Child sex abuse royal commission: Catholic Church insurance group given week to produce 2,000 documents

ABC News

The Catholic Church’s insurance company has been given a week to produce almost 2,000 files to the royal commission into child sexual abuse.

In February, Catholic Church Insurance (CCI) was issued with a subpoena to hand over documents about the Church’s response to child sexual abuse allegations.

CCI initially said it would take two months to produce them, but that deadline has well and truly passed, and today the royal commission held a special hearing to find out why.

The commission has heard CCI has gathered 1,960 files — some containing hundreds of pages — relating to more than 60 perpetrators the Church may have known had a propensity to offend.

But they have not yet been provided to the inquiry, and counsel assisting the royal commission, Gail Furness, said the delay was causing problems in the commission’s work.

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