St. Paul church stands by pastor who admitted to sex with teenage boy

Fox 9

by Tom Lyden

(KMSP) –
A St. Paul church is standing by their pastor even though he has been recently investigated by the White Bear Lake Police Department for sexually abusing teenage boys more than three decades ago, even admitting to having a sexual relationship with one of the boys.

After hearing about the troubles in the Catholic church, Eric Forseth googled Rev. Don Horner’s name out of curiosity and found something unexpected. Horner was in a position of trust, as the lead pastor at Eastside Lutheran Church in St. Paul. Forseth wondered how that could happen, given what he said happened to him 36 years ago when he was just 15 years old. The man said Horner fondled him twice, once on a hayride and another time at a church sleepover at First Lutheran in White Bear Lake where Horner was a youth pastor and music director.

TIMELINE: Rev. Don Horner

Forseth called Bishop — now former Bishop — Peter Rogness of the St. Paul synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the ELCA. The Bishop said Forseth should file a police report. After doing so, White Bear Lake police conducted an investigation, which turned up three victims.

Admits to abusing 1 teen boy

When the police department contacted Horner, he made a personal visit to the station. While he didn’t remember Forseth, he admitted to abusing another 15-year-old boy who was a member of the youth group at First Lutheran in White Bear Lake.

Horner molested him in the sauna, the church office, at church camp and weekly throughout high school. A sexual relationship developed that continued through college and for a few years later. Horner was married the entire time to his wife and had three children. That victim no longer lives in Minnesota, but told Fox 9 over the phone he doesn’t believe in all these years anyone has ever called police. He said Horner would always shower special attention on one particular boy, segregating them from the others. The man believes there are at least three other victims, but doesn’t believe they want to come forward.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.