Maine activist defends abuse accusations against founder of Haitian orphanage

Portland Press Herald


A Freeport man who was named in a defamation lawsuit after accusing the founder of a Haitian orphanage of child abuse defended himself in court on Thursday, saying he was trying to protect poor and vulnerable children.

Orphanage founder Michael Geilenfeld and Raleigh, North Carolina-based Hearts with Haiti brought the civil lawsuit against Paul Kendrick. Kendrick had accused Geilenfeld of molesting boys who were in his care.

Kendrick took the witness stand for the first time on Thursday, two days after lawyers gave opening statements.

Kendrick and his attorney say the trial will vindicate the boys’ accounts of sexual abuse, the Maine Public Broadcasting Network reported. Seven of the boys are expected to testify.

Geilenfeld filed his lawsuit in February 2013, alleging that Kendrick wrote repeatedly in emails and on a blog that Geilenfeld sexually abused boys at his orphanage in Haiti. Geilenfeld has denied the charges.

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