Quincy Man Charged WIth Extorting Sharon Resident


By DANIEL LIBON (Patch Staff)

From the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office:

A Norfolk County Grand Jury on May 7, 2015 indicted Nicholas Zemeitus, age 30, of Willard Street, Quincy, formerly of Nancy Road, Milton, on extortion and other charges.

Investigation into the alleged extortion, which involved a Sharon resident, began roughly one year ago.

Zemeitus was arrested shortly after 3 p.m. today, May 11, 2015, on a Norfolk Superior Court indictment warrant at his Quincy place of business by Sharon Police working with the Quincy Police Department.

Zemeitus faces seven indictments of Larceny over $250; two indictments of Receiving Stolen Property valued over $250, a single indictment of Larceny under $250 and one indictment of Extortion.

These indictments are the result of an extensive Norfolk County Grand Jury investigation, investigation by the Sharon Police Department Detective Bureau and Det. Scott Leonard, and the Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit – Norfolk District Attorney’s Office.

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