Christian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
German Catholic bishops, clearly concerned about protecting their $7+ billion annual governmental subsidies (the Catholic Church’s largest guaranteed revenue stream worldwide, with roots in Pope Pius XII’s 1933 “evil bargain” that helped make Hitler), have apparently seen enough from Pope Francis and his flawed “fatherless and motherless” Family Synod farce. The Bishops appear unwilling to wait passively for the final Family Synod in October to reform their rules on same sex marriages and divorced and remarried Catholics. Who knows? German bishops, under considerable competitive pressure from Evangelical Lutherans and governmental child protection officials, may soon reverse the papal contraception ban and even (God willing!) hold German bishops really accountable for covering up priest child predators, as apparently even the ex-pope did in Munich and his brother did as the Regensburg choirmaster.
As reported by veteran Vatican journalist, Sandro Magister, ” … Not only do the German bishops approve of giving absolution and communion to the divorced and remarried, but they also express the hope that civil second marriages be blessed in church, that Eucharistic communion also be given to non-Catholic spouses, that the goodness of homosexual relationships and same-sex unions be recognized. …”, see here,
The German bishops are on a Synod collision course with the pope over sexual morality issues, see Yale educated prophetic theologian, Jamie Manson’s insightful and informative “To have a truly just church, Pope Francis must move beyond complementarity” here,
The collision is being accelerated by truth tellers on bishop cover-up schemes like courageous Fr. Tom Doyle in his recent “Bishop Robert Finn: the rest of the story” here,
Pope Francis’ failed Synod strategy has for two years sought, and still seeks:
* To protect cardinals and bishops from governmental investigators and criminal prosecutors
* To protect Church leaders’ assets from excessive corruption and from lawyers for priest sex abuse survivors
* To protect unaccountable bishops’ local monopolies over their dioceses and the local Catholic faithful
* To protect bishops’ key salesmen — their captive celibate priests who collect top Church leaders’ money and who depend on bishops’ funds to survive, especially in retirement
* To create an illusion, through public imagery and misleading promises, that the Vatican is changing its unchristian ways, as well as its warped sexual teachings that are designed mainly to preserve and protect the Church leaders’ power and wealth.
The German bishops see and understand well the future implications, it appears, of the Catholic revolt in Chile and the likely coming USA revolt when the pope visits in September. The USA revolt has already begun with brave Jesuit students at a New York university, with their petition here on Change.org (SIGN IT NOW PLEASE), and related anticipated civil disobedience seeking to reject, in light of evident child protection and homophobic failures, prominent New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan as graduation speaker, see here, Catholics Revolt: Jesuit Grads Shun Dolan As Goldman Sachs Bankers Woo Him
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.