Toledo Priest Accused Of Violating Sexual Abuse Code, Placed On Leave


TOLEDO, Ohio – A Toledo Catholic priest has been placed on leave after being accused of violating the diocesean code on sexual abuse of minors.

Reverend Samuel Punnoor was placed on administrative leave Friday by Bishop Daniel E. Thomas. Rev. Punnoor is not allowed to exercise public ministry, administer any of the Sacrements, wear clerical attire or present himself publicly as a priest pending the outcome of ongoing civil and ecclesiastical investigations. He will also not be in residence at Saint Joseph Parish while on leave.

The Diocese of Toledo says there hasn’t been any previous such allegation against Father Punnoor. He has served in the Diocese since April 2011 and passed all necessary background checks and training.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.