of his littlest parishioners. The list could go on and on.

These are just a few stories from the police blotter and, while none of these cases is all that unique, all constitute what those of us in child advocacy are charged to combat every day: the sobering statistics that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday and 1 in 5 will be solicited for sex online. It’s our charge to educate our community that child sexual abuse happens on the public stage, at churches and in our own backyards.

What we don’t talk about often are the children and their stories. We don’t because we are bound to protect the children and their families from further trauma and respect their right to privacy. You see, it’s at the core of a child advocate to protect children from further trauma at all costs.

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Church commission denies wrongdoing in dismissal of Gozitan paedophile priest

Malta Today

Jurgen Balzan 8 September 2015

The Maltese Church’s Safeguarding Commission has told MaltaToday that a Gozitan priest accused of abusing minors was defrocked by the Vatican in 2013 and the decision was reconfirmed earlier this year.

This came after the Gozo curia’s statement which said the priest, Dominic Camilleri, was informed of his dismissal in March of this year.

But despite the Vatican’s orders, this newspaper is informed that before MaltaToday’s revelations last week, Camilleri still celebrated mass in a private chapel, wore clerical clothing and presented himself in public as a priest.

MaltaToday last week reported that in 2013, the Vatican had upheld its original decision to defrock Camilleri, who was first investigated by the Maltese church over the sexual abuse of minors 12 years ago.

However, sources told MaltaToday that Gozo bishop Mario Grech had not yet carried out Camilleri’s dismissal adding that this could be connected to the shamed priest’s alleged threats to expose other cases of sexual abuse involving Gozitan priests.

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September 7, 2015

Conservative dissent is brewing inside the Vatican

Washington Post

By Anthony Faiola
September 7

VATICAN CITY — On a sunny morning earlier this year, a camera crew entered a well-appointed apartment just outside the 9th-century gates of Vatican City. Pristinely dressed in the black robes and scarlet sash of the princes of the Roman Catholic Church, the Wisconsin-born Cardinal Raymond Burke sat in his elaborately upholstered armchair and appeared to issue a warning to Pope Francis.

A staunch conservative and Vatican bureaucrat, Burke had been demoted by the pope a few months earlier, but it did not take the fight out of him. Francis had been backing a more inclusive era, giving space to progressive voices on divorced Catholics as well as gays and lesbians. In front of the camera, Burke said he would “resist” liberal changes — and seemed to caution Francis about the limits of his authority. “One must be very attentive regarding the power of the pope,” Burke told the French news crew.

Papal power, Burke warned, “is not absolute.” He added, “The pope does not have the power to change teaching [or] doctrine.”

Burke’s words belied a growing sense of alarm among strict conservatives, exposing what is fast emerging as a culture war over Francis’s papacy and the powerful hierarchy that governs the Roman Catholic Church.

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U of M law prof to head National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

Canadian Lawyer

Written by Myron Love
Monday, 07 September 2015

Aimée Craft, an assistant professor at the University of Manitoba’s law school, has been appointed director of research for the newly opened National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

The establishment of the new centre, Craft explains, flows from the settlement agreement arrived at from the residential school class actions. The University of Manitoba was one of several universities that applied to to establish such a centre.

“Our university was chosen for the centre, the only one of its kind in Canada flowing from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission settlement agreement,” she says. ‘We will be collaborating with other universities and partners across the country.

“Our work here will be centered around policy changes resulting from the TRC, research into the legacy impact on residential school survivors and their families, and larger societal relations in terms of reconciliation.

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Jury selection slated for priest accused of sex tourism

Washington Times

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (AP) – Jury selection is scheduled to begin Tuesday in western Pennsylvania for the federal trial of a suspended Roman Catholic priest accused of having traveled to Honduras to have sex with poor street children during missionary trips.

Federal prosecutors in Johnstown accuse The Rev. Joseph Maurizio Jr. of molesting three boys and possessing child pornography. The 69-year-old priest is also accused of funneling $8,000 through a charity to facilitate the trips, which ended in 2009.

Attorneys say they expect the trial to last several weeks and include witnesses flown in from Central America to testify with the aid of translators.

Defense attorney Stephen Passarello has said he plans to call witnesses to challenge the allegations. He also says the FBI?investigated the same matter five years ago and never filed charges.

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Rete L’Abuso

L’inchiesta si è spostata sui conti correnti La procura “irrompe”nella vita di un parroco di Borghetto accusato di violenza sessuale.

SAVONA. Si sposta anche sui conti correnti del prete missionario ingauno, l’inchiesta della procura avviata all’indomani della denuncia di un ventinovenne brasiliano su presunte violenze sessuali subite nel 2005 durante un soggiorno in Liguria a casa del sacerdote – precisamente ad Albenga e in precedenza nella missione uruguaiana della città di Treinta y Tres. Il sostituto procuratore Giovanni Battista Ferro ha infatti in caricato gli uomini della polizia giudiziaria di portare elementi a comprova delle pesantissime accuse mosse dal giovane fatto arrivare in Italia dall’associazione Rete l’Abuso, presieduta da Francesco Zanardi. Gli inquirenti vogliono mettere punti fermi soprattutto sul momento storico in cui si sarebbero compiute le violenze da parte del prete che era anche tutore del giovane.

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[Don Dino, a priest who was arrested, remains in jail. But the scandal has unleased anger on social networks. He is charged with child prostitution and child pornography.]

Resta in carcere Don Dino, i giudici del Riesame hanno respinto la richiesta di scarcerazione da parte del difensore del parroco arrestato nel maggio scorso con l’accusa di pedo-pornografia e prostituzione minorile. Negati anche gli arresti domiciliari presso la struttura religiosa.

La vicenda e l’arresto

Ancora un altro scandalo per la Chiesa italiana, un parroco è stato arrestato con l’accusa di prostituzione minorile e pedo-pornografia. Succede a Fiumicino, Don Dino arrestato in flagranza di reato, possedeva 1.700 foto di bambini in pose hard, scatti molto compromettenti, che custodiva all’interno del suo computer.

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Rete L’Abuso

PEDOFILIA; indagine oltreoceano per il parroco di Borghetto S. Spirito, Francesco Zappella e altri due sacerdoti cattolici.

[The advocacy organization Rete L’Abuso is working with relevant authorities in Uruguay for a formal lawsuit against Italian priest Francis Zappella and two other Uruguayan colleagues.]


L’associazione Rete L’ABUSO Onlus rende noto che è stata formalizzata questa mattina presso le autorità competenti in Uruguay formale querela nei confronti del sacerdote italiano, attualmente parroco di Borghetto Santo Spirito (diocesi di Albenga) Francesco Zappella, e nei confronti di altri due colleghi uruguayani, padre Gabriel Tojos e Sebastian Silvera. La querela sarà inviata per conoscenza anche l’Autorità Giudiziaria italiana oltre che alle due Ambasciate competenti.

Le ipotesi di reato contestate per due dei sacerdoti stranieri sarebbero di abuso sessuale a danno di minori di cui ne avevano l’affidamento, per il terzo invece, l’italiano Francesco Zappella si aggiungerebbe anche l’ipotesi di reato di turismo sessuale, oltre ad altri due probabili capi di imputazione che al momento non rendiamo noti.

Nei giorni scorsi, la vittima ha formalizzato le accuse nei confronti dei tre sacerdoti presso la Procura della Repubblica di Savona, davanti al Sostituto Procuratore Giovanni Battista Ferro in un interrogatorio durato più di cinque ore. Secondo gli inquirenti l’uomo ha reso dichiarazioni ampiamente esaustive.

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Exclusivo: Cartas del cardenal Errázuriz …

The Clinic Online

Exclusivo: Cartas del cardenal Errázuriz revelarían intentos de encubrimiento de la Iglesia en el caso Karadima

[con los documentos]

[Exclusive: Letters of Cardinal Errazuriz reveal attempts to cover-up of the Church in the case Karadima]

Pablo Basadre e Ivonne Toro 07 Septiembre, 2015

Para esta semana está previsto que se inicie el periodo de rendición de pruebas de las partes involucradas en la demanda civil en contra de la Iglesia, entablada por las víctimas del caso Karadima. En ese escenario y a semanas de que comiencen también las declaraciones de los testigos, la defensa de las víctimas tuvo acceso a dos cartas -hasta ahora desconocidas y que publica The Clinic Online- donde se da cuenta del decisivo rol que cumplió el entonces Cardenal Francisco Javier Errázuriz cuando ocupaba el cargo más alto de la jerarquía de la Iglesia en Chile.

En agosto pasado, a días de que la Corte de Apelaciones terminara la revisión de los puntos de prueba en la demanda civil entablada por las víctimas del ex cura Fernando Karadima -Juan Carlos Cruz, James Hamilton y José Andrés Murillo- y de que el ministro de fuero Juan Manuel Muñoz dictase el cúmplase para que las partes presenten sus pruebas, el equipo liderado por el penalista Juan Pablo Hermosilla recibió importantes documentos en los que se evidencia el decisivo rol que tuvo el cardenal Francisco Javier Errázuriz en el caso de los abusos sexuales cometidos por el ex párroco de El Bosque.

El abogado explicó a The Clinic Online que los documentos muestran una serie de antecedentes a los que como defensa no habían tenido acceso. Entre ellos, el fallo del Vaticano que condenó al ex párroco por abusos sexuales -del que sólo se conocía un extracto- , además de dos cartas que habrían sido escritas por Errázuriz: la primera dirigida al entonces vicario Diego Ossa, discípulo de Karadima en la parroquia El Bosque, y la segunda remitida al propio Karadima.

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Cartas muestran que Cardenal Errázuriz …

ADN Radio

Cartas muestran que Cardenal Errázuriz dio recomendaciones a sacerdotes acusados de abuso sexual

[Letters show that Cardinal Errázuriz gave recommendations to priests accused of sexual abuse.]

Este lunes se publicaron dos cartas en donde el cardenal Francisco Javier Errázuriz entrega recomendaciones al ex párroco de El Bosque Fernando Karadima y al entonces vicario Diego Ossa en medio de las acusaciones de abuso sexual en contra de los religiosos.

Según publica The Clinic Online en 2010, en medio de la investigación del caso Karadima, Oscar Osbén, ex feligrés de la parroquia Jesús Carpintero de Renca acusó al sacerdote Diego Ossa de haber abusado de él en 2003, lo que abrió una nueva arista en la investigación.

El ex fiscal Xavier Armendáriz indagó el pago a Osbén de parte del ex abogado eclesiástico de Karadima, Juan Pablo Bulnes, de $10 millones, algo que en el entorno de Karadima atribuyeron a un acto de caridad.

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HIA hears conflicting reports about school


The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry has heard two conflicting accounts of life in St Patrick’s Training School in west Belfast.

The first witness who gave evidence about the college, was sent there in the 1960s.

The witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the HIA inquiry on Monday a number of De La Salle brothers were very violent and said he was terrified of them.

Once, he said, a brother hit him on the head with a bunch of keys for no reason – and he could not hear properly for a week.

He detailed how on another occasion a brother accused him wrongly of being late home and he had to sleep on the springs of his bed, naked and without a cover or mattress.

The witness also described how he was raped and sexually abused by some of the brothers both in the training school, at a holiday home in Glenariff and at the cinema.

He said he would never have dreamed of telling his parents as they would have thought he was telling lies and “in all likelihood would have given me a clip on my ear”.

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HIA hears praise of St Patrick’s Training School in Belfast


By Kevin Sharkey

A former resident of a boys training school has said “the highest honour” should be awarded to the De La Salle Brothers who taught there.

The 67-year-old was giving evidence to the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry (HIA) about St Patrick’s Training School in Belfast .

He said when he first heard “the vile accusations against these men, I was completely stunned”.

He said he did not not know how to repay them for their guidance.

“As opposed to facing charges or courts, I consider that we should be awarding them the highest honour for their contribution to society,” he said.

The pensioner was a resident in the west Belfast school in the 1960s.

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Rev. H. Charles Sewall

The Observer-Dispatch

Rev. H. Charles Sewall, 80, a resident of the Van Duyn Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing in Syracuse, passed away on Saturday, July 11, 2015, at the nursing home. Charles was born in Utica on January 9, 1935, the son of Henry E. and Winifred H. (Byrne) Sewall. He was raised in Utica, was a graduate of St. Francis de Sales High School, St. Bernard’s Seminary in Rochester and earned his Master’s degree from Syracuse University. Charles was ordained a priest in January 1960 at the Cathedral in Syracuse. Charles served as a Catholic Priest at a number of parishes in the Utica area as well as being involved with Catholic education. Charles is survived by a brother and sister-in-law, Michael and Selma Sewall, of Whitesboro, and a sister and brother-in-law, Winifred and Gerald Skreczoski, of Florida, as well as a number of nieces, nephews, great-nieces and nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by a sister-in-law, Barbara K. Sewall, and dear nephews. Services and burial will be held at the convenience of the family. Arrangements have been entrusted to Heintz Funeral Service, Inc., Utica.
Published in The Observer-Dispatch on July 16, 2015

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Headmaster of one of Australia’s top private schools ‘paid a teacher …

Daily Mail (UK)

By Lucy Mae Beers For Daily Mail Australia

A former headmaster at a Victorian private school paid off a teacher to retire early after his sexual misconduct was brought to light.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse heard that headmaster Nicholas Sampson, paid maths teacher Jonathan Harvey $64,348 in 2004 to vacate his position
A few years later, Harvey, now 75, pleaded guilty to abusing a student and was jailed for ten months.

‘He suggested that he’d been led to believe that, if I retired early, there would not be – a formal complaint would not be made, but he wasn’t of course certain of that,’ Harvey told the commission on Monday, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.

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Media Release – September 7, 2015

Road to Recovery

Clergy sexual abuse claim made in approximately 1963 by minor teenage girl and her family has been wrongfully denied and covered up by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio to this day

Minor teenage girl from Wellsville, Ohio, was sexually abused by Immaculate Conception Parish priest, Fr. Gerald X. Curran, in approximately early Thanksgiving morning in approximately 1963 on a field trip to Chicago, IL

Classmate of abused minor teenage girl from Immaculate Conception School in Wellsville, Ohio, who was present on the class trip run by Fr. Gerald X. Curran to Chicago in approximately 1963, has come forward to confirm the reporting to her of the sexual abuse by her classmate in approximately 1963 and speak about the cover-up of her classmate’s sexual abuse allegation by the Youngstown Diocese

A press conference alerting the media and public that many members of the Youngstown, Ohio Roman Catholic Diocese, including several priests, received a report of sexual abuse of a minor child by a priest over the course of approximately 50 years and still have not acknowledged the victim or her claim. A classmate of the minor child victim/survivor, who was on the class trip in approximately 1963 with Fr. Gerald X. Curran and other classmates from Immaculate Conception School in Wellsville, Ohio, will speak about her knowledge of the situation and affirm the allegation of the victim/survivor.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 11:00 am

On the public sidewalk across from the headquarters of the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, 144 West Wood Street, Youngstown, Ohio – 330-744-8451

Mary Ann (Rivelle) Kennedy, currently a resident of East Liverpool, Ohio, and an alleged clergy sexual abuse victim/survivor of Fr. Gerald X. Curran; Kim Kennedy, the husband of Mary Ann Kennedy; Jessica (Hawk) Mc Menamin, currently a resident of Slippery Rock, PA, and a classmate of Mary Ann Rivelle at Immaculate Conception School, Wellsville, Ohio in approximately 1963

Jessica (Hawk) Mc Menamin, a classmate of Mary Ann (Rivelle) Kennedy at Immaculate Conception School in Wellsville, Ohio, in approximately 1963, will speak about and confirm the reporting of the sexual abuse allegation of Mary Ann (Rivelle) Kennedy while both women were students and classmates as minor teenagers at Immaculate Conception School. Jessica will confirm the reporting of the sexual abuse of Mary Ann (Rivelle) Kennedy to the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, shortly after it happened in approximately 1963, the outrage of members of the Wellsville, Ohio, community, including Jessica’s father, who pulled his children out of Catholic schools after the Diocese of Youngstown, upon learning of the sexual abuse, did nothing. Attendees will call on the Youngstown, Ohio, Diocese to find the allegations of sexual abuse of Mary Ann (Rivelle) Kennedy credible, acknowledge her claim, and help her heal.

Robert M. Hoatson, Ph.D., Road to Recovery, Inc. – 862-368-2800
Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, Boston, MA – 617-523-6250

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Other Pontifical Acts

Vatican Information Service

Vatican City, 7 September 2015 (VIS) – The Holy Father has appointed:

On Saturday, 5 September, the Holy Father:

– appointed Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, prefect emeritus of the Congregation for Catholic Education, as his special envoy at the concluding celebration of the 500th anniversary of the arrival from Rome of the Sacred Image of the Madonna of Lask in the shrine of Lask in the archdiocese of Lodz, to be held on Sunday 8 November.

– accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Taiohae, Marquis Islands, France, presented by Bishop Guy Chevalier, SS.CC. upon reaching the age limit. He is succeeded by Bishop Pascal Chang-Soi, SS.CC., coadjutor of the same diocese.

– gave his assent to the canonical election by the Synod of Bishops of the Armenian Patriarchal Church of Rev. Archpriest Kevork (Georges) Assadourian as auxiliary of the patriarchal eparchy of Beirut of the Armenians (Catholics 12,500, priests 22, permanent deacons 3, religious 49), Lebanon. The bishop-elect was born in Kamichlie, Syria in 1961 and was ordained a priest in 1986. He studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) and at the Pontifical Lateran University, and has served in a number of roles in Lebanon, including vice rector of the seminary of Bzommar, vicar and parish priest in several parishes, and bursar. He currently exercises his pastoral ministry in Paris in the Armenian-Catholic eparchy of France.

– appointed Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson, formerly apostolic nuncio in Ukraine, as apostolic nuncio in Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein.

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Catholics Protest Outside Cathedral, Express Dismay at Archbishop’s Leadership

Pacific News Center

Written by Janela Carrera

The “silent protest” was held Sunday morning outside of the Cathedral de Basilica in Hagatna.

Guam – Another demonstration was held in front of the Cathedral De Basilica in Hagatna. This time, demonstrators called it a silent protest and had a clear message for Archbishop Anthony Apuron.

Controversies have been surrounding the Archdiocese of Agana in recent years, many of which involve actions taken by Archbishop Apuron.

Catholics have been holding prayer demonstrations and even created a non-profit group called Concerned Catholics of Guam, calling attention to the instability within the church and for more action from Catholic leaders in Rome.

During yesterday’s protest, we spoke to organizer Lou Klitzkie who had a clear message for the Archbishop.

“We’re holding this protest because we want the archbishop to know that we are out here demonstrating that we are very unpleased with the way he runs the church. For one thing, firing the priest; two, giving away the church property, which is the RMS [Redemptoris Mater Seminary] now; and three, the invasion of the neocatechumenal priest in our parishes,” says Klitzkie. “It’s important for me because we want Father Paul back in the Santa Barbara Church. We want Msgr. James back into the Archdiocese of Agana and we want the return of the RMS to Archdiocese of Agana.”

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Notorious clerical sex abuser dies in prison awaiting trial

Irish Times

Conor Lally

Sun, Sep 6, 2015

A former priest regarded as one of the most notorious cleric child sex abusers of his generation, William Carney, has died in prison.

Fr Bill Carney, as he was known, was found dead in his cell on Saturday at the Midlands Prison, Portlaoise, Co Laois.

He had been extradited from the UK two years ago and was on remand awaiting trial in relation to 34 historical sexual assaults.

The Irish Times understands the 65-year-old was suffering from a cardiac condition and that foul play is not suspected.

The report of Commission of Investigation into the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin, published in 2009, said he was one of the most serious sexual abusers it had reviewed.

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Holy Orders

The New Yorker


en you walk in the back entrance to Vatican City, you quickly realize what a small world the center of the Catholic Church is. The hundred-and-nine-acre complex, built largely during the Renaissance, is the spiritual and administrative headquarters of a global institution with 1.2 billion followers. The first building you see is the Santa Marta guesthouse, where Pope Francis lives and works, in a three-room space of some seven hundred square feet, rather than in the traditional, and grander, papal apartments, in the Apostolic Palace.

As you turn a corner, there is a yellow building that houses several cardinals. On one floor is Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who was Secretary of State under Francis’s predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. Cardinal Paolo Sardi, considered to be one of Bertone’s political adversaries within the Curia, occupies the floor just below. A short stroll through the Vatican gardens takes you to the Mater Ecclesiae monastery, where Benedict XVI now lives. When he resigned, in 2013, he flew off in a helicopter to begin a life of retreat and prayer, and many might have thought that he had retired to a monastery somewhere in his native Germany. But he is right here. Just outside the Vatican walls, in Piazza della Città Leonina, there is another apartment building filled with cardinals. Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Benedict’s successor as the Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, lives in the apartment occupied by Benedict when he was merely Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, and above him is Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri.

The neighbors have been feuding: Müller is a defender of doctrinal orthodoxy, while the reform-minded Baldisseri has presided over the Synod on the Family, a council meeting initiated by Francis last year, at which Church progressives have advocated greater flexibility on such matters as the treatment of divorced couples and homosexuals. There has been an ongoing dispute—now, apparently, resolved—over the noise level in the building: Baldisseri, an accomplished pianist, likes to practice after lunch, when Müller takes a nap.

In this compacted world, close friendships, intense rivalries, clashing ambitions, and personal enmities all flourish. Perhaps because members of the Church rarely criticize the Pope publicly, personal differences often take the form of backbiting, corridor gossip, and behind-the-scenes intrigue. It is in this peculiar setting that Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires, finds himself attempting to “shake up” the Catholic Church, as he likes to say. Unlike most of his predecessors, he had spent little time in Rome before his election, on March 13, 2013. …

The scandal of sexual abuse in the clergy, which had built up over decades under Benedict’s predecessors, reached its full force under his pontificate, creating the overwhelming impression of a Pope who had lost control of the machinery of government. The year 2010, remembered as the annus horribilis, was dominated by ghastly revelations of molestation and rape. And although Benedict had done far more than previous Popes to discipline priestly abuse, he nevertheless took most of the blame. Then, in 2012, the scandal known as VatiLeaks unfolded: reams of personal documents—letters to the Pope and other high officials at the Vatican—began appearing in the Italian press, revealing a world of financial corruption and vicious infighting. The leaker turned out to be the Pope’s personal attendant, Paolo Gabriele, who claimed that he wanted to sound an alarm and make the Pope aware of the festering problems around him.

As the Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Benedict had dealt with the sexual-abuse scandal by doing away with the system of piecemeal responses by individual bishops. In 2004, he pushed for an investigation of Father Marcial Maciel Degollado, the charismatic Mexican who headed the religious order Legionaries of Christ. There is incontrovertible evidence that Maciel abused numerous young seminarians in the course of several decades and fathered several children by women he maintained relationships with. According to an in-depth investigation by Jason Berry, in the National Catholic Reporter, Maciel was a wizard at raising money and recruiting seminarians; he was a favorite of John Paul II and of Angelo Sodano, his Secretary of State. Sodano allegedly deflected Ratzinger from completion of the Maciel investigation, and when the Legion was building a university campus in Rome one of Sodano’s nephews, an engineer, was hired to work on the project.

Benedict, early in his papacy, removed Maciel from the Legion and imposed on him “a reserved life of penitence and prayer, relinquishing any form of public ministry.” Although people at the Vatican are reluctant to criticize John Paul II, whose name was often followed by cries of Santo subito (“Sainthood now”), they quietly point out that during the final years of his papacy, when, suffering from Parkinson’s disease, he was severely incapacitated, many things went wrong. Thus, some of the scandals that came to light during Benedict’s papacy were inherited from the previous administration.

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Victim of paedo priest Bill Carney ‘robbed of justice’ after cleric dies in cell

Irish Mirror


A victim of vile paedophile priest Bill Carney says he has been robbed of justice after the former cleric was found dead in his cell.

Carney was found lifeless in his prison cell at the Midlands Prison on Saturday morning, after his cellmate raised the alarm.

Prison staff rushed the 65-year-old to the Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise, but he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The former cleric had been suffering from a heart condition for years, which prevented him from appearing in court since his extradition from Scotland in 2013.

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REBUTTAL:Hollywood Reporter-Venice Film Fest…

Pope Francis CON-artist & Vicar of Plutocrats

Paris Arrow

The Hollywood Reporter obviously is living in the land of illusion – to make the same director of the movie suggest to Pope Francis and the Vatican – (who paid him to do the movie in the first place) – that Spotlight can be used to heal its victims of abuse that spanned half a century. It is preposterous and total illusion that — those Vatican crimes against humanity’s children can be healed by one movie — played out by actors who are paid millions of dollars — to act different characters in this movie and another characteres in another movie. Spotlight is part of the Vatican World Domination Agenda via the media — and it acts as propaganda for its news publication Boston Globe in the US. Even the United Nations cannot make the Vatican aka Holy See to act – either with justice or compassion – for its countless victims worldwide.

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September 6, 2015

Jeszcze jeden grzech Wesołowskiego


Były arcybiskup Józef Wesołowski oskarżony był o straszliwe zbrodnie przeciwko niewinnym. Dowody zgromadzone przeciwko niemu były bardzo mocne, ale żaden ziemski sąd nie zdążył wydać wyroku. Zrobi to już Pan Bóg – ale przed nim Józef Wesołowski będzie musiał wytłumaczyć się z jeszcze jednego, bardzo poważnego grzechu, o którym żadne wielkie medium powiedzieć nie zechce.

Zanim Józef Wesołowski trafił jako nuncjusz apostolski na Dominikanę, swą misję dyplomatyczną sprawował w zupełnie innych warunkach – w Kazachstanie, Tadżykistanie, Turkmenistanie i Uzbekistanie. Z opowieści posługujących tam księży wynika, że nigdy nie był wzorem pobożności, której oczekiwano by od duchownego pełniącego taką funkcję.

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Anuncian baja de sacerdote acusado de violación en Hidalgo

El Informador [Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico]

September 6, 2015


Read original article

Alfredo Campos Sancen es acusado de violar a tres personas, dos hombres y una mujer

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (06/SEP/2015).- El obispado de la ciudad de Tula, Hidalgo a cargo de Juan Pedro Juárez Meléndez, anunció ante fieles de la parroquia de Santa María de Guadalupe, del municipio de Mixquiahuala, la baja del sacerdote Alfredo Campos Sancen para hacer frente a un proceso eclesiástico tras la acusación de agresión sexual en contra de tres personas. 

El pasado 12 de agosto elementos de la coordinación de investigación detuvieron al sacerdote acusado de haber agredido sexualmente a tres personas, dos hombres, uno de ellos menor de edad, además de una mujer, por lo cual se inició la causa penal 98/2015. Sin embargo le fue dictado el auto de libertad al no haber elementos para procesarlo. 

Ante la decisión del juez cuarto de lo penal José Alfredo Téllez Rodríguez, de otorgar la libertad, la Procuraduría de justicia apeló la decisión, por lo cual el proceso aún no se cierra, a la par de ello el obispo anunció ante los fieles que el sacerdote será separado de su cargo para atender un proceso eclesiástico. 

Por la mañana, seguidores del padre se presentaron en el atrio de la iglesia donde con pancartas y consignas refrendaron su apoyo al sacerdote, por lo cual se implementó un operativo policiaco para resguardar la integridad del obispo ante la posibilidad de que sufriera alguna agresión. 

Resguardado por granaderos el obispo abandonó la parroquia luego de hacer el anuncio sobre la separación del sacerdote, que ya había sido acordado y firmado en un escrito, sin embargo el sacerdote negó este hecho al asegurar desconocía este acuerdo además, de que se encontraba bajo presión. 

Se conoció que el padre, será enviado al seminario, además de que no se prevé sea enviado a ninguna parroquia. 

Por su parte, el procurador Alejandro Straffon Ortiz, dio a conocer que el caso del sacerdote Alfredo Campos, llegó al Vaticano donde se trató en un tribunal eclesiástico que encontró responsabilidad por lo cual se le dará seguimiento y esperan el resultado de la apelación.

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Erzbischof unter Pädophilie-Verdacht – Beisetzung in Polen

Europe Online Magazine

Czorsztyn (dpa) – Der ehemalige Nuntius in der Dominikanischen Republik, Jozef Wesolowski, ist am Samstag in seinem südpolnischen Heimatort Czorsztyn beigesetzt worden. Dem 67-Jährigen wurde der sexuelle Missbrauch von Kindern und der Besitz von Kinderpornografie vorgeworfen. Er war am 27. August kurz nach Beginn seines Prozesses im Vatikan nach einem Herzanfall gestorben.

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Child abuser priest told he was defrocked last March

Times of Malta

Sunday, September 6, 2015 by Ariadne Massa

Gozitan priest Dominic Camilleri, a child abuser, was informed he had been defrocked six months ago once the Vatican’s 2013 decision was confirmed, according to the Curia’s Safeguarding Commission.

The commission was reacting to a Malta Today report that Gozo Bishop Mario Grech had been hesitant to inform Fr Camilleri of his dismissal, even though the Vatican decided to defrock him in May 2013.

The 63-year-old priest has been accused of sexually abusing several boys in Gozo, but details on the cases, believed to have taken place over a number of years, remain sketchy since they were never reported to the police.

Contrary to the cases of sexual abuse on minors in Malta, the victims in Gozo – the number has never emerged – shunned publicity and have been reluctant to speak out.

The case was first referred to the Curia’s Response Team (it has since been replaced by the commission) in October 2003 by late Gozo Bishop Nikol Cauchi. Fr Camilleri was found guilty by an administrative and penal tribunal within the Malta diocese.

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Disgraced priest buried in Poland

The News

Former nuncio Józef Wesołowski charged by a Vatican court of sexually abusing minors and being in possession of child pornography was buried in Poland on Saturday.

Wesołowski was buried in the southern village of Czorsztyn, after a funeral ceremony in the Vatican on Monday. Eight minutes of silence replaced a homily for the disgraced former archbishop, who died before his trial had finished.

Excerpts of a letter to family members were read out at the ceremony in which Wesołowski declared his innocence. “They accuse of me deeds which I never committed,” it read, according to the Polish press agency, PAP.

Wesołowski, 67, died in his room at the Vatican on 27 August awaiting trial in a Holy See court. A preliminary autopsy reportedly showed he had died of a heart attack.

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Cloyne child protection officer quits in bishop row

Irish Examiner

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Dan Buckley and Claire O’Sullivan

The first lay person to assume the position of child protection officer in the Catholic diocese of Cloyne has resigned in a dispute over the handling by Bishop William Crean of the case of defrocked priest Dan Duane.

Bill Meagher, a former HSE social worker who was appointed the designated liaison person for the diocese in 2011, quit his post yesterday after Bishop Crean sought clarification from the Vatican over the position of the former 75-year-old Mallow priest who has continued to celebrate Mass in defiance of the Church ruling.

Mr Duane, who was laicised after being found to have sexually abused minors, had appealed directly to Pope Francis and the Church’s Supreme Court, the Apostolic Signatura, the decision of the Canonical Court in Ireland to dismiss him from the priesthood.

He lost that appeal in January and made a further appeal to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a department of the Roman Curia formerly known as the Inquisition.

In a statement last night, Bishop Crean said when he learned of the second appeal by Mr Duane he believed that he could take no further action against him until after he had received clarification from the CDF. “This led to Mr Meagher resigning as he did not agree with my position,” said Bishop Crean.

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Clohessy, JC Diocese settle priest abuse case

News Tribune

By Bob Watson
Friday, September 4, 2015

David Clohessy didn’t get anywhere near what he asked for, but he has settled his long-running abuse complaint with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City.

In a news release Thursday, Clohessy said he received $40,000 and had to promise never to sue the diocese again. He had asked for $200,000.

In a separate news release, the diocese said Bishop John Gaydos “wrote Mr. Clohessy to extend to him an apology for the abuse that he reported,” and the diocese confirmed it paid an undisclosed amount to Clohessy “to help him with his needs for healing.” Clohessy, who now lives in St. Louis, is the national director of SNAP — the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests — and has said often he was abused in the late 1960s and early ’70s, when he was 12 to 16 years old, by Father John Whiteley at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Moberly.

He said he wrote then-Bishop Michael McAuliffe twice but received “very cold, terse and unhelpful replies.”

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Roman Catholic Diocese of Cloyne

Rome rejects appeal by former Cloyne priest against dismissal from clerical state over child sexual abuse

A former priest of the Cloyne Diocese, who was dismissed from the clerical state following a Canonical trial for abusing teenagers and minors, has had his appeal rejected by the authorities in Rome. The decision was taken after a long period of deliberation on all the evidence provided.

Dan Duane, from Mallow, appealed the decision of the Canonical Court in Ireland to dismiss him from clerical ministry to the Apostolic Signature and Pope Francis. The appeal has now been turned down.

Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne said: “This long and painful process for all involved has now reached completion. We are most grateful to the survivors of abuse by the then Fr. Duane who had the courage to come forward and have their stories heard and believed. We regret that the process took so long.

“On behalf of the priests and people of the Diocese may I once again extend my deepest sympathy and sorrow that they had to suffer so much from a person in whom they had placed their trust. I apologise to them once again and to all who have suffered abuse of any kind at the hands of clergy.

“I want to assure the people of Cloyne that the most comprehensive child protection measures are in place in the Diocese to ensure that these evil acts never again occur. We can never be complacent and the work continues on a daily basis, by hundreds of people, to ensure that our children and young people are safe from harm.”

The Vatican’s decision has been communicated privately to the survivors of abuse in this case.

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Boys were assaulted on their naked bottoms. But this priest, now in jail, is STILL a priest. Full story

Broken Rites

By a Broken Rites researcher (article updated 5 September 2015)

For years, the Catholic Church has been harbouring a prominent Australian priest, Father Julian Fox, who indecently assaulted vulnerable schoolboys on their naked bottoms. The boys, silenced by the holy image of the priesthood, later found that their lives were damaged by this priestly breach of trust. Some of them, in adulthood, eventually contacted the police but the church authorities transferred Father Fox overseas, out of the reach of the Australian police. The police finally got Fox back to Australia, where they charged him with multiple incidents of buggery and indecent assault committed at two Melbourne schools between 1976 and 1985. In Melbourne in 2015 Fox was sentenced to jail for the indecent assaults but his defence lawyer told the court that, despite now being a convicted criminal, Father Fox is still officially a Catholic priest and still has the support of of the church authorities.

Father Julian Benedict Fox (born 20 July 1945) has spent his whole priestly career as a member of a Catholic religious order, the Salesians of Don Bosco, which conducted boys’ schools around Australia. He rose to become a vice-principal and a principal of two Melbourne schools, where (according to court evidence) he was in charge of punishing boys for such misdemeanours as “a football hitting a window, throwing rubbish, running in hallways” or “boys talking in the boarders’ dormitory after lights-out”. During these punishments, Father Fox committed his sexual assaults.

Regarding the crimes for which he was jailed, the court was told that:

* In punishing a boy in his office, Father Fox would make the boy lean over a desk or chair, to have his bottom thrashed.

* Fox’s “weapon of choice” was a shortened pool cue (a rod used for hitting balls on a billiard table). He would whack the rod against (or, in some cases, up) a boy’s bare bottom, causing intense pain (and perhaps bleeding) in the anus, perhaps resulting later in blood over the boy’s pyjamas and bed-sheets.

* Sometimes, Fox would insert his finger, painfully, into a boy’s anus.

* Police originally alleged that, in some instances, Fox inserted his penis into a boy’s bottom, although eventually Fox was convicted of indecent assault, instead of the more serious crime of buggery.

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The Catholic church must think upon its sins

The Guardian

Kevin McKenna

If Satan were ever to consider deploying a PR strategy to gloss over all his crimes and misdemeanours he could do worse than contact one of his oldest adversaries, the Catholic church in Scotland.

For more than two decades now, the church has been revealed to have been exhibiting behaviours and conduct that would have led to a full public inquiry and suspension of its activities pending the outcome. Yet, following decades of child sex abuse by several of its priests, and subsequent cover-up by its hierarchy, it has managed to escape proper scrutiny and any degree of accountability. I suppose we should all be grateful for the McLellan report into safeguarding practices in the Catholic church that was published last month; it reminded us what a whitewash looks like.

So soft and fluffy was the report that it should have been delivered with a big pink ribbon tied around it and pictures of Walt Disney characters on its cover. Barely concealing his relief at its contents, Philip Tartaglia, archbishop of Glasgow, offered a full public apology to the thousands of victims of sex abuse at the hands of many of his fellow priests. This alone was deemed to be sufficient for a pattern of behaviour that has been fundamentally evil and widespread. Inexplicably, Scottish society has chosen to look the other way and allow the Catholic hierarchy, a strange and dysfunctional grouping, simply to get on with implementing the recommendations of McLellan.

Andrew McLellan, a man of unimpeachable integrity and Christian charity, has been used as a patsy by the Catholic church in Scotland. He has insisted repeatedly since he was commissioned to write the report in 2013 that the terms of its remit did not include naming any guilty individuals or highlighting the church’s wilful denial over the preceding two decades or more. So, what was the point of the exercise?

Everything significant within McLellan simply repeated what the rest of us already knew: that there has been historical sex abuse within the Catholic church; that there has been a culture of denial in the church in dealing with it and that survivors of abuse have been badly treated when seeking support.

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Child sex abuse victim speaks about shame of Swan Homes orphanage

Courier Mail


THE torchlight was always the giveaway, the sure sign “they” were coming.

Then the footsteps would creak on the floorboards — softly, taking care not to wake the other boys — before stopping short at one of the beds.

As four-year-old David cried quietly in his bed at Swan Homes, an Anglican orphanage in Middle Swan, he wondered if they had come for him again.

But there was no solace if they took one of his friends, because he knew what horrors awaited them.

For the first time, The Sunday Times can reveal at least four children were abused at the orphanage.

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Paedo priest who was one of Ireland’s worst sex abusers found dead in cell

Sunday World

By Eamon Dillon

A PRIEST named as one of the country’s worst sex monsters has been found dead in his jail cell.

Sick paedophile Bill Carney has escaped justice ahead of his trial after his sudden death yesterday morning at the Midlands jail.

Known to have had heart trouble, the 73-year-old was rushed to hospital after his cellmate alerted prison staff.

However, he was declared dead on arrival at the nearby Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise.

The former cleric was regarded as one of the most prolific paedophiles and was named in the 2009 Murphy Report.

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September 5, 2015

St Andrews may rescind O’Brien degree

The Times

Mark Macaskill Published: 6 September 2015

THE former head of the Catholic church in Scotland who stepped down in disgrace after admitting sexual misconduct could be stripped of an honorary degree from Scotland’s oldest university.

On Thursday, St Andrews University’s senate business committee, chaired by the principal, Dr Louise Richardson, will consider whether to rescind Keith O’Brien’s doctorate in divinity that was bestowed upon him in 2004, a year after he became a cardinal.

O’Brien was forced to step down two years ago after admitting his sexual conduct had “fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal”.

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Vatican urged suspension …

Malta Independent

Vatican urged suspension of Dominic Camilleri’s defrocking following representations, bishop says

Saturday, 5 September 2015

The Vatican’s decision to defrock Dominic Camilleri was taken in two stages, Gozo Bishop Mario Grech told this newsroom.

The first decision was dated May 2013, however following a request by Camilleri’s legal representative in July 2013, Bishop Grech was advised by the Apostolic Nuncio to suspend the implementation of this decision and to refer back to the Vatican.

Following correspondence between the Vatican and the Gozo Curia, which took into account the submissions put forward by Camilleri’s legal representative, the Vatican’s decision was confirmed in February 2015.

In March 2015 Bishop Grech sent a letter to Camilleri informing him of this decision. Camilleri was also informed in writing through his legal representative in May 2015.

The process took into account Camilleri’s submissions. Camilleri was suspended throughout the whole process. Thus any possible or perceived delays had no impact on the safeguarding of minors or vulnerable adults, which is of paramount importance for the Church.

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Former archbishop accused of abuse buried in Poland

12 News

WARSAW, Poland (AP) – The Polish church on Saturday buried a former papal diplomat who was charged by a Vatican court of sexually abusing minors and possessing child pornography but who died before he answered the accusations.

Silence and contemplation replaced the sermon at the burial for Jozef Wesolowski in the southern Polish village of Czorsztyn, according to a report by the Polish press agency PAP. At a funeral for him at the Vatican on Monday, eight minutes of silence also replaced a homily for the disgraced former archbishop.

At the burial, fragments from a letter to family members were read out in which he declared his innocence. “They accuse of me deeds which I never committed,” one of the letters said, according to PAP.

Wesolowski, 67, died in his room at the Vatican on Aug. 27 as he was awaiting trial in a Holy See court. The Vatican has said that a preliminary autopsy showed he died of a heart attack.

By the time his trial began he had already been defrocked. Wesolowski was accused of sexually abusing teenage boys while serving as papal envoy in the Dominican Republic. His trial in a Vatican courtroom began on July 11, but was hastily adjourned because he had taken ill a day earlier and was hospitalized in intensive care.

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Catholic priest who allegedly smacked child in church wants assault ruling reversed

Sydney Morning Herald

September 6, 2015

Eamonn Duff
Sun-Herald senior investigative writer

A Sydney priest who was found guilty of common assault after he allegedly smacked a child in church has been granted an appeal against the legal ruling.

Father Terrence Millard was dismissed from the St John Vianney Catholic Church at Greenacre after a controversial flashpoint in which he “grabbed” a nine year old boy, Peter*, “positioned” him in front of a symbolic image of Jesus Christ and punished him with a “smack” to the upper buttocks for alleged bad behaviour. In June, after the NSW Police Force laid criminal charges, a magistrate delivered a finding of guilt against the priest – with no conviction recorded.

While he has lost the support of the Catholic Church, which stood the priest down and dismissed his actions as “extremely regrettable”, Father Millard will press ahead with an appeal, to be heard at Parramatta District Court on October 1.

News of the appeal has come as a bitter blow to Peter’s distraught family who in the months following the incident, witnessed their son change from “happy-go-lucky” sports fanatic to “anxious” and “troubled.”

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Pogrzeb byłego arcybiskupa Józefa Wesołowskiego w Czorsztynie [ZDJĘCIA]

Gazeta Krakowska

[Bishop Szkodoń asked for prayers for the soul of former nuncio Jozef Wesolowski and aks God to cleanse his soul and forgive his sins. He did not address the allegations of pedophilia against Wesolowski. He noted, however, the Wesolowski was a clergyman and celebrated daily Mass.]

Kilkaset osób towarzyszyły byłemu arcybiskupowi Józefowi Wesołowskiemu w ostatniej drodze. Jego pogrzeb odbył się w rodzinnym Czorsztynie w Pieninach. Mszę celebrował biskup Jan Szkodoń.

Nabożeństwo odbyło się w południe w kościele w Czorsztynie. Kościół wypełnił się wiernymi. Dziennikarze jednak nie zostali do środka wpuszczeni. W trakcie mszy nie było kazania.

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Pogrzeb byłego arcybiskupa Józefa Wesołowskiego w Czorsztynie

Gazeta Krakowska

[Several hundred people accompanied the former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski on the last trip. His funeral was held at Czorsztyn in the Pieniny. The Mass was celebrated by Bishop John Szkodoń.]

Kilkaset osób towarzyszyły byłemu arcybiskupowi Józefowi Wesołowskiemu w ostatniej drodze. Jego pogrzeb odbył się w rodzWróć do artykułu

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Magdalene memories project launched

New Ross Standard

David Looby

People from the New Ross area who have memories or experiences to share of their experience in industrial schools or Magdalene Laundries in New Ross or Waterford – including survivors, their relatives, visitors to the institutions, and members of the religious orders are being asked to contribute to a project run by Waterford Institute of Technology.

Funded by the Heritage Council, the Waterford Memories Project is recording Ireland’s cultural heritage to provide a platform for further analysis of our history.

The project records and archives personal stories of life before, during and after their time in the industrial schools and laundries located in Waterford and The Good Shepherd Laundry in New Ross.

‘Preserving accounts of the experiences of survivors of Magdalene Laundries has massive implications for our heritage,’ according to Dr Jennifer Yeager, psychology lecturer at Waterford Institute of Technology who is currently working on the oral history project. The research is conducted by Dr Yeager through sensitive and private one-to-one interviews; participants have the choice of a written transcript of their experience being published, or an audio or video recording.

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Defense objects to expert testimony at trial of Central City priest


By: Maria Miller

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — Defense attorneys for a Central City priest accused of inappropriately touching young boys on mission trips overseas argued Thursday against an expert witness testifying at his trial.

The Rev. Joseph Maurizio goes on trial next week. Prosecutors added an expert witness to their list of those who will testify, and a federal judge considered request on Thursday. Maurizio walked into the courtroom Thursday afternoon looking gaunt, his hands in a prayerful pose, and no family or friends to support him.

Only his defense team was at his side. The prosecution’s expert witness, Dr. Veronique Valliere, is a licensed psychologist from the Allentown area who specializes in interpersonal violence, including physical and sexual abuse of children.

Prosecutors said they plan to use her toward the end of the trial to help the jury better understand children of sexual abuse victims and the myths surrounding the ways they should or shouldn’t behave.

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Minn. archdiocese continues to seek justice in sex abuse accusations

Catholic News Agency

St. Paul, Minn., Sep 4, 2015 / 08:11 pm (CNA).- The Archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. Paul has removed two priests from ministry pending investigation of sex abuse allegations, while it has reinstated a separate priest on the grounds that an allegation against him was not substantiated.

The archdiocese’s investigation of Father Gerald Dvorak found the allegation that he sexually abused a minor in the 1970s to be unsubstantiated.

Law enforcement was notified of the allegation and authorized the archdiocese to conduct an investigation. Father Dvorak took a voluntary leave of absence pending the investigation’s outcome, and has now been reinstated as pastor of the Church of St. Peter in Richfield, Minn. Father Dvorak has been a priest for 37 years.

Archbishop Bernard Hebda, who is currently the archdiocese’s administrator, said the allegations against the priest were treated as credible, meaning “not manifestly false or frivolous” and were not a presumption of guilt.

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Cork man ejected from priesthood over abuse claims ‘kept celebrating Mass at home’

Yahoo! News

By Rónán Duffy | TheJournal.ie

A former priest who was cleared of criminal charges of child abuse but was dismissed by the church continued to celebrate Mass privately at his home.

The discovery led to the resignation of Bill Meagher, the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) for the Diocese of Cloyne.

Dan Duane of the Cloyne Diocese had appealed the decision by the Canonical Court in Ireland to remove him from the priesthood but the Vatican dismissed the appeal.

The Bishop of Cloyne William Crean says that Meagher met with Duane in June to verify that he was abiding by the agreed Covenant of Care.

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Ex-church volunteer sentenced to 60 years to life for sexually abusing boys

Daily Pilot

By Jeremiah Dobruck
September 4, 2015

A former Sunday school volunteer was sentenced Friday to 60 years to life in prison for sexually abusing young boys, including some he met through churches in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.

Sending 51-year-old Christopher McKenzie to prison presumably for the rest of his life ensures he will not be able to hurt anyone else, Orange County Superior Court Judge Patrick Donahue said after handing down his decision.

Jurors convicted McKenzie in July of 20 felonies related to molesting five boys and trying to lure a sixth into sexual situations. The charges included lewd acts with a child under 14, possession of child pornography and using a minor for sex acts.

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Retired Kerry Bishop attacked in on train

West Cork Times

by Stephen Johnson

THE Diocese of Kerry has confirmed reports that retired Kerry Bishop Bill Murphy was attacked and punched while traveling on a train to Dublin last month by a man claiming that the Diocese had not responded adequately to complaints of child sexual abuse.

Reports say that a man in his 30s approached Bishop Murphy, 79, in a carriage after the train had left Mallow Station, and punched him in the face.

A male passenger sitting in the same carriage intervened and asked the man to leave the Bishop alone. After the exchange, the alleged attacker was escorted from the train by Iarnród Eireann staff. Gardaí were waiting on the platform in Heuston Station to arrest him.

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Radio host leads protests over disgraced priest’s proximity to school


[with video]

By DeAnn Smith, Digital Content Manager
By Bonyen Lee, News Reporter

Some neighbors are backing a disgraced Roman Catholic priest, but some parents are angry to find out he lives near their children’s school.

He is one of the most controversial priests in the history of the Kansas City Catholic Church, and one group is upset that he has quietly moved into a neighborhood that’s popular with families.

Father Michael Tierney is no longer an active priest, but he has not been defrocked by the Vatican despite the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph paying money to settle sex abuse claims involving Tierney.

Father Michael Tierney moved into his parents home near St. Peter’s School, which is located at East Meyer and Charlotte Avenue. He allegedly abused children he met through the Catholic diocese at the home.

Popular radio host Danny Boi is one of the St. Peter’s parents upset to learn Tierney lives so close to his children’s school. The 96.5 The Buzz host is himself a survivor of sexual abuse so he went to Tierney’s door on Thursday and unsuccessfully tried to talk to him.

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