Royal Commission into child abuse turns its eye to Police

Sunshine Coast Daily

Chris Calcino | 5th May 2015

SURVIVORS who reported child sexual abuse in an institution to police have been asked to tell their stories about interactions with officers and the courts.

The Royal Commission uncovering a history of sexual predation in some of Australia’s largest institutions is now turning its attention to police and the prosecutorial process.

The new inquiry follows testimonies given over 26 inquiries since 2013 about children being returned to church-run institutions after complaining about abuse to police, only for the mistreatment to continue.

Royal Commission CEO Philip Reed said victims, family members, witnesses, support workers and the institutions involved would all be invited to give evidence.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.