Huffington Post
David Pakman
I’ve been covering the Josh Duggar child molestation case on The David Pakman Show, not because we care about reality TV shows like 19 Kids and Counting, but because the case is representative of so much of what is wrong with extremist right-wing Christianity and so-called morals in the United States today. Josh Duggar’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, knew about the molestation for years. During that time, Michelle campaigned against LGBT rights, while Jim Bob sent Josh to work away from home.
Jim Bob did have Josh meet with Arkansas State Trooper Jim Hutchens, but Hutchens never took official action, and ended up being convicted on child pornography charges himself, effectively killing any chance of action against Josh Duggar or the family for coverup.
Mike Huckabee issued a statement of support for the Duggars. Judge Stacey Zimmerman, who has connections to Mike Huckabee, ordered the police records referencing some instances of Josh’s child sex abuse to be destroyed.
Naturally, I was heartened and optimistic this morning when I read that a Republican finally stepped up and was calling for charges in the case. Unfortunately, Arkansas State Senator has called for charges against Kathy O’Kelley, Chief of the Springdale, Arkansas police. Senator Hester argues that by releasing the police report about Duggar, she has put the victims in danger.
This doesn’t hold water. The police report was released redacted, and Chief Kelley was merely following the law with regard to Freedom of Information Act requests. Senator Hester hasn’t called for charges against Duggar himself — in any case, the statute of limitations may have elapsed on his wrongdoing. Senator Hester hasn’t called for charges against Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar for coverup and failure to take victims and would-be victims out of harm’s way. Senator Hester hasn’t called for charges against Judge Zimmerman, who still hasn’t explained why she destroyed the police records when news of Duggar’s child sex abuse went public.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.