Catholic Globe
By Colleen Sulsberger
Protecting the Innocent
Spring is just around the corner, and that means lots of outdoor activities for kids are gearing up. Scouting, team sports, gymnastics, and dance classes are just a few of the programs that are available for children and young people. Regardless of how much or how little extracurricular activity is part of a child’s life, one thing is certain – safety first must be the motto of parents, guardians, and other caring adults when choosing program activities for kids.
Knowing that, what is the best way for caring adults to make sure that those who supervise programs are doing all they can do to make sure that young people have a safe and enjoyable experience?
In Step 3 of Virtus training, we recommend that adults and organizations “Monitor All Programs.” For the most part, the emphasis in this step has been on overseeing programs on the premises of the church or school. However, as we begin to consider a broader range of activities for the children in our lives, there is an opportunity to apply the principles of Virtus in the investigation and evaluation of other programs and activities for our children.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.