A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

May 22, 2015

Why we can’t expect sex abuse victims to generate instant forgiveness

Washington Post

By Mary DeMuth
May 22

It’s never simply over.

Yesterday was hard for me. I opened my computer to the news of several instances of sexual abuse reported (within the church), including the claims about Josh Duggar’s gross indiscretions and his subsequent confession. And something in me sunk, particularly because of this statement by his parents: “Even though we would never choose to go through something so terrible, each one of our family members drew closer to God.”

While I’m grateful that this travesty produced fruit and closeness, as a victim of sexual abuse, I am skeptical. Though we may not know the details of recovery during these years, it’s easy to sweep something away by pointing to God in a statement.

But it’s not so simple to get over sexual violation. Recovery takes years of stops and starts, and forgiveness is not a one-time easy decision, particularly if it’s demanded or expected right away for the sake of peace and putting something shameful behind you.

Often we see in communities of faith that victims are admonished to be grace-like, offering instant forgiveness to their abuser as if it could be dolled out like a trinket or candy. And when someone is pressured to “be like Jesus” and forgive swiftly, often this pressure causes harm.

Sexual violation cuts deeply. It eats away at worth, esteem and personhood. I believe it is one of Satan’s greatest weapons against humanity, paving the road for future self-destructive behavior, suicidal thoughts, feelings of utter worthlessness, sexual dysfunction, guilt, shame and any manner of disorders. And moving beyond it is excruciating, long and sometimes debilitating.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Paedophile Robert Best still a Christian Brother


PETER LLOYD: Australia’s most senior Christian Brother has condemned the crimes of his colleagues in the Victorian city of Ballarat.

The child sex abuse royal commission has heard evidence of the brutal sexual and physical abuse of children by Christian Brothers in the city in the ’60s and ’70s.

But Brother Peter Clinch told the commission there has been no attempt to remove one of the worst offenders, jailed paedophile Robert Best, from the congregation.

Samantha Donovan reports from Ballarat.

SAMANTHA DONOVAN: Christian Brothers Robert Best, Edward Dowlan and Stephen Farrell have all been convicted of sexually abusing children in the Ballarat area.

The commission heard today Robert Best remains a member of the congregation even though he’s serving a 14 year jail sentence for his crimes against 11 boys.

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Youth pastor admits to sexually abusing boys, prays for healing

The Oregonian

By Emily E. Smith | The Oregonian/OregonLive
on May 21, 2015

A youth pastor admitted Thursday to sexually abusing two boys in the Hillsboro congregation of the Bethel United Pentecostal Church.

Dylan Ritterman, 28, pleaded guilty in Washington County Circuit Court to two counts each of attempted first-degree sexual abuse and second-degree sexual abuse.

Circuit Judge Kirsten Thompson imposed the sentence outlined in his plea agreement, which sends him to prison for six years and eight months.

Before the hearing began, Ritterman, who was out of custody, sat in the back of the courtroom with his wife. Later, he joined his attorney, Anne Tracey, at the defense table.

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Outspoken priest Kevin Dillon calls for Cardinal George Pell to face commission

The Age

May 22, 2015

Marissa Calligeros

One of Victoria’s most senior Catholic priests has called on Cardinal George Pell to return from the Vatican to front the royal commission into child sexual abuse.

The commission is sitting in Ballarat this week as it investigates the church’s many failings in recognising and dealing with the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests and clergymen in the Victorian town dating back to the 1960s.

Geelong’s Father Kevin Dillon said Cardinal Pell should return to Australia to answer allegations he tried to bribe one abuse victim to keep quiet, ignored complaints and was complicit in moving a notorious paedophile priest to a different parish.

“Given the enormous focus on Ballart, given the enormous impact of all this, it would be helpful … for the Cardinal to return to face questions in person,” Father Dillon said.

“Certainly, the widespread public opinion seems to be that the issue will be determined the best if he were to return.”

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Court Order Filed Against Diocese of Duluth

Fox 21

[with video]

Stef Manisero, Reporter, smanisero@kqdsfox21.tv

DULUTH, Minn. –
A new court order has been filed against the diocese of Duluth.

Attorneys representing a man who says he’s a survivor of clergy abuse, appeared in St. Louis County Court in Duluth Thursday.

The person identified as Doe 28, asked a judge to release all documents and files regarding all clergy accused of child sexual abuse.

Doe 28 says he was abused by Father Robert Klein, who was assigned to The Sacred Heart Church in Duluth, in the 70s.

The hope is the documents will provide a clearer picture of the diocese’s practices regarding abusive priests.

“Those are things that show what the bishops knew, when they knew it, and how they concealed and covered up child sex abuse for years,” said Mike Finnegan, the Prosecuting Attorney on the case. “Those are things that the public has never seen, and until the public gets those, kids in this community are at risk.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

The real-life Angel: The rebel priest who has helped more than 80 victims …

Daily Mail

The real-life Angel: The rebel priest who has helped more than 80 victims of church paedophiles deal with the trauma of abuse at the hands of evil clergy


Even as a royal commission exposes sickening details of a paedophile ring involving Catholic clergy in the Victorian town of Ballarat, one priest is picking up the emotional and physical wreckage wrought by the evil side of a religion he has given his life to.

Father Kevin Dillon, priest for St Mary of the Angels parish in Geelong, south of Melbourne, for the past 15 years, will accompany eight victims to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse inquiry who have been physically and sexually abused by priests and Christian Brothers.

He is a confidante and spiritual guide for more than 80 people from all over Australia who endured child abuse at the hands of the clergy.

It is a role he never planned for, but which now provides essential support and trust to the victims.
It all began in 2008 on Neil Mitchell’s 3AW radio show in Melbourne. A live phone-in was taking place about the Foster family.

Christine and Anthony Foster had three daughters. Two of them, Emma and Katie, were sexually abused at a young age by a Catholic priest.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Media Watch Dog: Journalists and George Pell …

The Australian

MAY 22, 2015

Gerard Henderson


The abysmal ignorance of some Australian journalists has seldom been more evident than in the coverage of the hearings of the Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse which are currently underway in Ballarat. Especially in Fairfax Media, the ABC, The Guardian Australia and Sky News’ Paul Murray Live. Here are some “highlights”.

Last night on Paul Murray Live, presenter Paul Murray seemed unaware that Cardinal George Pell had already appeared twice before the Royal Commission as a witness and that the Royal Commission has been advised that he is willing to co-operate with it as required. Cardinal Pell appeared as a witness on one occasion in Sydney and via video-link from the Vatican on another occasion. Yet Paul Murray, in his ignorance, called on Cardinal Pell to front up before the Royal Commission.

Then the following exchange took place:

Paul Murray: … I just believe that all of the people involved in these organisations — and there are some phenomenally important organisations, like the Salvos, who had to own up to terrible things in their past that have nothing to do with how they currently deal with things. But they had to front, they had to explain how they’ve learned, how they’ve changed. He [George Pell] has to do this as the most visible leader of the Australian Catholic Church.

Dee Madigan: Not only the most visible leader but someone who, according to the testimony this week, was quite complicit in it. Frankly, I think he should be back and facing charges. And I say that as a Catholic. Probably not a very good one [laughs].

This is hopelessly wrong. There was no new testimony before the Royal Commission this week concerning George Pell. The allegations made against him by victims David Ridsdale and Tim Green — concerning George Pell’s (alleged) responses to their complaints — are old. The David Ridsdale matter is referred to in Tess Livingstone’s George Pell (2002) and the David Ridsdale and Tim Green matters are referred in David Marr’s The Prince (2014).

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Paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale: ‘I was out of control abusing altar boys’

The Guardian

Associated Australian Press
Friday 22 May 2015

Australia’s most notorious paedophile priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale admitted he was out of control and “went haywire” in the Victorian town of Mortlake where he was believed to have abused every boy in school.

A series of letters and documents published by the royal commission into sexual abuse website reveal details of Ridsdale’s abuse and the response from the Catholic church, including Ballarat bishop Ronald Mulkearns.

Ridsdale has been convicted for abusing more than 50 children over three decades, dating back to his ordination in 1961.

After parents complained to then Ballarat Bishop James O’Collins about Ridsdale in 1961, O’Collins told him: “If this thing happens again then you’re off to the Missions” and sent him to Mildura.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

May 21, 2015

Pell should give evidence: Shorten

Daily Mail

Cardinal George Pell should return home to give evidence before the royal commission into child sex abuse, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten believes.

Victims have called for Australia’s most senior Catholic figure to return from Rome to face allegations made during hearings of the commission in Ballarat this week.

“I do believe that George Pell should help the royal commission and if that means coming back to Australia to co-operate with the royal commission he should,” Mr Shorten told reporters in Melbourne on Friday.

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Archdiocese Under Investigation In Pedophile Priest Case

CBS Minnesota

Esme Murphy

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – The Ramsey County Attorney’s Office has launched a new criminal investigation into how top officials at the Twin Cities Archdiocese handled the case of a convicted pedophile priest.

Curtis Wehmeyer is currently serving a five-year prison term for molesting a child, exposing himself to another child and possessing child pornography while he was a pastor at St. Paul’s Blessed Sacrament Church. He also faces sexual assault charges in a separate case in Wisconsin.

In January 2014, the Ramsey County Attorney announced there would not be any charges against top church leaders over how they handled the Wehmeyer case.

But WCCO sources now say the County Attorney has been re-interviewing witnesses in recent weeks about Wehmeyer’s activities at a church he worked at before Blessed Sacrament.

From 2001 to 2006, Wehmeyer was an associate pastor at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, which also has a school in West St. Paul.

For much of that time, his supervisor and pastor was Father Lee Piche — now Bishop Piche, the No. 2 official in the Twin Cities Archdiocese.

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Abuse claims again haunt Pell and church

Daily Mail


The new kids at school were warned who to avoid, boys were molested at the back of classrooms or even while sitting up front on the teacher’s lap and children were raped on church properties.

In some cases every boy in class knew their turn to be abused would come. At one town’s school, every boy aged 10 to 16 was molested.

What went on for decades in the deeply Catholic Ballarat diocese was blatantly obvious – as one victim put it – and widespread, yet no one stopped it.

Pedophile clergy got away with destroying so many lives for so long, and now its come back to haunt the Catholic Church and its most senior Australian figure Cardinal George Pell.

Cardinal Pell is a long way from Ballarat as he presides over the Vatican’s finances in Rome. But victims in his home town are looking to the former parish priest for answers.

So too is the child sexual abuse royal commission as it investigates the church’s many failings in recognising and dealing with what went on in Ballarat. Current Archbishop of Sydney Anthony Fisher describes it as the worst story in the church’s history in Australia.

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Ballarat sex abuse ‘worst in nation’s history’

The New Daily

May 22, 2015

The Catholic archbishop of Sydney has declared the sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by church employees at schools in Victoria to be the worst in the nation’s history.

The nation’s royal commission into child abuse has been holding public hearings in Ballarat as part of its inquiry into past allegations of abuse in the regional town.

“It’s probably the worst story I think in the history of the Catholic Church in Australia,” Archbishop Anthony Fisher told ABC radio on Friday morning.

The testimonies given this week by former Ballarat students who attended Catholic schools ‘sickened’ the clergyman.

“It sickens me. It brings me to tears to hear how the victims have been so damaged, and how priests have betrayed their trust, and how leaders have failed in their supervising,” Archbishop Fisher said.

“We’ve got to do things better in the future.”

Some of Australia’s most notorious abusers, including Gerald Ridsdale, Robert Best and Edward Dowlan, were part of a paedophile ring operating in and around Ballarat during the 1960 and 70s.

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Gay teen considered suicide after pastor outed on Grindr told him he was doomed to hell

The Raw Story

21 MAY 2015

A Michigan mother says Matthew Makela — former pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church and School in Midland — told her son he would go to hell for being gay. Ashamed of his sexuality and fearful of eternal damnation, the then 17-year-old child came to suffer from depression and thoughts of suicide, WNEM reports.

Makela stepped down from his post at St. John’s earlier this week after Queerty provided photographic evidence of the married father of five — who was prone to saying hateful things about gay people online — seeking out male companionship on the popular hookup app, Grindr.

Jennifer Kish tells WNEM reporters that Makela “nearly drove [her son] to suicide.”

In an interview with the Saginaw-based news outlet, Kish says she “moved to Midland specifically to go to this church,” referring to St. John’s. But then Pastor Makela began harassing her son online.

Using social media, Makela warned the teenage boy of homosexuality-induced hell fire in the afterlife, putting the child in a hopeless mindset. “If he’s going to hell for being gay,” Kish describes her son’s state of mind with tears in her eyes, “then he might as well commit suicide.”

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That Michigan pastor who was outed on Grindr?…

Daily Kos

That Michigan pastor who was outed on Grindr? He nearly shamed a gay teen into committing suicide

Jen Hayden

Yesterday we covered Pastor Matt Makela, the anti-gay Michigan pastor who was outed on Grindr.

Today a young man and his mother have stepped forward with their own story about Pastor Matt Makela. Tyler Kish was a teenage boy struggling to come to terms with his sexuality and sought counsel from Pastor Makela. His advice nearly caused Tyler to commit suicide:

“If he was going to go to hell for being gay then he might as well go to hell by committing suicide,” Jennifer Kish said, regarding what Makela told her son.

He didn’t stop there:

Jennifer Kish said the pastor also became vocal on social media about how he felt her son being gay was wrong and that as a parent she shouldn’t support him.

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Child sex abuse: Change must begin in our homes

The JC

Yehudis Goldsobel
By Yehudis Goldsobel
May 21, 2015

After considerable deliberation and a thorough re-examination of all the evidence, the retrial of Todros Grynhaus concluded this week with a conviction.

There is one less sex offender on our streets, and his many victims – now adults – can now begin their long journey of healing without fear of encountering their attacker on the street, in a local shop or in the synagogue.

As the founder and director of Migdal Emunah, a support service for Jewish victims of sexual abuse and their families, I am proud of the community for standing up against Grynhaus.

I am proud of the victims who filed a police complaint and went through the painful process of giving testimony, and I am also proud of the rabbis who supported the victims in their reporting.

Unlike previous cases of victims being shunned by their community, it is clear that attitudes are beginning to change.

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Stop Minimizing Barry Freundel’s Actions By Saying He is Nonviolent


May 21, 2015

By Elana Sztokman

One of the most infuriating responses to the Freundel scandal I‘ve heard is the argument, “But it wasn’t rape.” As if to say, what he did was not such a big deal — after all it’s not categorized as a “violent” crime. In one really frustrating exchange I had, a radio host kept insisting that the requested 17-year prison term was too long because “it wasn’t rape,” he said, “I would rather be watched than penetrated.”

This comment is absurd in that it assumes that victims have a choice about how to be violated and that one is “better” than the other, but more dangerously it belies the very real and powerful impact of this category of so-called “non-violent” sexual assault. This is a type of assault that we need to understand better, because in this digital age, it is likely to increase.

What is the damage that is caused to a victim of voyeurism? That is the question that prosecutors in this case were trying to quantify. The prosecutor’s brief, followed by victim testimony in court, painted a portrait of sexual and spiritual trauma. It included victims who are afraid to get undressed, who are having difficulty resuming their intimate relationships, who have trouble trusting rabbis, who cannot walk into synagogue, who cannot walk into a mikveh, who are questioning their entire Jewish identity and religious practice.

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For his victims, the nightmare of ‘peeping’ Rabbi Freundel didn’t end with his sentencing


By Allison Kaplan Sommer | May 21, 2015

Watching a downcast Rabbi Barry Freundel being led away to face incarceration immediately after he was sentenced to six and a half years in prison on May 15 may not have healed the trauma and pain of his victims, but it marked a milestone for many of them.

Two of the many women in the courtroom who knew they had been videotaped naked by the rabbi while were preparing for their ritual immersions in the mikveh said they had been deeply worried the judge might heed his plea for leniency. They said they were emotionally prepared to see him receive a minimal term or no prison time at all, as Freundel’s defense team had requested.

“There was a lot of fear in the group that he would get nothing or basically nothing,” Kate Bailey, 28, said in a telephone interview shortly after the sentencing.

Bethany Shondark Mandel, 29, said she had tried to keep her expectations low so as not to be disappointed. “I kept saying to myself, as long as it’s more than a year, that will be okay.” When the sentence was finally announced, she said, “I was shocked. We were all anticipating hearing that he would only get six months.” Ultimately, she said, “I think nearly everyone was relieved to hear the sentence. I think people wanted the sentence to make it clear that while this wasn’t rape, it was incredibly traumatic for his victims and total betrayal of trust.”

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Apuron must follow his own policy

Pacific Daily News

Written by
Steve Martinez

Regarding the letter from Joaquin “Danny” Santos of Piti in the May 5 Voice of the People, it is unfortunate that he views sex abuse prevention as an adversarial issue. Shouldn’t we all demand our leaders to make every effort possible to protect our children?

Both the Church and the civil authorities require clergy file a report whenever they believe a case of sexual abuse has taken place. That is what I did in my first letter to Archbishop Apuron and CPS. A failure to do so would have been a failure to protect the children of our island. Danny’s condemnation of my actions is quite shocking to concerned parents.

Unfortunately, Santos has no alternative suggestion on what should have been done. There are important, unanswered questions regarding the allegations against Father Camacho. These answers could either exonerate him, or provide a basis for Church sanctions. Sadly, Santos chooses to attack the messenger rather than confront the real issues.

Santos points out that a canonical investigation has been started. It has been seven weeks since the incident occurred and we have heard nothing from the archdiocese on the status of their investigation. We know that the archdiocese is required to promptly investigate, and that, per Deacon Claros (sex abuse response coordinator, or SARC), Monsignor David has been appointed by Archbishop Apuron to conduct this investigation.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

The Courier


AFTER Paul Tatchell was raped by Brother Edward Dowlan at St Patrick’s College, he turned around and started belting the brother and wouldn’t stop.

“He (Dowlan) was crying on the floor. I was so angry for me and so angry for the other kids. I stormed out of the room,” Mr Tatchell told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

“I said ‘come with me you bastard’ and I went into the main area where all the other brothers who were dorm masters slept.

“I kept kicking at the door and eventually a couple of brothers got up to see what the racket was and then I just started swinging at them.”

Mr Tatchell left St Patrick’s College and went to Monivae College where he would attack any brothers abusing other students.

“I was taking my laundry down to the basement and the brother in charge of the laundry … was in there with another kid.

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San Francisco priest who raised eyebrows and banned altar girls is dropped as school chaplain

Religion News Service

David Gibson | May 21, 2015

(RNS) The San Francisco priest who sparked controversy earlier this year by barring altar girls has been replaced as chaplain of the church’s Catholic grade school.

The Rev. Joseph Illo also made news in February when he gave students at Star of the Sea School a form to prepare them for confession, asking whether they had masturbated or advised anyone to have an abortion.

Illo later said the confession form was a mistake, but the controversies added to the clamor surrounding San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, an outspoken conservative and opponent of gay marriage who is embroiled in a dispute with teachers at several Catholic schools about morality clauses in a new handbook.

Illo’s removal as school chaplain was made quietly, appearing April 29 in a listing of personnel changes in the archdiocese that named the Rev. Vito Perrone as the new chaplain. Typically the pastor will serve as chaplain of a school that is attached to a parish, but another person can be designated for the role.

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N.J. priest not reassigned over pro-LGBT post, church says


By Bill Wichert | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
on May 21, 2015

SOUTH ORANGE — A church official on Thursday refuted allegations that a priest is being removed as director of campus ministry at Seton Hall University as a result of a pro-LGBT Facebook post he made.

Rev. Warren Hall claimed in a tweet posted on Friday that he was “fired from SHU for posting a pic on FB supporting LGBT ‘NO H8.’ I’m sorry it was met with this response. I’ll miss my work here.”

But Jim Goodness, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Newark, said in a statement on Thursday that Hall’s pending removal was not in response to the Facebook post.

“There are always many factors that go into evaluating whether a particular assignment is a good fit for a priest,” Goodness said.

“It is unfortunate that the tweet from Fr. Hall garnering so much media attention has been interpreted to suggest that the decision to assign another priest to the position of Director of Campus Ministry at Seton Hall was in response to Fr. Hall’s advocacy of tolerance for men and women with same-sex attraction. That could not be farther from the truth.”

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‘I continue to regret the misunderstanding between us’ …

Daily Mail


‘I continue to regret the misunderstanding between us’: Australia’s highest-ranking Catholic clergyman George Pell denies claims he tried to bribe the nephew of rampant paedophile priest to keep quiet

Cardinal George Pell refutes allegations that he attempted to bribe a victim of pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale.

David Ridsdale, the nephew of Australia’s worst pedophile priest, said at a royal commission hearing into child sex abuse on Wednesday that he told Cardinal Pell in 1993 about the abuse at the hands of his uncle.

However, Cardinal Pell, who is a family friend, released a statement later that evening, denying that such a conversation ever took place and expresses his regret for the misunderstanding between the pair.

Mr Ridsdale told the inquiry that Cardinal Pell asked him: ‘I want to know what it will take to keep you quiet.’

Mr Ridsdale said Cardinal Pell then started talking about his growing family and that he may soon have to buy a car or house.

He said his response was ‘f*** you George and everything you stand for’.

Cardinal Pell said the matter required an immediate response as it was important to correct the record, particularly given ‘the false and misleading headlines.’

‘At no time did I attempt to bribe David Ridsdale or his family or offer any financial inducements for him to be silent,’ the statement said.

‘At the time of our discussion the police were already aware of allegations against Gerald Ridsdale and were investigating. Then, and now, I supported these police investigations.’

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The Catholic Church’s American downfall: Why its demographic crisis is great news for the country



The big news out of the new Pew poll on Americans and religion was the precipitous drop in the number of Americans calling themselves “Christian” and its potential impact on the Christian Right and future religion itself in the U.S.

But there’s another number lurking in the poll that may prove just as consequential: there are 3 million fewer people calling themselves Catholic today than in 2007, the last time Pew conducted their extensive poll. As a result, the share of the U.S. population that identifies as Catholic dropped from approximately 24 percent to 21 percent.

Why is this such big news? Because despite unpopular popes and still-simmering pedophilia scandals, the percentage of Catholics in the U.S. has remained remarkably steady for decades. The relative stability of the Catholic population allowed many on the Catholic right to dismiss calls for reform in the church and gave the Catholic bishops political clout when it came to opposing things like no-cost contraception in the Affordable Care Act in the name of “Catholics.”

But now it appears that the Catholic Church is in a demographic free-fall, as it sheds adherents faster than any faith other than the mainline Protestant denominations, which have been in decline for decades. Nearly one-third of all American adults were raised Catholic, but a stunning 41 percent—four in ten of those who marched to the alter in their little white First Communion dresses and suits—no longer identify with Catholicism.

Why is the Catholic Church suddenly crashing? The reality is that the Catholic Church has been shedding adherents for a long time. But it was gaining new parishioners just as fast, thanks to the dramatic increase in Hispanic migration to the U.S. The influx of Hispanics, who are overwhelming Catholic, helped make up for the departing white, native-born parishioners and masked their continued defection from the church. As a result, one-third of Catholics in the pews today are Hispanic.

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Paedophile priest’s evidence tells of Mortlake, Warrnambool crimes

The Standard

By JARROD WOOLLEY May 22, 2015

AUSTRALIA’S worst paedophile priest admits he went “haywire” during an 18-month stint at Mortlake, evidence tendered to a royal commission has revealed.

It shows Ridsdale first realised he “needed help” during his time in Warrnambool in the 1970s and that he spoke to a psychologist at the Brierly Mental Hospital during a visit to give communion to patients.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has been told that Ridsdale later molested up to 30 boys at Mortlake’s St Colman’s Primary School while he was parish priest between 1981 and 1982.

Transcripts of interviews between Ridsdale and Catholic Church Insurance investigators have been tendered to the commission during hearings in Ballarat which began this week.

The commission aims to discover who was responsible for moving the disgraced priest from parish to parish, allowing him to continue to offend, and why. Ridsdale is expected to give evidence via video link from prison next Wednesday.

Ridsdale told investigators he was molested as a young child and before entering the seminary he “had a big problem with masturbation”.

He first remembered “having the guts” to speak up during a stay in Warrnambool.

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Man testifies that as altar boy, priest raped him in church

St. Cloud Times

David Unze, dunze@stcloudtimes.com May 21, 2015

HASTINGS – A former altar boy at a Hastings church testified Thursday that Fran Hoefgen raped him numerous times in a room behind the altar at a Hastings church where Hoefgen was a priest in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

That former altar boy is now 36, lives in Red Wing with his wife and three children, and testified that he still harbors anger toward Hoefgen, a former St. John’s Abbey monk who was laicized from the priesthood in 2011.

Hoefgen, 64, faces two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in Dakota County.

The man testified Thursday that Hoefgen was at first a nice man who listened to him and helped him with problems that arose in his life. He liked and trusted Hoefgen, he told jurors.

Then he told Hoefgen that he had been touched inappropriately by a family member when he was a young child.

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Man accusing ex-Hastings priest of abuse says Francis Hoefgen should go to prison

Star Tribune

By Stephen Montemayor Star Tribune MAY 21, 2015

The man accusing a former Hastings priest of sexual abuse in the 1980s and 1990s took the stand in a Dakota County courtroom Thursday and told how summer break from the parochial school at St. Boniface Church also meant an escape from Francis Hoefgen.

The former altar boy, now 36, broke years of silence to report the alleged sexual abuse to police in 2013. Thursday morning was the first time the man and Hoefgen, 64, had been in the same room since Hoefgen left St. Boniface in 1992.

“I wanted something done,” the man said when asked why he decided to come forward to Hastings police in 2013. “I wanted him to pay. I want him to go to prison.”

Hoefgen, who has left the priesthood and lives in Columbia Heights, faces two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. While dozens of priests have been accused of sexual misconduct, Hoefgen is one of the few to face criminal charges for alleged offenses that date back decades.

During more than an hour of testimony Thursday, jurors listened as the man detailed how Hoefgen’s alleged abuses progressed when the victim was in fourth, fifth and sixth grade at the parochial school at St. Boniface. The Star Tribune is not naming the man because he is the victim of an alleged sexual assault.

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Pell ‘unlikely’ to appear before inquiry

Sky News

Cardinal George Pell is unlikely to again appear before the abuse royal commission despite child sex abuse victims’ calls for him to return from Rome to answer allegations against him.

Three other Catholic Church leaders will front the royal commission hearing in Ballarat, starting with Christian Brothers Oceania province leader Brother Peter Clinch on Friday.

But the indications are that Australia’s most senior Catholic figure won’t return from the Vatican to answer allegations about what he knew regarding widespread abuse by clergy in the Ballarat diocese.

Commission chair Justice Peter McClellan has made it clear that Cardinal Pell will have to answer the serious claims, some of which have been aired previously.

But it’s expected he will do that in a statement, rather than appearing in person.

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New Times

THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015

A 41-year-old man who served under a Catholic Priest in a Pembroke Pines Parish as a boy in the 1980s has filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Miami for sexual abuse. The civil lawsuit claims that several boys at the parish were also abused, and that while the abuses were reported to the Archdiocese of Miami, the reports went ignored.

The priest, now retired, is Father Harry Ringenberger, who served at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church, was eventually re-assigned to a new parish within the Archdiocese of Miami, and then worked at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Fort Lauderdale until he retired in 2014.

The lawsuit, filed in Broward County court this week, claims that Ringerberger, who is now 89, befriended the victim, identified only as John Doe, when the boy was 14. One evening, Ringerberger took John out to dinner, and then brought him back to his home which was located in the church rectory at St. Maximilian Kolbe. There, Ringerberger allegedly stripped naked and the two began to wrestle.

The suit claims that Ringerberger then had John lay on top of him, while “Ringerberger rubbed his penis against John’s until Ringerberger ejaculated.” The suit goes on to say Ringerberger then continued to sexually abuse John.

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MI– Abusive Catholic teacher pleads guilty

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

For immediate release: Thursday, May 21

Statement by SNAP leader Bill McAlary ( 616-514-0654, bllmack1@gmail.com )

We’re grateful that a child molesting Catholic school teacher has pled guilty to more crimes and we hope she’ll get a very stiff sentence that keeps her away from kids for a long time.

[Daily Reporter]

Katheryn Ronk taught – and abused – at Bishop Foley High School in the Oakland County city of Madison Heights. She also faced charges in Macomb County, where some of her crimes took place.

All too often, child molesters are prosecuted in several jurisdictions but after one guilty plea, the other charges are dropped. This saves time for law enforcement officials but means that predators get out of prison sooner and can hurt more kids. We’re glad this didn’t happen with Ronk.

And all too often, child sex crimes by female predators are treated lightly. This is unwise, unhealthy and hurtful. Any time an adult – of any gender – assaults a child, it’s very devastating. And that adult should be punished harshly, along with anyone else who may have seen or suspected such crimes and kept silent or hid them.

Along those lines, we hope that law enforcement officials look hard at whether any current or former Catholic school staffers may have known about or suspected Ronk’s crimes and concealed or ignored them. This has happened in thousands of cases of abuse by Catholic church and school officials. It may have happened here.

We urge anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered child sex crimes or cover ups in the Detroit archdiocese – whether in a school or a parish, whether by a cleric or lay person – to call police, expose wrongdoers, protect kids, and start healing.

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Tardy redress would hurt sex abuse victims further

Sydney Morning Herald

May 22, 2015

Cathy Kezelman

The testimony given to the royal commission sitting in Ballarat provides further insight into the unconscionable human cost of child sexual abuse. The inquiry has revealed that 12 boys have died, allegedly by suicide from a single class of 33 at St Alipius school and 40 suicides related to child sexual assault have occurred within the Ballarat community. This community has been crushed to its core.

One after another, victims are continuing to come forward courageously breaking their silence. It has been asserted that there were schools in which no child was safe, with periods during which every teacher was an alleged sex offender.

With no safe place or person to tell, these children lived in constant fear of the next assault, powerless and helpless, as those charged with their care abused their power and betrayed them time and again. The possibility of “fight or flight”, a normal physiological response to danger was not available. Where was their community of nurture, care and compassion? And why did no one intervene to protect them?

These survivors, now men, have related heartbreaking stories of lives ruined by disability, welfare dependency, mental illness, substance abuse and relationship breakdown. Many of those who have not paid the ultimate price are living a life sentence imposed by the predatory behaviour of paedophile priests and sealed by a system which protected its own at all costs.

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The Age forced to apologise over George Pell death call

The Australian

MAY 22, 2015

John Ferguson
Victoria Editor

The Age newspaper was forced to apologise yesterday to Australia’s most powerful Catholic after its Facebook page urged the death of Cardinal George Pell.

For about an hour yesterday the Melbourne newspaper’s Facebook page carried the words: “Die Pell.’’

The Age’s editor-in-chief Andrew Holden apologised, blaming an unknown hacker.

The paper’s Facebook page later contained a prominent retrac­tion but an ugly and defam­atory debate continued on the page about the merits of apologising for the offensive remark.

The retraction read: “The Age would like to apologise to readers and Cardinal George Pell for an offensive remark posted on our Facebook page this morning. The post was deleted as soon as staff became aware of the problem.’’ One reader declared: “Why would you apologise to a scheming dirty Catholic priest?’’ Other highly defamatory posts remained on The Age’s Facebook site until well into the afternoon.

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Vatican assures ‘guilty will be punished’ …


Vatican assures ‘guilty will be punished’ as Cardinal Pell urged to front sex abuse inquiry

THE Vatican has vowed to take a tough stance against anyone found guilty of child sex abuse or covering up criminal activity within the Catholic Church as Cardinal George Pell denies claims he sought to protect paedophile priests up to 40 years ago.

In a lengthy personal statement yesterday the Australian Cardinal Pell claimed as false and misleading reports he attempted to bribe a victim of child sex abuse, ignored pleas for help or protect an accused paedophile.

In his statement issued from his office in the Vatican, Cardinal Pell said he was preparing to make another formal statement to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse about the latest claims.

The Vatican stood by their senior official but said anyone found guilty would be exposed and treated by law.

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Ex-priest’s alleged victims ‘as young as five’

Border Mail

By BEVAN SHIELDS Oct. 18, 2012

A FORMER Catholic priest arrested this morning has been charged with 25 serious sexual crimes against three girls, one as young as five.

The 59-year-old man appeared in court this afternoon after officers from Strike Force Glenroe apprehended him in an early-morning operation at his home in Armidale, in northern NSW, today. He was refused bail.

Police allege the man sexually abused three girls in the 1970s and 1980s. The charges include indecent assault, acts of indecency and sexual intercourse without consent. The girls were aged between 5 and 18 years old when the alleged crimes were committed.

The trio contacted police earlier this year, the commander of the NSW Police Sex Crimes Squad, Detective Superintendent John Kerlatec, told reporters in Sydney today.

He would not say if the alleged victims were related to the former priest, or to each other.

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George Pell has ‘dealt with those issues’, PM says

Financial Review

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has declined to endorse calls for Cardinal George Pell to return from Rome and answer allegations about his covering up of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, saying that was a decision for the cardinal to make.

Mr Abbott, who is close to Cardinal Pell, said it was not for him to say what Australia’s most senior Catholic should do, following allegations being made by victims to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

“Look, these are properly matters for the royal commission, properly matters for the royal commission and for him,” Mr Abbott said.

He said the statement that Cardinal Pell released overnight on Wednesday responding to the allegations “has dealt with those issues” and whether he chose to appear was “ultimately a matter for him”.

But Mr Abbott’s stance did nothing to quell calls from victims for Cardinal Pell to appear in person and defend himself against allegations concerning a church paedophile ring which operated in the Ballarat Diocese.

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Leading Melbourne lawyer says Cardinal George Pell risks …


Leading Melbourne lawyer says Cardinal George Pell risks reputation by avoiding royal commission into child abuse

Leading Melbourne lawyer David Galbally says Cardinal George Pell risks being accused of “trying to hide” if he doesn’t respond to allegations at the royal commission into child abuse.

Pressure is mounting on Cardinal Pell to front the commission and answer claims he tried to bribe the nephew of a paedophile priest to stay quiet about the abuse.

Mr Galbally told Tom Elliott on 3AW Drive the royal commission did not have the power to compel Cardinal Pell into giving evidence.

But the leading QC said it was in his best interests.

“I would think that he would have to know that if he was seen to shirk the issue, that would not count in his favour,” Mr Galbally said.

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Allegations against Cardinal George Pell continue to mount at child abuse Royal Commission

ABC – 7.30

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 21/05/2015
Reporter: David Mark

Cardinal George Pell is under growing pressure to appear before the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse after allegations he tried to bribe a victim to stay quiet, claims that he denies.


LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: The allegations against Australia’s most senior clergy at the Vatican, Cardinal George Pell, continue to mount at the Royal commission into child sexual abuse.

David Ridsdale, the nephew and victim of notorious paedophile Gerald Ridsdale, has claimed Cardinal Pell tried to bribe him to stay quiet, something Cardinal Pell denies, saying the two men had a misunderstanding.

Cardinal Pell’s under growing pressure to appear before the commission, as David Mark reports.

DAVID MARK, REPORTER: For David Ridsdale, even returning to Ballarat’s St Alipius is painful.

DAVID RIDSDALE: From the age of 11 and 12, after Gerald did that, I used to have lie and pretend I was going there. I used to stand at the back till some – one of the gossips saw me and then I’d climb that tower up there. And every Sunday, I sat up there for probably four years.

DAVID MARK: For those four years, between the ages of 11 and 15, he was repeatedly sexually assaulted by his uncle, the notorious paedophile and parish priest, Gerald Risdale.

At the age of 25, David Ridsdale finally got up the courage to report his abuse to the most powerful man he knew in the Church, the former Catholic Archbishop of Sydney and Melbourne, George Pell.

DAVID RIDSDALE: At 9 am on 2nd February, 1993, I rang George from my home in Bentleigh. My partner at the time was sitting in the room when I made the call.

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More female teachers prosecuted for sexual abuse of students

Las Vegas Review-Journal


NEW YORK — A “Saturday Night Live” skit about a male student having sex with his female high school teacher painted the relationship as every teen boy’s dream, but drew a firestorm of criticism on social media.

The reaction to the comedy sketch reflected a growing view among law enforcement and victims’ advocacy groups that it is no laughing matter when a woman educator preys on her male students.

In U.S. schools last year, almost 800 school employees were prosecuted for sexual assault, nearly a third of them women. The proportion of women facing charges seems to be higher than in years past, when female teachers often got a pass, said Terry Abbott, a former chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Education, who tracked the cases.

This year’s numbers are already slightly ahead of last year with 26 cases of female school employees accused of inappropriate relationships with male students in January compared to 19 cases the previous January.

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Kathryn Ronk, Teacher Who Had Sex With Student At Michigan Catholic High School, Pleads Guilty To Sexual Misconduct

International Business Times

By Philip Ross

A former Catholic high school Spanish teacher in southeastern Michigan has pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct for having sex with a 15-year-old student last year. Kathryn Ronk, 30, originally faced first-degree charges and already was serving time in prison when she appeared before a court Wednesday to plead to the lesser charges, according to the Associated Press. She had originally rejected the plea agreement in March.

Ronk had been sentenced to six to 15 years in prison in March for her crimes, having pleaded guilty to third-degree criminal sexual conduct charges, but will face new sentencing on July 1. “You’re really very smart, an intelligent woman,” who had to have known what she was doing was wrong, Judge Nanci Grant told Ronk during her sentencing two months ago, according to The Detroit News.

Grant went on to address what she said was the “double standard” in sexual misconduct cases. “If this was a male teacher who had been involved with a 15-year-old female, there would be people here hanging from the ceiling trying to get every drop of blood,” said Grant, according to the Detroit News. “But because it is a woman, there seems to be a winking about what happened.”

Ronk was originally charged with five counts of criminal sexual conduct, including rape. Law enforcement said Ronk had engaged in sexual misconduct with a male student in classrooms at Bishop Foley High School in Madison Heights, Michigan.

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Ex-Catholic teacher pleads guilty to sex with student in Macomb

Detroit Free Press

Christina Hall, Detroit Free Press

A former Spanish teacher at Bishop Foley Catholic High School in Madison Heights pleaded guilty today to lesser charges in Macomb County, where she is accused of having a sexual relationship with a male student.

Kathryn Ronk, 30, of Birmingham is to be sentenced July 1 in Macomb County Circuit Court on two counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct.

The guilty pleas came on the day her case was set for trial. She initially rejected the plea agreement in March. After today’s hearing, her attorney, James Thomas, said “we have no comment.”

Ronk appeared in court in a blue and pink prison jumpsuit. She answered yes or no to questions posed by Judge Mary Chrzanowski. She looked into the audience when the lawyers talked with the judge.

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Wall Street OTC

MAY 21, 2015 BY KEN BECK

An ex-Spanish teacher at the Michigan Catholic high school, already imprisoned on third-degree sexual conduct charges, has plead guilty on Wednesday to lesser charges.

The former teacher is accused of having had sexual relations with a male student.

Kathryn Ronk initially refused the plea, however, on Wednesday, she pleaded guilty to two separate counts of criminal sexual conduct.

The woman had already been facing first-degree counts as well as other charges involving a 15-year-old student.

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Diocese eases parish worries

Gallup Independent

Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, N.M., May 18, 2015

Church to stay open, new priest assigned

By Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola
Independent correspondent

GALLUP – Although Bishop James S. Wall hasn’t agreed to meet with parishioners from Gallup’s St. John Vianney Parish, he has apparently heard their voices loud and clear.

Wall and his chancery officials spent the last several days backpedaling on several unpopular diocesan decisions concerning St. John Vianney that left parishioners upset, frustrated, banding together and requesting to meet with the bishop. As of Sunday, several of those controversial decisions had been reversed.

The controversy erupted over Mother’s Day weekend when parishioners were stunned to learn their popular priest, the Rev. James E. Walker, was being abruptly transferred to Bloomfield and their parish was being reduced to a chapel. As a mere chapel, they were informed, they would have no resident priest, only two weekend Masses, no religious education program for children, and the loss of sacraments such as baptism, reconciliation, confirmation and marriage.

Parishioners, many of whom gathered for an impromptu parish meeting Monday, feared this was the diocese’s first step toward closing down their parish.

Chancery officials said the abrupt decision was made because Walker was needed to replace the Rev. Bob Mathieu, who resigned because of “some incidences of imprudence in the use of social media — Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.”

St. John Vianney parishioners were dismayed by Walker’s transfer and upset that their thriving church was being stripped down to a chapel.

In an interview Wednesday, parish member Lawrence Andrade, a local physician, credited Walker’s pastoral leadership for the church’s growth and cited the church’s full attendance, increased collections, growing religious education programs and a much needed expansion of the church parking lot as evidence of the parish’s vitality.

Andrade bluntly said he believed chancery officials made the decision out of “jealousy and anger” because St. John Vianney’s attendance and collections were increasing while the bishop’s Sacred Heart Cathedral, with its “conservative, overly reverent pre-Vatican II” style services, was experiencing dwindling attendance and collections.

During Saturday and Sunday Masses, St. John Vianney parishioners learned Wall was backing down on some of the decisions affecting their church. Although Walker was still being transferred, the church will continue as an active parish, not a chapel.

In a letter inserted into the church bulletin, the Rev. Kevin H. Finnegan, the current chancellor and vicar general, announced he has been assigned as pastor of the church.

“Please be assured and take comfort that the viability of St. John Vianney Parish will continue under my pastoral care,” Finnegan wrote.

Most of the weekly Masses will now continue to be offered, as will the religious education program for children. Because of Finnegan’s physical disabilities, he will not move into the parish rectory at this time but will continue to live at the bishop’s House of Discernment.

Although Finnegan’s letter stated the parish’s third weekend Mass was to be cut, that decision had also been revoked by Sunday morning.

Walker, addressing parishioners at the 11:30 a.m. Mass, which was the Mass slated to be cut, said Finnegan had telephoned that morning and said the third weekend service would continue. Parishioners then burst into applause at the announcement.

Finnegan’s decision to eliminate youth altar servers at the parish did not elicit a similar positive response. Church leaders frequently cite youth altar server programs as a positive method of promoting religious vocations. Finnegan, however, is asking for adult volunteers to replace the parish’s youth servers.

The future of weddings and funeral services at St. John Vianney has yet to be determined.

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[resignation letter]

FACSIMILE: (314) 726-2821

May 20, 2015

It is only under very unusual circumstances that we release a press statement on behalf of one of our clients. However, the remarkable events of the past several months surrounding Doug Lay and his interactions with his former church, First Christian Church of Florissant (“FCCF”), and its pastor, Steve Wingfield, present such a situation. The continuing pattern of misinformation and deception that has characterized the tragic situation with the former FCCF youth leader, Brandon Milburn, requires us to respond directly and firmly. This pattern of misinformation has included a frivolous lawsuit filed on April 16, 2015 by Steve Wingfield and FCCF against Mr. Lay and three other individuals, Kari and Titus Benton and Dawn Varvil, filed in St. Louis County Circuit Court and styled Steve Wingfield and the First Christian Church of Florissant v. Douglas Lay, Titus Benton, Kari Benton, Dawn Varvil and Jane Doe (aka “Annie Shankin” and “Reform FCCF”), Cause Number 15SL-CC0132.

The most recent series of misrepresentations has surrounded the so-called “dismissal” of the lawsuit. Mr. Wingfield, his attorney, and his elders at FCCF are telling their congregation and others that they dismissed this lawsuit as a good-faith gesture because they have offered an “independent Christian mediation process” to resolve their differences with Mr. Lay and the 2 other defendants. These representations are untrue on multiple counts. In actuality, the lawsuit was dismissed 48 hours before a court hearing was scheduled on Mr. Lay’s motion to dismiss the case in St. Louis County Circuit Court. We believe there was a 90% likelihood that the motion would be granted as the petition that was filed in this case did not contain a single valid claim against any of the defendants. The plaintiffs’ so-called “dismissal” of the lawsuit, which is attached, is really not a finalized dismissal. Rather, Mr. Wingfield and his attorney have dismissed the case without prejudice, which means they can refile it again anytime within the statute of limitations. This maneuver allowed them to avoid the near certainty that the trial judge would dismiss their case with prejudice, which would have eliminated their ability to ever refile this case again.

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Child abuse inquiry: Cardinal George Pell bribery allegations to be investigated

ABC – The World Today

ELEANOR HALL: But we begin today at the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse in Ballarat.

The head of the commission has put the Catholic Church on notice that the allegations made against Cardinal George Pell will be investigated.

A witness yesterday gave evidence that Cardinal Pell had tried to bribe one victim in the 1990s to keep quiet about his abuse.

Another victim alleged that he told George Pell in the 1970s of the abuse at St Patricks College in Ballarat.

Overnight, Cardinal Pell denied those claims.

Samantha Donovan is at the hearings in Ballarat and joins us now with the latest.

Samantha, what exactly did the royal commission chairman say about these allegations made against Cardinal Pell?

SAMANTHA DONOVAN: Well, the Catholic Church, Eleanor, at these Ballarat hearings has instructed its lawyers not to challenge the survivor witnesses about their accounts of abuse at the hands of priests and nuns at institutions in Ballarat and when those serious allegations were made against Cardinal Pell yesterday it was clear the royal commission chairman, Justice Peter McClellan was surprised that the church’s lawyers weren’t going to cross-exam those two witnesses on their accounts and Justice McClellan has raised those concerns again this morning and he emphasised that the royal commission is conducting an investigation and will be making findings.

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Child sex abuse and the community: For lessons in what not to do, look at Australia

The JC

By Danny Ben-Moshe, May 21, 2015

When Manny Waks went public in 2011 with the revelation that he was a victim of child sex abuse in Melbourne’s Chabad Yeshiva, he could not have foreseen the consequences: three court cases and convictions of paedophiles, including one extradition; a Royal Commission hearing into actions of the Yeshiva; the resignation of senior rabbis; and parents in the Chabad community seeking a new governance structure for their school.

Four years on, the tragic Australian experience remains a constantly unfolding story that continues to make the headlines. Rabbis and other Yeshiva stalwarts still cling to their posts, victims of abuse and their families continue to be shunned, and the Yeshiva now faces civil class action and, potentially, criminal prosecution.

As Britain confronts its own Orthodox child sex abuse case, what are the lessons from Australia?

Firstly, deal with the issue from the outset. Waks went to the Yeshiva leadership on several occasions in private, but they declined to deal with this matter. That was the first of their many mistakes – the Yeshiva leadership dug itself into a deep hole as it prioritised the institution over the individual.

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Sex abuser conviction is a ‘game-changer’ for victims

The JC

By Jonathan Kalmus, May 21, 2015

The conviction of paedophile Todros Grynhaus will encourage more victims to report abuse to police, according to a senior figure in the strictly Orthodox community.

Grynhaus is facing a “substantial” jail sentence after being found guilty of seven charges of sex abuse against two teenage girls this week.

The 50-year-old teacher-turned-businessman is a well-known figure in Salford’s Charedi community.
A communal leader, who wished to remain anonymous, said the case was a game-changer.

The guilty verdict would now “encourage victims that they will be believed”, he said. The case had shown for the first time that “some senior rabbis are prepared publicy to support victims of abuse through a trial”.

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San Francisco Catholic School Teachers Protest …

CBS San Francisco

San Francisco Catholic School Teachers Protest Revised Morality Clauses Offered By Archbishop

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — After months of heated debate, San Francisco Catholic school teachers said they are no closer to a contract deal with the archdiocese.

Teachers from four high schools operated by the Archdiocese of San Francisco rallied Wednesday afternoon in front of the Chancery office, calling for a rejection of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s latest revision of the teacher handbook.

The proposed handbook requires strict adherence to the church’s teachings on things such as homosexuality and contraception, both in and out of the classroom.

Protestors said the latest draft of the handbook is a little softer in tone, but the substance is the essentially the same.

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Child sex abuse inquiry: Cardinal George Pell complicated royal commission case with ‘nonsense’, David Risdale says

ABC News

By David Mark

A victim of sexual abuse by his uncle, a Catholic priest in Ballarat in the 1970s, says Cardinal George Pell has complicated his case.

David Ridsdale yesterday gave evidence at the Royal Commission into Institutionalised Sexual Abuse that George Pell had tried to buy his silence when he told the cardinal he had been abused by his uncle, notorious paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale.

“If he’d just said he didn’t remember it might have been one thing, but he chose to add layers of nonsense,” David Ridsdale told the Royal Commission yesterday.

“I told George that I had been abused by Gerald.

“George then began to talk about my growing family and my need to take care of their needs. He mentioned how I would soon have to buy a car or house for my family.

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Schweigegeld nach Missbrauch: Kardinal George Pell weist Vorwürfe zurück


George Pell soll einem Missbrauchsopfer Anfang der Neunzigerjahre Schweigegeld geboten haben. Das hat ein Betroffener unter Eid ausgesagt. Der australische Kardinal, inzwischen Leiter der Finanzbehörde im Vatikan, bestreitet das.

Von den Vorwürfen gegen sich will George Pell nichts wissen: Er habe nichts falsch gemacht, er habe keinen Missbrauchsfall in der katholischen Kirche vertuschen wollen, teilte der australische Kardinal mit. Die Anschuldigungen gegen den Leiter der Finanzbehörde im Vatikan kommen von einem Betroffenen.

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US-Diözesen zahlen Millionen-Entschädigung an Missbrauchsopfer


Chicago/Seattle, 19.5.15 (kath.ch) Das katholische Erzbistum Chicago zahlt einem Missbrauchsopfer 1,25 Millionen US-Dollar (1,16 Millionen Franken) als Entschädigung. Man wolle damit einen Prozess abwenden, erklärte das Erzbistum laut US-Medienberichten am Montag (Ortszeit). Das Opfer, ein Mann Ende 20, war seinen Angaben zufolge als Grundschüler über einen längeren Zeitraum von dem Priester Daniel McCormick sexuell missbraucht worden. Der Geistliche ist bereits in fünf anderen Fällen wegen Missbrauchs verurteilt.

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Victim says Cardinal Pell must come home

Sky News

If he has nothing to hide, Cardinal George Pell should come home and face the music, according to a man who was abused at the hands of Christian Brothers during the 1940s.

A man abused by Christian Brothers says Cardinal George Pell should come back to Aust and testify at the royal commission.

Brutally raped, beaten and emotionally abused by 10 Brothers at a Bindoon boys’ home for five years, John Hennessy said Cardinal Pell must come home to face the child abuse royal commission.

Claims that Cardinal Pell had been involved in moving a known pedophile, ignoring a victim’s complaint and bribery were made at the Ballarat hearings this week.

‘He needs to come home, come clean and go to the royal commission,’ Mr Hennessy told AAP on Thursday.

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Senior Vatican official offered bribe to child sex abuse victim, inquiry hears

The Guardian

Oliver Milman in Melbourne and Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Rome
Wednesday 20 May 2015

A senior Vatican official, who is also Australia’s highest ranking cleric, has been accused of attempting to bribe a victim of child sex abuse to keep quiet about the molestation he suffered from a paedophile Catholic priest.

The victim, David Ridsdale, told an Australian royal commission into child sexual abuse that he called Cardinal George Pell in 1993 to report being abused by his uncle Gerald Ridsdale, a former priest who is in prison after committing more than 130 offences against children as young as four between the 1960s and 1980s.

David Ridsdale said Pell had a “terse” response to being told of the abuse, before offering him money to buy his silence.

“George then began to talk about my growing family and my need to take care of their needs,” Ridsdale told the royal commission hearing. “He mentioned how I would soon have to buy a car or house for my family.

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Cardinal accused of ignoring child sex abuse

Irish Independent

Jonathan Pearlman in Sydney

George Pell, an Australian Cardinal who is one of the most senior figures in the Vatican, has been accused of ignoring and covering up child sex abuse claims during his service in Australia, including allegedly trying to bribe a victim of a paedophile priest to remain silent.

In dramatic testimony at Australia’s royal commission into child sex abuse, David Ridsdale said he was abused by his uncle, Gerard Ridsdale – a notorious paedophile and defrocked priest – and phoned Cardinal Pell, who tried to silence him.

Mr Ridsdale said he spoke to Cardinal Pell in 1993 but the priest did not appear shocked and instead attempted to bribe him. Cardinal Pell has previously denied the claim.

“George then began to talk about my growing family and my need to take care of their needs. He mentioned how I would soon have to buy a car or house for my family,” Mr Ridsdale said.

Mr Ridsdale said he recalled “with clarity” the last three lines of the conversation:

“Me: ‘Excuse me, George, what the **** are you talking about?’

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Ex-Hastings priest won boy’s trust and then abused him, prosecutor says

Star Tribune

By Stephen Montemayor Star Tribune MAY 21, 2015

Francis Hoefgen was a priest more than 20 years ago at St. Boniface Church in Hastings.

Now the 64-year-old is on trial in Dakota County, accused of sexually abusing an altar boy at the parish in the late 1980s and early ’90s.

Hoefgen, who has left the priesthood and lives in Columbia Heights, faces two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. While dozens of priests have been accused of sexual misconduct, Hoefgen is one of the few to face criminal charges for alleged offenses that date back decades.

In opening statements, attorneys outlined a case that hinges on the passage of time and the recollection of the former altar boy, who is now 36. St. Boniface merged with the Guardian Angels parish in 1987 to become St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

“The church is gone, but his memories of abuse are still here. That testimony is what this case is about,” said Assistant Dakota County Attorney G. Paul Beaumaster.

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Cardinal Pell will co-operate: friend


CARDINAL George Pell will co-operate with any requests made by the Victorian royal commission into child sex abuse, according to a close friend.

AMID calls for Cardinal Pell to front the hearings currently being held in Ballarat, Greg Craven, from the Truth, Justice and Healing Council, says he expects his friend to be compliant.

There have been claims Cardinal Pell had been involved in moving a known pedophile, ignoring a victim’s complaint and bribery.

“He has a long record of co-operation and compliance with investigations similar to this,” Mr Craven told 3AW radio on Thursday.

“He’ll cooperate with the royal commission.”

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Hacked? The Age newspaper scrambles to explain ‘Die Pell’ Facebook post


FAIRFAX newspaper The Age is scrambling to address how an offensive message directed at Cardinal George Pell was posted from the Melbourne newspaper’s Facebook account.

Around 8am today The Age Facebook page published a post linking to an article about the controversial Catholic figure’s involvement with the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse.

Accompanying a picture of Pell and a link to a story detailing allegations that he bribed a sex abuse victim were the accompanying words “Die Pell”.

The post has since been removed, but was visible on The Age’s Facebook page for around an hour.
Editor-in-Chief Andrew Holden is yet to respond to questions about the post, but told 3AW’s Neil Mitchell he believed it was the work of “a hacker”.

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Victims want Cardinal Pell testimony

Sky News

Cardinal George Pell’s denials of wrongdoing at the child abuse royal commission are a defence by media release – not testimony – a survivors group says.

Nicky Davis, leader of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, says Cardinal Pell must appear before the commission to answer claims against him.

Survivors told the commission’s Ballarat hearings Cardinal Pell ignored their reports about clergy sex abuse.

‘It is vastly inappropriate to respond to sworn evidence by courageous survivors with a media statement that callously dismisses their experience,’ Ms Davis said on Thursday.

‘If Cardinal Pell is at all genuine in his claims to recognise the seriousness of the crime of sexual violation of defenceless children, he would voluntarily return to Australia to give evidence under oath to the royal commission.’

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Buck stops with Pell: clergy abuse victim

Daily Mail


The buck stops with Cardinal George Pell who must return from Rome to answer allegations against him, child sex abuse victims have told the royal commission.

They say it’s inconceivable he did not know about the clergy abusing children in Ballarat while he was a senior priest in the city in the 1970s.

But Cardinal Pell, now the Vatican’s finance chief, has again rejected claims he tried to bribe one victim to keep quiet, ignored complaints and was complicit in moving Australia’s worst pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale to a different parish.

Victim Paul Tatchell said responsibility for the abuse had to be taken by someone in the Catholic Church in Australia, and called on Ballarat-born Cardinal Pell to return from the Vatican and answer to the royal commission.

“He may not have the intestinal fortitude or the ability to see beyond his own vanity but it’s his ambition that got him there and it will take his humility to get him out of there,” Mr Tatchell told the commission hearing in Ballarat on Thursday.

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Child sex abuse survivors label Pell a ‘coward’ over his refusal to front Royal Commission

9 News

Survivors of child sex abuse at the hands of the Catholic Church have labelled Cardinal George Pell a coward and called on him to face the Royal Commission.

Stephen Woods and Andrew Collins were among a group of victims to give more harrowing evidence to the commission today.

For the two men, a written statement of repeated denials from the Cardinal weren’t nearly enough.

“He should have been here and he should be held accountable,” Mr Woods told reporters outside court.

“It was a coward’s way out to make a statement in the media that can’t be cross examined,” Mr Collins said.

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Former altar boy expected to testify Thursday

St. Cloud Times

David Unze, dunze@stcloudtimes.com May 20, 2015

HASTINGS – A former altar boy at a Hastings church is expected to testify Thursday at the trial of a former St. John’s Abbey monk and priest who is accused of sexually abusing the boy more than 25 years ago.

Fran Hoefgen, 64, is charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in Dakota County, where Hoefgen was assigned as a priest by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The abuse is alleged to have occurred between March 1989 and April 1992, after the boy moved to Hastings when his parents split up, Assistant Dakota County Attorney Paul Beaumaster told jurors Wednesday during his opening statement.

Beaumaster called Hoefgen a “good parish priest” who helped the boy deal with his family issues and other problems. But Beaumaster said Hoefgen took advantage of that and abused the boy beginning when he was in the fourth grade.

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Five in court over abuse claims at St Ninian’s School in Falkland

BBC News

Five men have appeared in court facing allegations of abusing pupils at a school that was run by the Christian Brothers in Fife between 1970 and 1983.

The men, aged between 61 and 77. are accused of physically and sexually abusing boys at the former St Ninian’s School in Falkland.

All five pleaded not guilty to the charges at the High Court in Glasgow.

The accused are John Farrell, 72, Paul Kelly, 62, Edward Egan, 77, Michael Murphy, 75, and William Don, 61.

The 23-page indictment lists 131 charges involving more than 40 alleged victims.
The Roman Catholic school was run by the Christian Brothers organisation until St Ninian’s closed in the 1980s.

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Group appears in court accused of offences at school

The Courier


A group of men have appeared in court facing allegations of abusing pupils at a school that was run by the Christian Brothers in Fife between 1970 and 1983.

The five men, aged between 61 and 77. are accused of physically and sexually abusing boys at the former St Ninian’s School in Falkland.

All pleaded not guilty to the charges at the High Court in Glasgow.

The accused are John Farrell, 72, Paul Kelly, 62, Edward Egan, 77, Michael Murphy, 75, and William Don, 61.

The 23-page indictment lists 131 charges involving more than 40 alleged victims.

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Five men in court over sex claims

Herald Scotland

Thursday 21 May 2015

FIVE men face allegations of abusing pupils at a school that was run by the Christian Brothers.

John Farrell, 72, Paul Kelly, 62, Edward Egan, 77, Michael Murphy, 75, and William Don, 61, made their first public appearance in the dock yesterday (thur) at the High Court in Glasgow.

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Ridsdale to give evidence at commission


AUSTRALIA’S worst pedophile priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale will give evidence to the child abuse royal commission next week.

A MAJOR focus of the commission’s Ballarat hearing is who was responsible for moving Ridsdale from parish to parish, allowing him to continue to offend, and why.

Ridsdale will give evidence via videolink from jail on Wednesday, May 27.

Ridsdale abused more than 50 children as he was moved between nine Victorian parishes over three decades. He also abused an altar boy in Sydney.

The commission is holding a three-week hearing in Ballarat looking at abuse by members of the Catholic Church in the Victorian regional city and the response of the church.

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Victims told: you’re destroying the church

9 News


A bishop told abuse victims they were trying to destroy the Catholic Church and in 40 years they would all be dead while the church would endure, the royal commission has heard.

Victim Andrew Collins told the commission Ballarat Bishop Paul Bird told him in 2013 that if the church had to pay an amount they were discussing to every survivor it would go bankrupt.

“Bishop Bird told us that we were intent on destroying his church,” Mr Collins told the commission’s Ballarat hearing.

“He said `Andrew, you need to understand something: the church has endured for thousands of years and in another 40 years or so you people will all be dead and this will be forgotten about and the church will endure for thousands of years more.”

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Ballarat bishop allegedly told victims: ‘In 40 years you’ll be dead and this will be forgotten’

The Guardian

Australian Associated Press
Thursday 21 May 2015

A headmaster told an 11-year-old boy it was his fault he was being abused, and a priest told another he was a bad child and would go to hell, the royal commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse has heard.

In 2013, a Ballarat bishop is alleged to have told victims they were trying to destroy the Catholic church, but it would endure after they die.

Victim Andrew Collins told the abuse royal commission he was raped by his Seventh Day Adventist grade four teacher, who warned him that if he said anything the same thing would happen to his younger sister.

In 1980, when he was 11, a parish priest named only as Father X abused him during preparations for his confirmation.

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George Pell must answer questions: Neil Mitchell


[with audio]

Cardinal George Pell must fly to Australia to give evidence at the Royal Commission in to Child Sex Abuse, Neil Mitchell said.

“George Pell has to come back and answer questions,” he said.

“Not because he’s necessarily done anything wrong, but because the victims deserve answers and he may have some.

“It’s the right thing to do.”

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The Age posts ‘Die Pell’ Facebook status


The Age is investigating how an offensive comment about George Pell was published to its Facebook page.

Two separate sources have told Neil Mitchell a link to the newspaper’s coverage of the Royal Commission into Child Abuse was posted along with the words ‘Die Pell’.

The below screenshot was also sent to 3AW.

It’s not yet known how it was posted.

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Lawyer and friend of Cardinal George Pell denies bribery allegations


A long-term friend of Cardinal George Pell has defended him over claims he allegedly tried to bribe a victim of sexual abuse.

Lawyer and professor Greg Craven told Neil Mitchell Cardinal Pell has a long history of “co-operation and compliance”, as the royal commission into child sex abuse claims in the Catholic church enters its third day.

In a explosive day at the royal commission, victim David Ridsdale alleged Cardinal Pell tried to bribe him to keep quiet about the abuse by his uncle, convicted sex offender Gerald Ridsdale.

But Professor Craven, from the Catholic church’s Truth, Justice Healing Council said Cardinal Pell has already addressed and denied the allegations.

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Vocal critic of Florissant church out of job at local Christian college

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

By Lilly Fowler

A vocal critic of a Florissant church over its handling of a sexual abuse scandal said the situation has compelled him to resign from his job at a local Christian college.

Doug Lay, a professor of English and literature at St. Louis Christian College, a small Bible college in Florissant, submitted his letter of resignation on Monday.

Lay had been a member of First Christian Church of Florissant, a large, evangelical house of worship that employed a youth minister now serving a 25-year prison sentence for sexual abuse.

Lay and other members of the congregation argue the church and its lead pastor, Steve Wingfield, failed to vigorously pursue allegations surrounding Brandon Milburn— the 28-year-old former youth minister now in prison. They also maintain the church has not done enough to reach out to Milburn’s victims.

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Detectives interview more potential victims in former deacon molestation investigation

Fox 4


GRANDVIEW, Mo. — More potential victims have come forward one week after a former church deacon was charged with molesting two children, according to Grandview police.

Detectives interviewed more families Wednesday about similar interactions they claim their children had with 68-year-old John Stone, who helped lead children’s programs for decades at Grandview Baptist Church where he was a deacon.

Stone is now facing four first-degree counts of child molestation after prosecutors said he inappropriately touched and kissed two children of a close friend last year.

The victims’ mother talked for the first time exclusively with FOX 4 about the allegations and their impact on her family, in hopes her words give other victims the courage to come forward.

“You put so much trust in someone that you meet from church,” she said. “How could he do this – take advantage of two children?”

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Kilgore minister pleads no contest to child injury

Longview News-Journal

By Glenn Evans
May 21, 2015

A Kilgore pastor has pleaded no contest to a lesser count two years after he was arrested on a charge of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

The Rev. Glenn Barton entered an eight-year probation that, if he adheres to its conditions, will prevent the court from pronouncing a finding of guilt from his no-contest plea.

Barton, a minister at Calvary Way church, was charged in March 2013 with aggravated sex assault of a child. Kilgore police said then that Barton was suspected of sexually abusing a child between 2009 and 2013.

He pleaded no contest May 11 to indecency with a child, a lesser charge, before Fourth District Court Judge Clay Gossett in Henderson, Rusk County District Clerk records show.

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Abuse victims seeking compensation …

The Age

Abuse victims seeking compensation told Catholic Church would endure long after they died, royal commission hears

Jane Lee

Ballarat’s Bishop Paul Bird told survivors seeking compensation that the Catholic Church would endure long after victims died and were forgotten, the royal commission into child sexual abuse has heard.

Survivor Andrew Collins, 46, told the commission on Thursday that he met with Bishop Bird in May 2013 with fellow survivor Peter Blenkiron asking for financial compensation to help other survivors “even if it was just to help them survive the week”.

The pair co-founded the Ballarat Survivors support group, many of whom have not told others about their abuse. They have lobbied for years for a Ballarat-based redress scheme to help survivors who can no longer work afford things like counselling and basic household bills.

Mr Collins said they asked Bishop Bird to pay the $252 difference between the disability pension and the pension paid to returned servicemen.

“We knew that some of the guys were just in so much difficulty and struggling to pay for things like medication,” he said.

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George Pell and the abuse royal commission



Cardinal George Pell has again been put under the spotlight over clergy sexual abuse in Ballarat, this time during a royal commission public hearing.


Ballart-born Pell, now the Vatican’s finance chief, was a priest in the Ballarat East parish from 1973 to 1983 and Episcopal Vicar for Education in the Ballarat Diocese from 1973 to 1984.

He presided over St Alipius primary school where four Christian Brothers were pedophiles and lived in a presbytery with Father Gerald Francis Ridsdale who was abusing boys at the school.


Ridsdale’s nephew, David Ridsdale, said he told Cardinal Pell in 1993 he was abused by his uncle.

Mr Ridsdale told the commission Cardinal Pell, a family friend, asked him: “I want to know what it will take to keep you quiet.”


“I was and remain extremely sympathetic to David Ridsdale who because of his uncle suffered horrible abuse. I continue to regret the misunderstanding between us.

“At no time did I attempt to bribe David Ridsdale or his family or offer any financial inducements for him to be silent.

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Tony Abbott declines to call for George Pell’s return for child abuse commission

The Guardian

Katharine Murphy Deputy political editor

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Tony Abbott has declined to say whether Cardinal George Pell should return to Australia from the Vatican to address claims made against him this week at the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.

The prime minister said on Thursday morning that it was up to the royal commission and the cardinal to determine the best way to proceed, but his understanding was Pell had agreed to front the commission once again.

The royal commission, sitting in Ballarat, has heard allegations that Pell had been complicit in the moving of a known paedophile, ignored a victim’s complaint, and offered a bribe.

Pell has released a statement denying the allegations, “correcting the record” and expressing an intention to cooperate with the royal commission.

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Cardinal George Pell is ‘weak and ineffectual’, sex abuse victim David Ridsdale says – video

The Guardian

Cardinal George Pell is ‘weak and ineffectual’, a child sexual abuse victim testifying at the royal commission has told reporters. ‘He likes to believe he’s intelligent but the way he chose to deal with me shows he really wasn’t that smart,’ David Ridsdale said, after claiming Pell attempted to bribe him when he reported being abused by paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale, also his uncle.

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Sex abuse royal commission: Church lawyers urged…

The Age

Sex abuse royal commission: Church lawyers urged to challenge victims’ claims against George Pell

May 21, 2015

Jane Lee
Legal Affairs Reporter for The Age

The chairman of the royal commission into child sexual abuse has urged church authorities to challenge claims that former Bishop George Pell attempted to bribe a victim of clerical abuse and ignored the pleas of another.

Commission chairman Peter McClellan is expected to make a determination on the veracity of the explosive allegations against Cardinal Pell, and implored church lawyers to test the evidence put to the commission.

Late on Wednesday night Cardinal Pell sent a statement from Rome to the royal commission, strenuously denying the allegations from survivors David Ridsdale and Timothy Green.

Chairman of the commission Justice McClellan stressed that he expected Cardinal Pell to defend himself against the claims if he was arguing the witnesses had deliberately given false evidence or made a mistake.

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Cardinal George Pell urged to front royal commission in wake of bribe denial

ABC News

Pressure is growing on Cardinal George Pell to front the child abuse royal commission in the wake of allegations he tried to bribe the nephew of paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale to stay quiet about sexual abuse.

Yesterday David Ridsdale told the hearings in Ballarat that in 1993, after being informed of the abuse, Cardinal Pell asked him what it would take for him to stay quiet.

“George then began to talk about my growing family and my need to take care of their needs. He mentioned how I would soon have to buy a car or house for my family,” Mr Ridsdale said.

“I want to know what it will take to keep you quiet,” Mr Ridsdale quoted Cardinal Pell as saying.

In a statement released late on Wednesday, Cardinal Pell again denied those allegations.

“At no time did I attempt to bribe David Ridsdale or his family or offer any financial inducements for him to be silent,” the statement said.

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Child sexual abuse inquiry…

Radio Australia

Child sexual abuse inquiry: Christian Brother called 12yo boy ‘evil’ as he abused him, royal commission hears

By court reporter Peta Carlyon

Victim Stephen Woods recalls being abused by three different members of the Catholic clergy when he was a schoolboy, as the royal commission continues a hearing in Ballarat.

More tales of horrific abuse have emerged in the third day of the royal commission hearing in Ballarat, with victim Stephen Woods recalling being abused by three different members of the Catholic clergy when he was a schoolboy.

Mr Woods wept in the witness box as he told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse his parents were “shattered” about the abuse, and his father once took a loaded shotgun to carry out retribution but did not go through with it.

He said his mother lost her Catholic faith after 70 years, and he was left grieving for his “lost life”.

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Catholic Diocese of Spokane installs Thomas Daly as bishop

The Spokesman-Review

Nina Culver The Spokesman-Review

The Most Rev. Thomas Daly was installed as the seventh bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane Wednesday as the fifth and sixth bishops looked on.

Hundreds of people packed into the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes for Daly’s installation Mass, including family and friends of Daly’s. Half the church was filled with deacons and priests from all corners of the diocese, which covers 13 counties in Eastern Washington.

Sharon White said she hoped to meet the new bishop Wednesday afternoon but came to the Mass because of her faith.

“There’s just this sense of belonging and faith and love,” she said. “It just brings so much joy to your life.”

Daly, 55, was introduced by Archbishop Peter Sartain. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who is the Vatican’s ambassador to the United States, read the apostolic mandate signed by Pope Francis appointing Daly as the new bishop of Spokane. Vigano prayed for a “special outpouring of the Holy Spirit” on Daly as he takes his new post.

The Spokane Diocese had been without a bishop since the Most Rev. Blase Cupich was named archbishop of Chicago in November. Cupich began serving as bishop of Spokane in September 2010, replacing retiring Bishop William Skylstad. The diocese has struggled in recent years, filing for bankruptcy in the face of numerous sexual abuse lawsuits and then suing the lawyers that represented it in the bankruptcy after accusing them of mishandling the case.

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George Pell has supported offenders…

The Age

George Pell has supported offenders, not victims and should be compelled to front Royal Commission: survivors’ lawyer

May 21, 2015

Konrad Marshall
Senior writer

The chairman of the royal commission into child sexual abuse has fired a warning shot at church authorities to justify their denial of claims that former Bishop George Pell tried to bribe a victim of clerical abuse and ignored the pleas of another.

Commission chairman Justice Peter McClellan is expected to decide on the veracity of the explosive allegations against Cardinal Pell because they deal with the church’s response to reports of child sexual abuse.

Justice McClellan stressed on Thursday that he expected Cardinal Pell to fully defend himself against the claims if he was arguing the witnesses had deliberately given false evidence or made a mistake.

“I need to confirm, if it’s not already plain, that just because the church parties have chosen to conduct their case … in a particular way and not ask witnesses questions is not a matter that we will have regard to when making any findings that we believe are appropriate to make when we complete our reports,” he said.

Church authorities’ own decision not to cross-examine witnesses “does not bind” the commission’s own approach to its investigation, he said.

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Survivor: warning signs about paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale were ignored

The Age

May 21, 2015

Konrad Marshall
Senior writer

Gabrielle Short can conjure no fond memories of this place, the old orphanage once known as the Nazareth House Girls’ Home, once her home.

Sitting opposite Lake Wendouree, the structure is grandiose and beautiful but it seemed swallowed by a sickness in 1963, when Short was just seven.

She points to herself in a photo from that time, on the day of her first communion – that special Catholic sacrament after confession and before confirmation.

She is one of the dozen little girls dressed in white, surrounding a tall man in black, the chaplain and serial paedophile, Gerald Ridsdale.

They stand on green grass, smiling in front of a statue of Joseph and Our Lady and Jesus Christ. If she looks happy, it is because in her tender and “religiously brainwashed” mind the occasion seemed like her wedding day.

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Royal commission hears of 10 Ballarat victim suicides in last year


MARK COLVIN: A warning this story contains some disturbing material.

A Ballarat survivor of clerical sexual abuse has told the royal commission today that ten local victims have committed suicide in the last year.

Andrew Collins gave evidence that when he asked the Bishop of Ballarat for money to help struggling victims he was told the Catholic Church would outlast them.

Another witness told the commission today that it was “inconceivable” that George Pell didn’t know in the 1970s that priests in Ballarat were sexually abusing boys.

Samantha Donovan reports.

SAMANTHA DONOVAN: Fifty-three-year old Stephen Woods told the royal commission today he was regularly sexually abused by the headmaster of St Alipius Primary School, Father Robert Best. When he moved on to St Patrick’s College Ballarat for secondary school he was abused by Father Edward Dowlan.

Mr Woods gave evidence that as a 14-year-old he decided to report the abuse to a priest. He knocked on the door of the St Patrick’s presbytery. It was opened by Father Gerald Ridsdale, now known to have abused more than 50 children.

STEPHEN WOODS: Within half an hour of talking with Ridsdale in an upstairs room at the presbytery he had me sucking his penis and feeling his ass and he had my pants town. Then he drove me to a set of toilets around Lake Wendouree. He got me out of the car and he dragged me into a cubicle, made me pull down my pants and he anally raped me.

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More calls for Pell to front abuse Royal Commission


By Abby Dinham
21 MAY 2015

(Transcript from World News Radio)

There have been further calls for Cardinal George Pell to front the child sexual abuse Royal Commission hearings in Ballarat, as harrowing victim accounts continued to be heard.

However Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he believes Cardinal Pell is actively dealing with the issues.

Abby Dinham reports.

A life time of living with the scars of sexual abuse has taken its toll on Stephen Woods.

“They had entrusted their most precious things to the church… and the church abused them.”

Raped and assaulted by three men in the Ballarat Catholic school system, Mr Woods wants answers from the town’s former Catholic Vicar General for Education.

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Clergy told child victims they’re evil

The West Australian

By Megan Neil
May 21, 2015

A headmaster told an 11-year-old boy it was his fault he was being abused. A priest told another he was a bad child and would go to hell.

The child victims of the many clergy abusers in the Ballarat diocese were told they were the evil ones, an inquiry has heard.

And as recently as 2013, a Ballarat bishop is alleged to have told victims they were trying to destroy the Catholic church, but it would endure after they die.

Victim Andrew Collins told the abuse royal commission he was raped by his Seventh Day Adventist grade four teacher, who warned him that if he told anything the same thing would happen to his younger sister.

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‘Die Pell’: The Age newspaper’s savage Facebook post …

Daily Mail

‘Die Pell’: The Age newspaper’s savage Facebook post after Cardinal George Pell was linked to paedophile priest

One of Australia’s biggest national newspapers is investigating how the offensive comment ‘Die Pell’ appeared on their Facebook page referring to the under-fire Cardinal George Pell.

On Wednesday the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse revealed documents showing that Cardinal Pell had helped move Australia’s worst paedophile priest, Gerald Francis Ridsdale, between parishes at the height of his reign of terror.

The Age newspaper in Melbourne became embroiled in the backlash to this when the words ‘Die Pell’ was published on its Facebook page, which has a following of 110,000.

3AW News Talk reports that two separate sources confirmed with their presenter Neil Mitchell that a link to the newspaper’s coverage of the Royal Commission was posted along with the words ‘Die Pell’.

The newspaper is investigating how the offensive comment about Pell was published. Its editor Andrew Holden said the post was live for about one hour.

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Pope Francis’ finance chief denies trying to bribe child sexual abuse victim

The Telegraph (UK)

By AFP 21 May 2015

Australia’s former top Catholic cleric, now Pope Francis’ finance chief, has denied trying to bribe a victim of a paedophile priest to keep quiet as an inquiry heard of horrifying abuse.

Cardinal George Pell spoke out on Thursday as abuse survivors demanded he return to Australia to give evidence to a royal commission on the allegations.

David Ridsdale, who was abused from age 11 by his uncle Gerald Ridsdale, a notorious paedophile priest now in jail, told the commission on Wednesday that he confided in family friend Cardinal Pell about the sex assaults in 1993.

He alleged that Cardinal Pell, who was appointed by Pope Francis in February 2014 to make the Vatican’s finances more transparent, went on to ask what it would cost to buy his silence.
The cardinal was also accused of helping to move the disgraced priest between parishes.

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May 20, 2015

Former priest sex abuse case goes to trial in Hastings


[with video]

Allen Costantini, KARE May 20, 2015

HASTINGS, Minn. – After two days of questioning of prospective jurors, a jury of six men and eight women, including two alternates, was seated in the trial of a former priest. Francis Hoefgen, 64, is charged with First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct involving an altar boy in a Hastings parish.

Hoefgen, who was a monk at St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, was also a priest at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Hastings in 1989-1991, when the alleged assaults occurred. The victim, who is now 36 years old, was a 4th grader when the alleged illegal conduct began and continued for two years.

Prosecutor Paul Beaumaster, Assistant Dakota County Attorney, told the jury in his opening statement that Hoefgen had “violated the trust and the body” of the boy. Beaumaster said the priest/child relationship progressed “to oral penetration and anal penetration” and only ended with Hoefgen left Hastings.

The name of the alleged molestation victim was mentioned in court, but KARE 11 is not revealing it, since he is an alleged rape victim.

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Imagine if George Pell was a teacher, CEO or scout leader?

Brisbane Times

May 21, 2015

Madonna King

If George Pell had headed a company and not the Catholic Church in Australia, he would have been chased out by shareholders before he was transferred to the Vatican.

If he’d run a school, and not shown a willingness to investigate serious and systemic accusations against his senior staff, he would have had his contract ended.

Indeed, if he’d led a suburban scout chapter while a litany of crimes went on around him, he would have been stripped of all badges.

But he escaped all of that, by being the head of the Catholic Church in Australia. And now – because of that – the Church’s response to the endemic sex crimes it hid for so long is being seriously dented.

Yesterday’s evidence to the royal commission – in the form of allegations against the former Archbishop of Melbourne and Sydney who now handles the Vatican’s finances – is jaw-dropping.

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Pell must face abuse commission: victims


Source: AAP
21 MAY 2015

Nicky Davis, leader of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, says Cardinal Pell must appear before the commission to answer claims against him.

Survivors told the commission’s Ballarat hearings Cardinal Pell ignored their reports about clergy sex abuse.

Cardinal George Pell has denied claims he bribed a victim of a pedophile priest to keep quiet and dismissed another victim’s complaints as ‘ridiculous’.

“It is vastly inappropriate to respond to sworn evidence by courageous survivors with a media statement that callously dismisses their experience,” Ms Davis said on Thursday.

“If Cardinal Pell is at all genuine in his claims to recognise the seriousness of the crime of sexual violation of defenceless children, he would voluntarily return to Australia to give evidence under oath to the royal commission.”

Cardinal Pell denied covering up priests’ crimes or offering bribes to victims to remain silent, as was alleged at the commission.

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Curiouser and Curiouser: The Case of Rev. Gerald Dvorak

Canonical Consultation


Jennifer Haselberger

‘Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).

That sums up, in a nutshell, my response to yesterday’s news that Reverend Gerald Dvorak, a priest of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, has been removed from ministry as a result of what the Archdiocese deemed to be a credible allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.

Father Dvorak was certainly not on my radar when I worked at the St Paul Chancery, and the timing of the allegations also raises question. According to the statement released by the Archdiocese, the alleged abuse occurred in the 1970s, although Father Dvorak was not ordained a priest until June 2, 1979. An MPR news report includes a link to a letter from a parish deacon indicating that the alleged abuse occurred when Dvorak was a seminarian at the Saint Paul Seminary.

If so, the Archdiocese’s options in resolving this matter will be limited, which raises questions as to why they chose to approach the matter as they have. The provisions of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People do not apply, and any resolution will depend on the cooperation of all involved.

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Sex abuse lawsuit filed against Archdiocese of Miami


[with video]

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. (WSVN) — An alarming allegation has surfaced against the Archdiocese of Miami, after a lawsuit was filed claiming they covered up sexual abuse by a priest nearly 20 years ago.

A man said he was molested when he was a teen, back in the ’80s, but instead of taking action at the time, the alleged victim claims, the Archdiocese reassigned the priest to another church.

The crime allegedly happened at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church, dating back to 1989. The alleged victim said he was 14 years old when the priest at the church would call him into his residence, they would undress, wrestle, and the victim said he was then molested.

The victim said he reported the incident to his mother, and they called police. According to the alleged victim, there was an investigation. However, instead of removing the priest entirely, he was moved to another church, St. Pius X Catholic Church, in Fort Lauderdale.

The alleged victim said he’s coming forward 27 years later because he was triggered by his memories. “I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down. I have anxiety attacks, panic attacks, I’m having bad nightmares,” he said.

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Bishop Horden residential school survivors fight Ottawa in court

CBC News

By Karina Roman, CBC News

A group of aboriginal residential school survivors was in Ontario Superior Court Wednesday asking a judge to force the federal government to search for documents the former residents believe will help corroborate their claims of abuse.

The nine former students attended Bishop Horden residential school in Moose Factory, Ont. in the 1960s. They have pursued claims through the independent assessment process, the system set up under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement for former students to seek compensation for abuse.

Under the arrangement, the federal government is obliged to provide information about the former residential school, the people that worked there and any charges or convictions on record.

But in documents filed in court, the claimants say the government’s disclosure does not mention what these former students say they witnessed: namely, that some of the supervisors at Bishop Horden were arrested by police and some supervisors were fired.

They believe there must be documents, perhaps within the RCMP, to back up their recollections.

“To the adjudicator and [Department of Justice] counsel appearing at the IAP hearing, and even to the claimant’s counsel, with no documents coming forward about police involvement, it looks like a huge mistake or lie by that applicant,” the claimant documents say.

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Cardinal Pell responds to inquiry claims



“LIKE everyone who has been following the Royal Commissions hearings in Ballarat this week, I have been horrified once again by survivors’ accounts of the abuse they have suffered.

“Also the terrible impact it has had on their lives and families and the Catholic community of Ballarat.

“The suicide of so many victims is an enormous tragedy. The crimes committed against them by priests and brothers are profoundly evil and completely repugnant to me.

“A number of claims have been made concerning my own response during these years.

“Many of the issues have already been addressed by me in the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry in 2013, and my submission to that inquiry, and a transcript of my evidence, are available on the Victorian Parliaments website. I stand by the statements I made to the Victorian Parliament.

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WA–New Spokane bishop takes office

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

Statement by David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( 314 566 9790, SNAPclohessy@aol.com, davidgclohessy@gmail.com )

Today, Spokane Catholics get a new bishop. We’re worried about how he’ll deal with clergy sex abuse cases.

Thomas Anthony Daly has spent time in the San Francisco archdiocese (26 publicly accused predator priests) and the San Jose diocese (12 publicly accused predator priests). He was promoted to head a seminary by the highly controversial and secretive Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco.

We call on Daly to immediately and aggressively reach out to anyone who saw, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes or misdeeds by two priests:

1–Fr. Daniel Wetzler, a credibly accused predator priest who was quietly suspended in October 2014. Then-Bishop Blasé Cupich notified only his flock, not the public and refused to disclose when the allegations surfaced. He also urged other victims to call church officials, not secular authorities. And he made no mention of possible criminal prosecution or of the need for Catholics and citizens to share what they know about the priest with law enforcement. This is disturbing and reckless. We hope Daly will rectify this self-serving and hurtful behavior.

[Spokane diocese]


Child sex accusations should be made publicly as broadly and quickly as possible. Otherwise, child molesters are given more chances to intimidate victims, threaten witnesses, discredit whistle-blowers, destroy evidence, fabricate alibis and even flee the country.

Daly should now say what Cupich should have said – widely and clearly –months ago: If you saw, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes by Fr. Wetzler, you have a moral and civic duty to call the independent, experienced professionals in law enforcement so that kids might be protected, Fr. Wetzler might be prosecuted and the church itself be more healthy and safe. You may think that by keeping quiet, you’re helping your parish, diocese or faith. But you are doing just the reverse. So please, find the courage to break your silence, safeguard innocent kids, and prevent future crimes.

2–Fr. Brad Reynolds, who (as of a few months ago) was still on the job at a Catholic college in the Spokane diocese even though

–eight years earlier, he was sued for molesting two boys in Alaska,
–he was removed from his duties by his Jesuit supervisors, and
–he was allegedly put under 24 hour surveillance at a Jesuit institution.


At least 39 Spokane priests have been publicly accused of child sexual abuse. That’s a very high number for a relatively small diocese. Daly should go “above and beyond” the bare minimum of paying settlements and suspending predators and work harder to warn parents, parishioners, police, prosecutors and the public about these predators.

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Glenview church rallies after former priest charged with theft of $1.2M

Chicago Tribune

By Todd Shields
Pioneer Press

Rev. Panagiotis Boznos: “I want our parish to become a united, worshipping community”
Parish leaders and the new priest of a Glenview church are reaching out to members after their former priest was charged with felony theft while presiding over a Milwaukee church.

The Rev. Panagiotis Boznos, who was named priest at Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church in August 2014, said his congregation “has been hurt and they’ve been vocal about that hurt.”

Previously, Boznos was assistant priest to the Rev. James Dokos, who has been charged with mishandling more than $1.2 million of a trust fund left to his Milwaukee church. He is awaiting trial.

Boznos said the alleged scandal has been difficult on his church members, but recently they began meeting with ministry and parish council leaders.

“The next phase will engage the entire parish in a series of surveys and consensus. We’ll gather information and put together a strategic plan,” he said.

Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church serves 650 families in Glenview, Northbrook, Skokie, Evanston, Deerfield and Chicago, he said.

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Full text of statement from Cardinal George Pell

ABC News

This is the full text of the statement released by Cardinal George Pell late on Wednesday in response to allegations he bribed the nephew of paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale to stay quiet about the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his uncle:

Like everyone who has been following the Royal Commission’s hearings in Ballarat this week, I have been horrified once again by survivors’ accounts of the abuse they have suffered. Also the terrible impact it has had on their lives and families and the Catholic community of Ballarat. The suicide of so many victims is an enormous tragedy. The crimes committed against them by priests and brothers are profoundly evil and completely repugnant to me.

A number of claims have been made concerning my own response during these years. Many of the issues have already been addressed by me in the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry in 2013, and my submission to that inquiry, and a transcript of my evidence, are available on the Victorian Parliament’s website. I stand by the statements I made to the Victorian Parliament.

I also note that under its terms of reference the Royal Commission can access all material from previous inquiries, including the Victorian Inquiry, which dealt with these matters extensively.

The Commission stated today that it will request a statement from me.

Over the last 24 hours I have been accused of being complicit in the moving of a known paedophile, of ignoring a victim’s complaint, and of bribery. These matters again require an immediate response and it is important to correct the record particularly given the false and misleading headlines.

Firstly, while out of the greatest respect for Mr Green, as I have stated previously, I have no recollection of a conversation with Mr Green in 1974, more than 40 years ago. Having recently read his statement to the Commission I still cannot remember Mr. Green or the conversation. To the best of my belief, this conversation did not happen. I stand by my previous statements.

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St Bride’s parish delight as police say there is no case to answer following historic sex abuse allegations

Daily Record

6 MAY 2015


Father Morton cleared of wrongdoing after historical sexual abuse allegation

The parish priest of St Bride’s in Cambuslang has been cleared of any wrongdoing after an allegation of historical sexual abuse.

Father Paul Morton was put on administrative leave last September by Catholic Church authorities whilst the claim was investigated, but he always maintained his innocence.

However, on Thursday evening, after an interview lasting less than an hour, he was informed there is no case to answer.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “We can confirm police have carried out an investigation following an allegation of historical sexual abuse, and no further police action will be taken.”

Fr Morton’s family, friends, parishioners and members of the wider community are delighted, having stood by him throughout the allegations to give him their full support.

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Broward man sues church, alleges sexual abuse by priest

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

By Linda Trischitta
South Florida Sun-Sentinel

A new civil lawsuit alleges that nearly three decades ago, the Archdiocese of Miami moved a priest who was accused of sexually abusing a teenage boy at a Pembroke Pines parish to a Fort Lauderdale church, where he served until his retirement in 2014.

The archdiocese said the allegations were investigated by law enforcement at that time and the priest was not prosecuted.

The civil lawsuit was filed in Broward County court Tuesday against the archdiocese and Archbishop Thomas Wenski by an unidentified plaintiff called John Doe No. 133.

The archdiocese and its leader are accused of negligence for failing to protect the minor; intentional infliction of emotional distress for allowing the priest to have contact with children; failing to report alleged abuse to authorities and other complaints.

The retired priest, Rev. Harry Ringenberger, now 82, served at St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church in Pembroke Pines in 1989, about the time the abuse is alleged to have happened.

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1,400 child abuse suspects identified

BBC News

More than 1,400 suspects, including politicians and celebrities, have been investigated by police probing historical child sex abuse allegations.

The figures were revealed by Operation Hydrant, set up by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

It explores links between child sex abuse by “prominent public persons”.

Of the 1,433 suspects identified, 216 are now dead and 261 are classified as people of public prominence, with 135 coming from TV, film or radio.

Of the remainder:

* A further 76 suspects are politicians, 43 are from the music industry and seven come from the world of sport.
* A total of 666 claims relate to institutions, with 357 separate institutions identified.
* Of these, 154 are schools, 75 are children’s homes, and 40 are religious institutions.
* They also include 14 medical establishments, 11 community institutions, nine prisons, nine sports venues and 28 other institutions, including military groups and guest houses.
* Another 17 institutions are classified as unknown.

The figures are taken from police forces in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
They relate to reports of abuse, or investigations of abuse, which police forces were dealing with in the summer of 2014.

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Allegations of child sex abuse made against 76 British politicians

The Journal (Ireland)

BRITISH POLICE SAID today they have received historical child sex abuse claims against 261 public figures, including 76 politicians, as they respond to a surge in complaints sparked by the Jimmy Savile scandal.

A review of investigations by regional police forces has identified 1,433 suspects — all men — in cases of alleged abuse by prominent public figures or people in institutions such as schools and hospitals.

They include 261 prominent figures, including 135 from world of television, film or radio, 76 local to national level politicians, 43 from the music industry and seven from the world of sport.

The investigations relate to 357 different institutions, including 154 schools, 75 children’s homes, 40 religious institutions and 14 medical establishments, according to the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

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