MD–Archdiocese admits “a number of allegations” against priest

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

Victims expose another Catholic predator
Group releases nine pages of records about him
Archdiocese admits “a number of allegations” against priest
Yet two archbishops refuse to tell public or parents about him
SNAP also urges Catholic officials to drop legal case against a victim
Man who was molested at Calvert Hall now faces trespassing charges

A month before Pope Francis comes to DC, holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will release nine pages of previously-secret records about a never-before-publicly accused predator priest who apparently had several victims. They will also urge Baltimore Catholic officials to

–“come clean,” for the sake of public safety, about other predator priests and
–post their names on church websites (like Baltimore’s previous archbishop did).

And they’ll beg anyone who “saw, suspected or suffered” clergy sex crimes or cover ups at Calvert Hall and in the Baltimore area “to step forward, get help, call police, expose wrongdoers, protect kids and start healing.”

Thursday, August 13th at 1:00 p.m.

On the sidewalk outside in front of the Baltimore County Circuit Courts Building, 401 Bosley Avenue, Towson, MD (410-887-2139,

Two-three members of a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and supporters

SNAP is releasing nine pages of never-before disclosed emails and letters between two current archdiocesan headquarters staffers, a prosecutor and a victim.

They show that 1) Msgr. Joseph A. Davies has been repeatedly accused of molesting children and 2) at least one church official believes he’s guilty. But Baltimore Archbishop William Lori and his staff refuse to disclose these facts to parents, parishioners or the public.

One letter, to a victim from a high-ranking church official, Msgr. Richard Woy (410-464-4000, says “I want to apologize for the abuse you suffered at the hands of Msgr. Davies.” Another letter by Msgr. Woy admits that the archdiocese “has received a number of child sex abuse allegations” against Msgr. Daviess.

The emails are to/from Alison J. D’Alessandro (410-547-5348, who deals with abuse victims for the archdiocese).

SNAP wants Archbishop Lori to “come clean” about Msgr. Daviess and “all other admitted, proven or credibly accused child molesting clerics.” (Msgr. Daviess is deceased.)

SNAP also wants Lori and Calvert Hall officials to drop trespassing charges against an abuse victim who goes on trial today.

In 2014, Kurt Gladsky was charged with trespassing at Calvert Hall High School for what he describes as civil disobedience designed to warn others about clerics who commit or conceal child sex crimes. Saying “Kurt has suffered enough,” SNAP wants church and school staff to ask prosecutors to drop the case.

In 1968, Gladsky was molested by Brother Xavier B. Langdon at the school. In 2012, Gladsky was paid a six figure settlement by the school administration.

In 2004, Calvert Hall officials responded to public criticism by re-naming a golf tournament and an education program it had honored Br. Langton. They also took down his photo.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.