A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

May 13, 2015

School counselor on leave after she allegedly had sexual relationship with student

Fox Boston

[with video]

Ashley Troutman

MEDFORD, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) — A Medford high school career counselor is on leave after allegedly having an inappropriate relationship with a student.

Jenna Tarabelsi is on paid leave from her position as career counselor at Medford Vocational Technical High School after students complained about her, saying she allegedly had a relationship with at least one student.

“They had a relationship with this guidance counselor, they trusted her, to know that she’s doing this is despicable,” one parent said.

One of the incidents allegedly happened right in the school parking lot.

“Parents need to know that when allegations are made we take them seriously and we follow them up with appropriate protocols,” the Medford superintendent said.

But parents say they should’ve been told, one saying, “To know they’re keeping this kind of information from us is very troublesome and it’s very alarming to us parents.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Superintendent: Medford fully cooperating in sexual miconduct investigation of career counselor

Wicked Local Medford

By Alex Ruppenthal

Posted May. 12, 2015

A career counselor at the Medford Vocational Technical High School is under state investigation following reports she had sexual relations with at least two, but possibly three or more male students.

Jenna Tarabelsi, 29, is under investigation by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, said Jim Ricciardi, a Medford Police detective and resource officer at Medford High School.

“There’s not a whole lot for me to say right now,” Ricciardi said. “An allegation was made and it’s being investigated.”

Tarabelsi has not been charged or arrested with any crime as of May 12.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Parent of student allegedly victimized by guidance counselor speaks out

Fox Boston

[with video]

MEDFORD, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) — The mother of one of the alleged victims of a guidance counselor who is being investigated for having sex with her students spoke out Monday about how she found out.

Jenna Tarabelsi is on paid leave from her position as career counselor at Medford Vocational Technical High School after students complained about her, saying she allegedly had a relationship with at least one student.

The mother says she is speaking out because she wants to let other alleged victims know they are not alone, and she says her son feels the same way.

A letter from the Department of Children and Families was stuck inside her front door three weeks ago. …

Since FOX25’s story ran Friday, several viewers contacted us saying Tarabelsi taught them at different schools.

The principal at Arlington Catholic High School confirmed Tarabelsi was a teacher here for the 2009-2010 school year.

“Her duties were split as a part time counselor for a group of freshman students and a theology teacher part time as well. No allegations were ever brought forth by any student or parent regarding Ms. Tarabelsi,” the principal said.

Former students and sources told FOX25 Tarabelsi also taught at Pope John High School in Everett. The Archdiocese of Boston said they do not comment on personnel matters.

“It’s none of the children’s fault and they step forward and be brave enough for her to be held accountable,” the Medford mother said. “I just want the schools to be safe.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Pope Francis’ Mess: The Media, The USA Threat & The Vatican In A Democratic Age

Christian Catholicism

Jerry Slevin

Pope Francis’ plan from Day One is now clear. His plan has been (1) to secure the pope’s tight control over Vatican finances with his own management team, (2) to distract from the Vatican’s sexual and financial scandals with (A) farcical Synods, (B) a “go slow and lightly” abuse commission, (C) empty platitudes about the poor, capitalism and climate change, and (D) media hyped but pointless papal trips, and (3) to firm up political alliances, especially with a powerful new US president, preferably Jeb Bush, who can be expected to fund and protect Vatican interests as his brother and father did so well.

Since the Final Synod in less than five months will likely expose the pope as an “all talk, no action” failed leader, the pope needs more diversions until the all important US elections in November of next year. The meaningless climate change encyclical will serve as a main interim diversion until then, even though it will likely absurdly avoid discussing the harm of the papal denial of women’s choices to regulate their own family’s size. Repealing the papal contraception ban is the one concrete step the pope has the power to take, but he won’t to protect his claim to infallibility by backing two earlier popes’ reckless contraception bans. And more Catholic babies mean more Catholic voters and donors. It is a good deal for Catholic prelates if Catholics continue to tolerate it. But see my Pope Facing Revolts In USA, Germany & Chile, and What Do We Now Know About The Real Goal Of Pope Francis? .

The climate encyclical will also allow the pope to dare to address the UN after two UN committees have, in effect, condemned the Vatican’s failure to curtail sufficiently the rape and other sexual abuse of children by priests protected by unaccountable bishops.

Popes for over 1,500 years until the mid-19th century have made deals directly with political leaders — popes exchanged their influence over docile and uneducated Catholics worldwide in exchange for money and protection from political leaders. The democratic revolutions, the spread of education and the rise of mass media have forced popes to change their approach.

Popes beginning in 1870 claimed the supernatural power of infallibility, reinforced by mind control of Catholics beginning at their First Confession at seven years old and by a claimed monopoly on the essential Eucharist and the clerics who exchanged it for weekly donations. The prior two popes solidified this 1870 power grab with a top down and self serving Canon Law system and a Catechism that subordinated the Gospel message to papal power politics.

Papal power has now become dependent on popes’ ability to deliver to national political leaders an expanding population of Catholic voters as directed by papal wizards and their subordinate prelates and other clerics. Bans on family planning had produced an increasing number of Catholic voters, often impoverished by excessive family size, who often swallowed the papal propaganda unaware mostly of what was really happening. Educational access and scandal revelations in a 24/7 media and internet age are rapidly undercutting the traditional papal power base. Pope Francis is running out of time as the wizard’s curtain is lifted almost daily.

What modern popes learned, and Pope Francis knows, is that the papal ability to draw out voters, especially dogmatic fundamentalists and select groups like US Latinos, is the key to popes’ getting governmental subsidies and protection from prosecutions and interference related to Church scandals. This pattern is currently playing out in the pope’s politically most important area, the USA .

Turnout, turnout, turnout of targeted voters is the key, as Sarah Posner shows here, Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Overthink the New Pew … . Posner points out, for example, that the percentage of white evangelicals who voted in the 2014 US midterm election outstripped their share of the population as a whole. Political organizing and turnout, she shows, matter far more than numbers. It was no coincidence Pope Francis and his US subordinates targeted these voters with anti-gay, anti-contraception/abortion and similar crusades, that continue with a view towards next year’s US presidential elections. Francis has enhanced these crusades now with a call for anti-radical Islam crusade, all parallel to the “low tax” right wing US Republican billionaire backers’ playbook. The pope. it appears, talks about the poor often, but usually works for the wealthy, no?

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Justices to decide whether victims will pay abuser’s lawyer

Charleston Daily Mail

Andrea Lannom, Legal affairs writer

West Virginia Supreme Court justices will decide whether victims will have to pay a more than $20,000 legal bill for what they argue is civil defense for a man convicted of sexually abusing them.

In this case, filed in circuit court in Berkeley County, minor victims accuse the church and other people related to the church of facilitating abuses by Christopher Michael Jensen, 23. Jensen’s father was a high priest and high councilor of the West Virginia Stake and his mother was president of the church’s relief society at the time.

The lawsuit alleged Jensen’s parents and other members knew about Jensen before he raped a 3-year-old and 4-year-old boy, discussing abuses of minors by Jensen at a meeting of the West Virginia Stake High Council.

The lawsuit alleged Jensen’s mother suggested church members hire him as a babysitter. Jensen was charged in 2012 when one of the children assaulted in 2007 brought the abuse to his parents. Jensen was convicted on those charges in 2013 and is currently serving a 35- to 75-year sentence on two counts of sex abuse by a guardian or person in a position of trust and one count of first-degree sexual assault at Mt. Olive Correctional Center.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Rabbi Barry Starr Wore Dress for Online Tryst

Jewish Daily Forward

A prominent Boston rabbi was indicted for embezzlement and larceny for stealing money from his temple to pay off a man who was blackmailing the rabbi for his supposed affair with a teenage male.

Rabbi Barry Starr, who resigned a year ago from Temple Israel, a Conservative synagogue in Sharon, Massachusetts, allegedly became entangled in the scheme when he answered his door wearing a women’s dress after soliciting a man online, the Boston Globe reported.

The indictment of Starr was unsealed on Tuesday in Norfolk Superior Court.

Starr was not in the courtroom to hear the indictment and reportedly no longer lives in the Boston area. He will be summoned to the court for an arraignment, according to the newspaper.

Also on Tuesday in the same court, Nicholas Zemeitus, 30, pleaded not guilty to seven counts of larceny over $250, two counts of receiving stolen property over $250, one count of larceny under $250, and one count of extortion, the Boston Globe reported, citing the office of Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

America’s Changing Religious Landscape

Pew Research Center

The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the number of U.S. adults who do not identify with any organized religion is growing, according to an extensive new survey by the Pew Research Center. Moreover, these changes are taking place across the religious landscape, affecting all regions of the country and many demographic groups. While the drop in Christian affiliation is particularly pronounced among young adults, it is occurring among Americans of all ages. The same trends are seen among whites, blacks and Latinos; among both college graduates and adults with only a high school education; and among women as well as men. (Explore the data with our interactive database tool.)

To be sure, the United States remains home to more Christians than any other country in the world, and a large majority of Americans – roughly seven-in-ten – continue to identify with some branch of the Christian faith.1 But the major new survey of more than 35,000 Americans by the Pew Research Center finds that the percentage of adults (ages 18 and older) who describe themselves as Christians has dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years, from 78.4% in an equally massive Pew Research survey in 2007 to 70.6% in 2014. Over the same period, the percentage of Americans who are religiously unaffiliated – describing themselves as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular” – has jumped more than six points, from 16.1% to 22.8%. And the share of Americans who identify with non-Christian faiths also has inched up, rising 1.2 percentage points, from 4.7% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2014. Growth has been especially great among Muslims and Hindus, albeit from a very low base.

The drop in the Christian share of the population has been driven mainly by declines among mainline Protestants and Catholics. Each of those large religious traditions has shrunk by approximately three percentage points since 2007. The evangelical Protestant share of the U.S. population also has dipped, but at a slower rate, falling by about one percentage point since 2007.2

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

LDP eyes changes to statute of limitations for child sexual abuse claims

The Japan Times

The statute of limitations for child sexual abuse claims could be changed to allow young victims to pursue their perpetrators into adulthood under a proposal being considered by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Currently a 20-year time limit exits for victims seeking compensation through civil litigation, with a seven-year statute of limitations in place for criminal complaints.

An LDP project team is considering whether the starting point under the Civil Code and Penal Code can be modified from when the criminal act took place to when the victim turns 20 years of age, officials said.

At its inaugural meeting last month, the team on the protection of women’s rights, headed by House of Representatives lawmaker Hiroshi Hase, heard from a woman who suffered sexual abuse by a family member during childhood.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, sexual abuse accounted for only 2.1 percent of all requests for advice filed with child consultation offices in Japan in fiscal 2013.

Toko Teramachi, a lawyer who is knowledgeable about the matter, said child victims usually do not understand the meaning of abuse until at least puberty.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.


Religion Dispatches


There are two big takeaways in the Pew Research Center’s new Religious Landscape Survey, its first since 2007: the decline in the number of Americans identifying as Christians (down eight percent in seven years, to 70.6 percent), and the rise in the number of Americans identifying as atheist, agnostic, and otherwise religiously unaffiliated (up six points in seven years, to 22.8 percent).

Greg Smith, Associate Director of Research at the Pew Research Center, called the pace of the continued growth of the religiously unaffiliated “really remarkable.” The number of Americans identifying with no religion grew by 19 million from 2007 to 2014, and now the religiously unaffiliated are “more numerous,” said Smith, than either mainline Protestants or Catholics.

Much of the rise of the “nones” is attributable to religious switching, mainly from Catholicism and mainline Protestantism. One-fifth of Americans raised Christian are now unaffiliated, said Smith. Here, he said, “Catholicism really stands out. Fully 13 percent of the US adult population qualifies as being formerly Catholic.” For every convert to Catholicism, he said, there are six former Catholics. “There is no other religious group analyzed in the survey that has experienced anything close to that kind of ratio of losses to gains via religious switching,” Smith said.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Peeping Rabbi Barry Freundel secretly taped extramarital sexual encounters, prosecution says


By Uriel Heilman May 13, 2015

JTA – In addition to secretly recording women undressing for the mikveh ritual bath, Rabbi Barry Freundel engaged in sexual encounters with several women, according to prosecutors.

That’s one of several new details about the mikveh-peeping rabbi to emerge from two documents filed in D.C. Superior Court on May 8 — one each by the prosecution and defense — ahead of Freundel’s sentencing on Friday. The documents, which attempt to sway the judge’s sentencing, shed new light on Freundel’s behavior and offer some particulars about the rabbi’s life since his arrest on October 14, 2014 — including that he has resumed some rabbinic teaching.

Freundel pleaded guilty in February to 52 counts of misdemeanor voyeurism for installing secret cameras in the shower room of the mikveh adjacent to Kesher Israel, the prominent Washington Orthodox synagogue he led for some 25 years.

He used one to three cameras, hiding the devices in a digital clock radio, a tissue box holder and a small tabletop fan, and aiming them at the toilet and shower in the mikveh dressing room, according to the prosecution’s memo. In addition to the 52 women he filmed while they were completely naked between March 4, 2012 and Sept. 19, 2014, Freundel recorded an additional 100 women since April 2009 who were not part of the criminal complaint due to the statute of limitations.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.


Catholic League

Bill Donohue comments on remarks made last night by Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on the Pew Research Center survey of religion:

Here is what O’Reilly said last night: “The main reason Christianity is on the decline is poor leadership and corruption within the Catholic Church. The priest scandal devastated the Catholic landscape in America.”

O’Reilly is not a scholar, and has written nothing on this subject, so he may be forgiven for his misunderstandings. But one does not have to be a social scientist to know that Catholicism is not dispositive of Christianity: In fact, Protestants outnumber Catholics by more than 2-1.

More important, the decline in the mainline Protestant denominations has been going on for a half-century. They are the ones who have been devastated, not the Catholic Church. So blaming the priest scandal for the precipitous drop in the Protestant community is simply absurd. Also, as I pointed out yesterday, the Pew survey showed that Catholicism has the highest retention rate of any religion: 90 percent of those who identify as Catholics today were raised Catholic. Looks like “poor leadership and corruption” didn’t act as a catalyst to bolt.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Rules for child protection commission

Scottish Catholic Observer

The Vatican has published a new set of rules for its commission to protect children.

After meeting for the first time as a complete entity in February, the Vatican Commission for the Protection of Minors has published their formal statutes, effective for three years.

“The effective protection of minors and a commitment to ensure their human and spiritual development…are integral parts of the Gospel message that the Church and all members of the faithful are called to spread throughout the world,” the Pope said in his chirograph( for the commission. Dated March 22, 2014, the chirograph is the official Papal document which established the foundation of the commission. It was published May 8 along with the statutes.

The statutes were approved by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin April 21 by mandate of Pope Francis. They were published in the original Italian and in English.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Judge finds verdict, sentence reasonable

London Free Press

By Jane Sims, The London Free Press
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The charismatic, controversial preacher at a former London church has lost his final appeal of sexual assault convictions.

Royden Wood, 65, led the now-defunct Ambassador Church at King and Adelaide streets. Druing his tenure, there were allegations — and ultimately criminal convictions — related to his cult-like leadership style and questionable marriage counselling.

The Ontario Court of Appeal rejected his appeal of his convictions by a jury in November 2011 and the six-year sentence dealt to him in April 2012.

In a brief decision, the court agreed with Superior Court Justice Dougald McDermid’s decision not to move the trial to another community and found the judge’s instructions to the jury were fair and balanced.

It dismissed Wood’s contention the verdicts were unreasonable, given the jury found him guilty of sexually assaulting three complainants, but acquitted him of charges involving two others.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Adelman invites mediation over archdiocesan cemetery trust

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

By Annysa Johnson of the Journal Sentinel May 12, 2015

A federal judge has scheduled a Thursday hearing to gauge interest in trying to settle a contentious lawsuit over the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s now $66 million cemetery trust.

The trust is a key element in the archdiocese’s plan to emerge from its 4-year-old bankruptcy in that it would be tapped both to compensate clergy sex abuse victims and fund the church’s ongoing cemetery operations.

“There’s always interest in settling litigation,” said attorney Timothy Nixon, who represents Archbishop Jerome Listecki as the sole trustee of the trust. “However, we are just one part of a much larger picture.”

James Stang, who represents the creditors committee, declined to say how it would view an offer of mediation. But he did say that any talks on the cemetery trust would likely be a de facto mediation in the bankruptcy case overall.

“The cemetery trust is the main moving part at this point,” Stang said. “I can’t imagine the parties going into a room to talk about that and not talk about the entire Chapter 11 case.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Former rabbi accused of stealing from congregation to pay blackmailer


By Jordan Lebeau
Boston.com Staff | 05.12.15

A former Sharon rabbi is accused of siphoning temple money and requesting loans from congregates in order to pay off an extortionist, according to a Boston Globe report.

Rabbi Barry Starr, formerly of Temple Israel, was recently indicted on charges of embezzlement by a fiduciary and larceny over $250, according to the report. Authorities said Starr, who left the temple last year and now lives out of state, paid 30-year-old Nicholas Zemeitus $480,000 since 2011 in exchange for his silence on the subject of the rabbi’s alleged relationship with a younger male. No evidence of any such relationship has been uncovered, the Globe reports.

“This has been a beloved and respected rabbi for 28 years and to learn of this news, it’s heartbreaking,” Arnie Freedman, Temple Israel’s president, told the newspaper Tuesday.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Greensburg minister accused of child sex crimes


[with video]

By Jennie Runevitch, WTHR reporter

GREENSBURG, Ind. – An Indiana minister has been arrested, accused of sodomy and sexual abuse against a child under 12 years of age.

Duncan Aker, Jr. is now the pastor at Greensburg Christian Church. But the sex charges stem from his last calling as a minister in Vanceburg, Kentucky.

In Greensburg, neighbors and church members expressed shock, disbelief and anger at the news. Many say 63-year-old Duncan Aker was more than a minister.

Debbie Powers and her mom live next door to Aker and his wife.

“He’s just a nice neighborhood man from the time he moved in the neighborhood,” Powers said. “He mowed lawns, helped with gardening and helped carry in groceries.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Priest breaks silence over his removal

Journal Courier

May 13. 2015

By David C.L. Bauer dbauer@civitasmedia.com

JACKSONVILLE — A former Jacksonville priest is striking out at what he calls a witch hunt that led to his removal after a decades-old abuse allegation.

In a rare move, Bishop Thomas John Paprocki forced removal of the Rev. Robert “Bud” DeGrand earlier this month. DeGrand was pastor of Catholic churches in Lillyville, Green Creek, Sigel and Neoga. He previously served parishes in Bluffs, Winchester and Jacksonville.

DeGrand was accused of sexually abusing a minor while at Our Saviour Catholic Church in 1980 — the year he was ordained into the priesthood. The accusation was not made until more than three decades later.

DeGrand’s removal was not directly related to the allegation but to his refusal to comply with Paprocki’s order that he move to a private home in Springfield while on administrative leave during the investigation of the allegation.

DeGrand remained relatively silent as the allegation was investigated following protocol established by the Vatican. But now, in a letter he has distributed to parishioners and to several newspapers, DeGrand said it would be an “understatement” to say he was disappointed with the treatment he received.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

May 12, 2015

Dublin archdiocese bans photos during religious services

CathNews New Zealand

Dublin archdiocese is banning photographs being taken during religious ceremonies, in order to protect children from potential abusers.

Each diocese in Ireland has been directed to have guidelines governing the filming and photography of children while they are on church grounds.

The move derives from standards issued by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCC) in 2008.

“It’s to avoid a situation whereby photos get into the wrong hands of potential abusers,” said Ger Kenny, spokesman for the NBSCCC.

“The risk issue is people will be taking pictures of kids who are not related to them, and for inappropriate reasons.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Milwaukee Archdiocese threatens to deplete remaining funds on litigation before compensating victims

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director (Milwaukee)
CONTACT: 414.429.7259

Whatever the outcome of today’s offer by Federal Judge Lynn Adelman to intervene in the four year old Milwaukee Archdiocese Bankruptcy to resolve the issue of former Archbishop Timothy Dolan’s $57 million dollar fraudulently constituted “cemetery trust”, it is yet another unmistakable sign that something has gone terribly wrong or is terribly broken with a court system that allows church lawyers to walk away with millions of dollars in billable hours, leave apparently uninvestigated and unreported dozens of never before identified alleged sex offenders, and keeps under wraps documents and details about how the now most powerful Catholic Prelate in the United States colluded with the Vatican to keep US courts from compensating victims of clergy sex crimes.

Maybe that is why lead church bankruptcy lawyer Frank LoCoco could so cynically and confidently stand up in open court last week to proclaim that the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is more than prepared to spend all its remaining resources–not on healing victims of childhood sexual assault committed by priests and covered up by their senior management–but litigating until there is simply no money left for victims and their families.

“Let’s spend the money,” LoCoco said last Thursday in Judge Susan V Kelley’s courtroom, “Let’s litigate the cemetery trust [issue] completely. Candidly, at that point it becomes cheaper, more efficient and easier to us to litigate every abuse survivor claim. … [Do] they want us to start sending dozens and dozens of notices to every single abuse survivor and their family members and their doctors?” Notice the not so thinly veiled threat to victims’ privacy in the last sentence.

LoCoco, comically and clumsily, later tried to explain his comments by arguing that it was survivors and creditors who were “making” the archdiocese spend money on litigation. In other words: “It’s the victims fault that I am becoming rich.” Why would survivors or creditors possibly want money to go into LoCoco’s pockets and not into the hands of those harmed as children?

Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki, himself a lawyer, who has several times spoken of his special bond and sympathy for the law profession, has shown little or none for survivors of priest sex abuse. Maybe that is why, all the funds so far have pretty much gone to church lawyers and court costs, a total nearing $20 million, and none so far to a single victim. In fact, Listecki’s total offer to the nearly 600 victims that filed cases into court is $4 million dollars, or three times lower than for lawyers and others. And just to get this clear: victim attorneys are not part of these costs since they receive a contingency payment only when the cases are resolved.

But there are other costs. Over half the graduating class of LeMoyne College, a renowned Jesuit institution in Syracuse, have signed a petition asking that Cardinal Dolan not be allowed to deliver their commencement address specifically because of his involvement in covering up for abusive priests in Milwaukee, and that number of student signatories is rising. And, if you look at the stunning news video this last Palm Sunday, a day that once was standing room only at the Milwaukee Cathedral, you can see how much the church has really paid.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Former Temple Israel Rabbi to Face Larceny Charge


By DANIEL LIBON (Patch Staff)
May 12, 2015

A former rabbi at Temple Israel of Sharon will face a larceny charge.

Rabbi Barry Starr’s indictment was unsealed Tuesday and he will be arraigned on one count of larceny over $250. He was not present at Norfolk Superior Court and will be summoned according to the Boston Globe.

Also arraigned was Nicholas Zemeitus, 30, of Quincy on seven counts of larceny over $250, two counts of receiving stolen property over $250, one count of larceny under $250, and one count of extortion. The charges were announced by the Norfolk District Attorney’s office Monday.

Zemeitus is accused of threatening to make allegations of a sexual relation between Starr and a teenage boy public. Court records say Starr paid up to $480,000 for Zemeitus’ silence.

While no evidence of the described relationship has been discovered, Starr’s computer showed that he posted regularly on Craigslist in search for transexual escorts according to court documents.

Money for Zemeitus allegedly came from the rabbi’s discretionary fund and long-time members of the temple.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Quincy man pleads innocent to extorting Sharon rabbi

Wicked Local Sharon

By Chris Burrell
The Patriot Ledger

Posted May. 12, 2015

DEDHAM — A 30-year-old Quincy man pleaded innocent Tuesday afternoon in Norfolk Superior Court to charges that he extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars from a well-known rabbi in Sharon.

Nicholas Zemeitus, of Willard Street in Quincy, was arrested Monday days after a grand jury indicted him for allegedly blackmailing the rabbi.

Rabbi Barry Starr resigned last year as rabbi at Temple Israel of Sharon. He now faces charges of embezzlement and larceny from the synagogue and will be arraigned at a later date.

In court documents unsealed Tuesday, prosecutors said that Zemeitus was living in Milton in 2011 when he first threatened to expose Starr’s alleged sexual relationship with a teenage boy and demanded money to keep silent. Starr was instructed to leave his first payment to Zemeitus in a car parked at the South Shore Plaza in Braintree, according to the office of Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey.

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Formicola to Speak About Sexual Abuse and the Church

Tap into Morristown

May 12, 2015

MORRISTOWN, NJ — Dr. Jo-Renee Formicola is coming to the St. Mark Lutheran Church, on Sunday June 7 to speak about on Clerical Sexual Abuse: How the Crisis Changed US Catholic Church-State Relations. The program, presented by the Voice of the Faithful New Jersey will begin at 3:30 pm

Dr. Jo-Renee Formicola is a political science professor at Seton Hall University. Based on her recently published book of the same name, Dr. Formicola will speak on Clerical Sexual Abuse: How the Crisis Changed US Catholic Church-State Relations. Fr. Tom Ivory will preside at a liturgy following the talk.

Dr. Formicola’s specific field of expertise is Church-State relations, and during her tenure at Seton Hall University, she has published extensively on social and religious topics related to the relationship between the Catholic Church and the American government.

Since the appalling sexual abuse scandals were openly revealed in 2001, Catholic Church-State relations have changed dramatically. Whereas accusations of sexual abuse by clergy were routinely denied by the Church, civil law-enforcement authorities now hold clerics accountable under civil law. Dr. Formicola has examined the secret payoffs, cover-ups and the re-assignment of priests in order to expose the magnitude and pervasive extent of these crimes. The outrage and consequent demands for reform have cost the Church dearly in both credibility and the billions of dollars spent on attorneys’ fees and reparations to victims.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

As Pope Francis Grows Rigid, Groups From Ten Nations Ask For Changes

Christian Catholicism

Jerry Slevin

As Pope Francis reveals his resistance to real reforms, twenty-three Catholic priest associations and reform groups from ten countries and four continents have sent an Open Letter to the Pope asking him for change. Meanwhile, the pope prepares for his final “fatherless and motherless” Family Synod of celibate bishops upcoming in less than five months. The Open Letter was initiated at an international meeting recently held in Limerick, Ireland of international reform groups. On this major meeting, see here,”Lay reform groups discuss equality of women, church …” and “What happened in Limerick should not stay in Limerick “. For the full text of the letter, see here,

[We Are Church]

Will Pope Francis respond meaningfully to the Letter? Probably not. Two key Cardinals, Vatican based George Pell, a member of the pope’s top management committee, and Peter Erdo of Budapest, Hungary, reportedly predicted in separate recent interviews that “nothing will change” at the Final Synod. What is especially ominous is the fact that the Hungarian cardinal has a key role in the Final Synod as its a de facto moderator in charge of helping to frame the discussions.

The steady unveiling of the reality of Pope Francis’ actual anti-reform approach was recently reviewed perceptively and effectively at the Huffington Post by Canadian writer, Dennis Earl here, Why Pope Francis Isn’t a Liberal Reformer. Earl observes, in pertinent part, “It’s been quite the honeymoon. Not too long after Pope Francis succeeded Benedict XVI in March 2013 to become the new head of the Vatican, reporters, pundits and even comedians began to sing his praises. Why, exactly? Because he said things like, “I’m a sinner” and “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?” and “The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone!… Even the atheists. Everyone!” “. Earl adds: “But, as the old saying goes, talk is cheap. Pope Francis can present himself as a more compassionate pontiff all he wants. With over 40 years experience working within the stubbornly Conservative Catholic Church, the 78-year-old is no liberal. The reality is he is quite content maintaining the status quo.” Earl then in detail itemizes specifically how the pope has maintained the conservative, if not fundamentalist, status quo. Earl notes finally ” … And considering what happened to former Australian priest Greg Reynolds, the idea of this Pope embracing any kind of significant reform is truly laughable. So stop calling him [Pope Francis] “progressive” already.” Reynolds in May 2013 was defrocked as a priest and even excommunicated under Pope Francis after he advocated support for women’s ordination and same sex marriage. It appears the ex-bouncer pope wanted to send a strong signal to reformers right from the beginning of his papacy.

And President Barack Obama is making clear to US Catholic bishops and to local Jesuits at Georgetown that he will personally be focused on the pope’s rhetoric about helping the poor, see the video here, President Obama Remarks Poverty Georgetown and the New York Times report here, Obama Urges Liberals and Conservatives to Unite on Poverty .

On Pope Francis’ current trajectory, this seems clear enough. Contraception, abortion in all circumstances, and homosexual love would then remain “mortal sins”; women would remain second class Catholics; the Church would remain a clerical dictatorship; and children would continue at unsafe risks of priest sexual abuse, it appears, despite the pope’s carefully staged spin to the contrary. Unless Pope Francis convenes a full ecumenical council before retiring, which seems unlikely, Catholics will have to look to their democratically responsive national governments to press the Vatican to reform, see my “Two Years In, Pope Must Call Council As John XXIII Did“.

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Goodbye, Christians.


Grant Gallicho May 12, 2015

The percentage of Americans who call themselves Christian has dropped significantly since 2007, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center. Mainline Protestants and Catholics have experienced the largest losses (-3.4 percent and -3.1 percent, respectively), Evangelicals the smallest (-.9 percent, just over the margin of error). While the dip in Christian affiliation has occurred across all age cohorts, the younger you are, the more likely you are not to identify with any religious tradition. While non-Christian faiths saw modest bumps in affiliation (+.5 percent for Muslims, +.3 for Hindus), no group grew more than the “nones,” who make up nearly 23 percent of the population–a gain of 6.7 percent since 2007. There are now more nones than Catholics.

Mainline Protestants have suffered the largest losses in absolute numbers–there are 5 million fewer today than there were in 2007. Like the Mainlines, Catholics are decreasing as a percentage of the population and in terms of raw numbers. Pew Research notes that Catholic losses may total no more than 1 million, accounting for margins of error. A number of studies over the past twenty-five years have come up with differing estimates of the size of the U.S. Catholic population over time. Some have found steadier numbers than Pew Research (until about 2010-2012). But one of those surveys did not interview as many young people as Pew did, and interviewed more Hispanics. The losses found by this Pew Research study–based on a sample size of 35,000–track closesly with the organization’s monthly polls.

The decline among Christians comes at a time when they are becoming more ethnically diverse. Since 2007, Catholics, Mainline Protestants, and Evangelicals all saw their ethnic and racial minority populations grow by about 5-6 percent. Today 41 percent of Catholic Americans are members of racial and ethnic minorities.

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Treating Pedophilia


Many with pedophilia don’t actually want to act on their urges and try desperately to suppress them. Can pedophilia be treated and can convicted pedophiles ever be fully integrated back into society? Reporter Shaz Sajadi has the story.

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Ruf der katholischen Kirche hat gelitten


[Reputation of the Catholic Church has suffered. The abuse scandals have scratched the reputation of the Roman Catholic Church. The rigid positions in the sexual morality, gender equality and adherence to the celibacy translated to the mistrust.]

Bern – Die Missbrauchsskandale haben am Ruf der römisch-katholischen Kirche gekratzt. Auch die rigide Positionen in der Sexualmoral, der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und das Festhalten am Zölibat setzten dem Vertrauen zu.

An diesen Fragen drohe die emotionale Verbundenheit mit der katholischen Kirche zu zerbrechen, heisst es in einer Studie des Schweizerischen Pastoralsoziologischen Instituts. Besser schneidet die reformierte Kirche ab. Ihr wird höchstens ein Mangel an Profil vorgeworfen.
Die Studie zeigt aber auch, dass viele Menschen die Kirche noch immer schätzen: Etwa für Taufen oder Hochzeiten. Auch das gesellschaftliche Engagement der Kirchen kommt gut an. Gute Noten erhielten auch die Mitarbeiter der Kirchen. Sie werden als motiviert und kompetent eingeschätzt.

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Freundel Still Isn’t Apologizing to His Victims

Frum Follies

Yerachmiel Lopin

On Friday (5/15/15), Rabbi Bernard (Barry) Freundel will be sentenced for video recording 52 women while naked at a mikvah. The government is asking for a sentence of 4 months for each count for a total of 17 years in jail. This is one-third of the maximum sentence. The government sentencing memo eloquently captures the betrayal of trust and the emotional harm because mikvah is such a sensitive moment for converts and married orthodox women. It is a moment of sacredness and vulnerability. To be seen naked by one’s own rabbi, the government memo points out, is especially painful to orthodox women who adhere to a modesty code. It is way worse than being surreptitiously recorded in a gym locker room by a stranger.

Barry Freundel running photographers scrumOne of his victims is a woman who confided in Rabbi Freundel about being sexually abused. He counseled her to use the mikvah for healing purposes. Now she feels re-traumatized.

The government’s memo is well worth reading in its entirety.

Freundel’s memo, in contrast is pathetically self pitying. Of course he admits his guilt. But he has a funny way of understanding the gravity of his crimes. His memo dwells on his disgrace with nary a word about the impact of his crimes on his victims. The memo states:

Rabbi Freundel readily admits he has committed a serious crime [and] recognizes and regrets the negative impact his actions have had within the community. His conduct has brought shame upon Judaism, the synagogue he once served, his family, and himself. He has been publicly humiliated, forced to leave his office as a rabbi, and is now a convicted man. His fall, all of his own doing, has been very public and painful for the Jewish community, his family and of course, himself.

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La defensa ve “desproporcionada” la petición al Arzobispado de toda la documentación de ‘Romanones’

20 Minutos

[The lawyer for Father Roman in the Romanones case said it is “disproportionate” for the court to request documentation from the church.]

El abogado del padre Román M.V.C., principal acusado en el llamado ‘caso Romanones’ sobre abusos sexuales presuntamente cometidos por sacerdotes de Granada, ha considerado “desproporcionada” la última petición del Juzgado de Instrucción 4 de Granada, que ha conminado al Arzobispado de Granada a remitirle toda la documentación de la que dispone sobre los supuestos implicados.

EUROPA PRESS. 12.05.2015 El abogado del padre Román M.V.C., principal acusado en el llamado ‘caso Romanones’ sobre abusos sexuales presuntamente cometidos por sacerdotes de Granada, ha considerado “desproporcionada” la última petición del Juzgado de Instrucción 4 de Granada, que ha conminado al Arzobispado de Granada a remitirle toda la documentación de la que dispone sobre los supuestos implicados. En declaraciones a Europa Press, el letrado Javier Muriel ha señalado además que esta última solicitud, realizada mediante una reciente providencia, demuestra que “hay una absoluta falta de pruebas”, si “la jurisdicción penal no es capaz por sí misma” de disponer de toda la información al respecto.

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El juez del ‘caso Romanones’ pide por octava vez documentación al arzobispo

El Pais

[Judge in the ‘case Romanones’ has for the eighth time requestion documentation from the Granada archbishop.]


El juez que investiga los supuestos abusos sexuales a menores por parte de un grupo de sacerdotes de Granada ha reclamado por octava vez al arzobispo de la capital, Francisco Javier Martínez, “toda la documentación” que posea sobre los implicados en el llamado caso Romanones. De no hacerlo, el magistrado advierte al religioso de que podría incurrir en un delito de desobediencia a la autoridad judicial. El Arzobispado reafirmó este martes su compromiso de “colaboración”.

El magistrado Antonio Moreno da este ultimátum al arzobispo después de que, en la información remitida “se hayan omitido” las declaraciones que los curas realizaron a raíz del expediente eclesiástico abierto, “que dio lugar incluso a resoluciones de suspensión” de los acusados. La investigación judicial solo continúa para el padre Román (R. M. V. C.), considerado el cabecilla, después de que, en febrero, el juez declarara prescritos todos los delitos para el resto de los 11 imputados. Pero, tras el recurso del primer denunciante, quien trasladó por carta su caso al papa Francisco, la Audiencia de Granada deliberará en septiembre sobre la prescripción de los delitos.

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El Juez conmina …

Religion Digital

[A judge has urged the Archbishop of Granada to provide “all the complete documentation” of the case of the Romanones. Archbishop Javier Martinez has failed in response to statements and written interrogatories. Judge Antonio Morena has given the archbishop an ultimatum and he has urged the prelate to give once and for all interviews conducted during the church investigation of the 10 priests and two lay people in the case of child abuse in Granada. If he fails to do so, the archbishop stands to incur the crime of disobedience to judicial authority after the request was made eight times.]

El Juez conmina al arzobispo de Granada a entregar “toda la documentación íntegra” del caso Romanones

Jesús Bastante, 11 de mayo de 2015

(Jesús Bastante).- El Juez del “caso Romanones”, Antonio Moreno, acaba de dar un ultimátum al arzobispo de Granada, Francisco Javier Martínez. En una breve y dura providencia, el Magistrado conmina al prelado a entregar, de una vez por todas, los interrogatorios a los doce investigados -diez sacerdotes y dos seglares- por el caso de abusos a menores en Granada. En caso de no hacerlo, Martínez podría incurrir en un delito de desobediencia a la autoridad judicial, después de que se le haya requerido, hasta en ocho ocasiones, la documentación que está obligado a entregar según las legislaciones civil y canónica.

En la resolución, el Juez constata “que en todo caso se ha omitido en las documentaciones sucesivas remitidas por el Arzobispado de Granada las declaraciones e interrogatorios escritos de los sacerdotes sobre los que se inició expediente eclesiástico”, y que “necesariamente deben de obrar de forma escrita a la luz de las disposiciones sobre procedimientos administrativos y eclesiásticos que dieron lugar incluso a resoluciones de suspensión de ese Arzobispado”.

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Vatican cardinal sees no change in family teachings at synod


VATICAN CITY – (AP) — A senior Vatican cardinal predicted Saturday that there will be no change in the Catholic Church’s practice and teaching about marriage, divorce and the reception of Communion at an upcoming meeting of bishops on family issues.

Cardinal George Pell told a gathering of conservative, anti-abortion Catholic activists in town for an annual “March for Life” that he believed the October synod “will massively endorse the tradition” of the church.

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Christianity faces sharp decline …

Washington Post

Christianity faces sharp decline as Americans are becoming even less affiliated with religion

By Sarah Pulliam Bailey May 12

Christianity is on the decline in America, not just among younger generations or in certain regions of the country but across race, gender, education and geographic barriers. The percentage of adults who describe themselves as Christians dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years to about 71 percent, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

“It’s remarkably widespread,” said Alan Cooperman, director of religion research for the Pew Research Center. “The country is becoming less religious as a whole, and it’s happening across the board.”

At the same time, the share of those who are not affiliated with a religion has jumped from 16 percent to about 23 percent in the same time period. The trend follows a pattern found earlier in the American Religious Identification Survey, which found that in 1990, 86 percent of American adults identified as Christians, compared with 76 percent in 2008.

Here are three key takeaways from Pew’s new survey.

1. Millennials are growing even less affiliated with religion as they get older

The older generation of millennials (those who were born from 1981 to 1989) are becoming even less affiliated with religion than they were about a decade ago, the survey suggests. In 2007, when the Pew Research Center did their last Religious Landscape Survey and these adults were just entering adulthood, 25 percent of them did not affiliate with a religion, but this grew to 34 percent in the latest survey.

The trends among the aging millennials is especially significant, said Greg Smith, associate director of research at the Pew Research Center. In 2010, 13 percent of baby boomers were religiously unaffiliated as they were entering retirement, the same percentage in 1972.

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Man charged in extorting Boston-area rabbi having affair with teen


(JTA) — A 30-year-old man was indicted on charges of extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars from a prominent Boston-area rabbi who was having an affair with a male teenager.

Nicholas Zemeitus, of suburban Boston, was arrested and charged on Monday, the Boston Globe reported. He had threatened to expose the affair unless he was paid by Rabbi Barry Starr,who resigned a year ago from Temple Israel, a Conservative synagogue in Sharon, Massachusetts.

Starr allegedly paid nearly half a million dollars — taken from synagogue funds and borrowed from his congregants — to hide his two-year affair with the 16-year-old. Much of the money came from the rabbi’s discretionary fund, including checks altered by the rabbi. Starr also borrowed thousands of dollars from an elderly congregant, a Holocaust survivor.

Zemeitus claimed to be the older brother of the teen, who was 18 when the affair ended.

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Former principal charged with indecent assault

RTE News

An 82-year-old former school principal and priest has been charged with 12 counts of indecently assaulting three students over 30 years ago.

Donnacha MacCarthaigh, with an address at The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Western Road, Cork, was formally arrested at Gurranabraher Garda Station and brought before Cork District Court.

The court was told that when arrested, charged and cautioned, the former principal at Coláiste an Chroí Naofa in Carrignavar, Co Cork, said: “I did not touch anyone sexually and inappropriately.”

He faces 12 counts of indecently assaulting three pupils at Coláiste an Chroí Naofa on dates between September 1972 and June 1983.

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Il Vaticano espelle il prete pedofilo

Corriere di Bologna

[RAVENNA – Giovanni Desio is no longer a priest. For the former pastor of Casalborsetti, the Ravenna coast, who is accused of having sex with some minors, the Holy See sent to the diocese of Ravenna the decree of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by which he resigned from the clerical state and at the same timehe was given a dispensation from celibacy.]

RAVENNA — Giovanni Desio non è più prete. Per l’ex parroco di Casalborsetti, sul litorale ravennate, imputato per avere fatto sesso con alcuni minorenni, la Santa Sede ha trasmesso alla Diocesi di Ravenna il decreto della congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede mediante il quale lo ha dimesso dallo stato clericale e contemporaneamente gli ha dato la dispensa dal celibato. Su disposizione della Santa Sede — si legge in una nota della archidiocesi ravennate — il provvedimento canonico è stato consegnato direttamente dall’arcivescovo Lorenzo Ghizzoni nelle mani dell’interessato qualche giorno fa. L’invito dell’arcivescovo ai sacerdoti e ai fedeli — ha concluso la nota — è di pregare perché i tempi della pena e della cura siano efficaci e portino davvero a un rinnovamento e a una guarigione profonda.

DECISIONE DEFINITIVA — Dal punto di vista tecnico, la decisione non è impugnabile e può essere scavalcata solo da atti di clemenza. Desio, 53 anni, nato a Milano ma residente a Saronno (Varese) era stato sospeso a divinis poco dopo essere stato arrestato dalla polizia nell’aprile dell’anno scorso. Il Pm Isabella Cavallari che coordinava le indagini della squadra Mobile, ha già chiesto per lui nove anni di carcere in abbreviato. La sentenza è attesa per venerdì.

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Why Pope Francis Isn’t a Liberal Reformer

Huffington Post

Dennis Earl
Canadian writer and blogger

It’s been quite the honeymoon. Not too long after Pope Francis succeeded Benedict XVI in March 2013 to become the new head of the Vatican, reporters, pundits and even comedians began to sing his praises. Why, exactly?

Because he said things like, “I’m a sinner” and “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?” and “The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone!… Even the atheists. Everyone!”

But, as the old saying goes, talk is cheap. Pope Francis can present himself as a more compassionate pontiff all he wants. With over 40 years experience working within the stubbornly Conservative Catholic Church, the 78-year-old is no liberal. The reality is he is quite content maintaining the status quo.

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The “Credo Priests” Petition

National Catholic Reporter

[list of priests who signed the petition]

Michael Sean Winters | May. 12, 2015 Distinctly Catholic

Archbishop Vigano: Call your office! Friday, my colleague Soli Salgado and I published a news item about a petition signed by more than 850 priests urging the Synod on the Family to “stand firm on the Church’s traditional understanding of marriage, human sexuality and pastoral practices.” The petition, organized by a group called “Credo Priests” mimics one a few weeks ago engineered by conservative clerics in the United Kingdom. I am dumbfounded by this crass political ploy to put pressure on the synod.

As that story relates, I tried to contact the three sitting bishops who signed it: Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, and Bishop David Kagan of Bismark, North Dakota. I did not reach out to the two retired bishops who also signed the document, Bishop Robert Finn, formerly of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri and Bishop Rene Gracida, formerly of Corpus Christi, Texas. Only Bishop Conley got back to me with a statement:

I signed the Statement of Belief to support American priests affirming fidelity to the doctrine of our faith regarding marriage and the family. The statement is intended to encourage the Synod Fathers as they proclaim freedom in Christ, through the grace of knowing and responding to the truth. This statement is signed by priests who love and support the Holy Father, in response to his universal invitation for dialogue in anticipation of the Synod. Like all Catholics, I pray for the Holy Father and the Synod Fathers, and I encourage all Catholics to learn from the good work of the Synod.”

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Sex abuse lawsuit filed against Mormon church

The Desert Sun

[with video]

Reza Gostar, The Desert Sun

PALM SPRINGS – A lawsuit filed Friday against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a church bishop and a missionary, claims a woman was repeatedly sexually abused when she was a teenager in Rancho Mirage and Palm Desert, and it was covered up.

The lawsuit, which was filed in Riverside County Superior Court in Palm Springs, contends that from July to November 1985, Jacqueline Tyler, then 13, was repeatedly abused by a missionary and that after a church bishop learned of the alleged abuse, her family was told to stay quiet and the bishop “made advance payment or partial payment of damages as an accommodation to plaintiff.”

It adds that as a result of the alleged abuse, Tyler gave birth to a son on June 30, 1986.

Tyler contends she was sexually abused at least once a week. And that after she became pregnant, the lawsuit claims that the missionary paid for her to go to New York, where he attempted to cause her to miscarry “by physically abusing her body.”

the lawsuit claims that the missionary paid for her to go to New York, where he attempted to cause her to miscarry “by physically abusing her body.”

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Drug, alcohol addictions fuelled by childhood sexual abuse, victim says

CBC News

By Jody Porter, CBC News

A sexual abuse survivor wants a new documentary about his abuser, Ralph Rowe, to be a step towards reconciliation between aboriginal and non-aboriginal peoples in northern Ontario.

Joshua Frogg is one of an estimated 500 victims of the former Anglican priest who flew his own plane into remote First Nations in the 1970s and 80s. Rowe has been convicted of nearly 60 sex crimes.

Frogg’s own journey to healing from the abuse is chronicled in a new documentary, Survivors Rowe, that had a special screening at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay on Monday.

“People should be aware of why there is so much alcoholism, there’s so much drug use, there’s so much negative social impacts in our communities,” Frogg said. “It’s a result of issues that happened when we were children, issues of sexual abuse, issues of violence.”

A total of nearly 300 people in Thunder Bay saw the documentary, Survivors Rowe, at two separate screenings this week. It’s now off to Ottawa where some MPs will watch it. (Loud Roar Productions)

Frogg watched the film at a public showing in Thunder Bay on Saturday and joined the audience of about 100 people at the university on Monday.

“I thought it would get easier watching it, but it isn’t,” he said.

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Child sex abuse royal commission hearings tipped to inspire more Ballarat victims to come forward

ABC News

The Ballarat Centre Against Sexual Assault is expecting public hearings into child sexual abuse will inspire more victims and survivors to come forward.

The support agency will be providing extra services during the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse hearings, which have been scheduled to begin from May 19.

The centre’s manager, Shireen Gunn, is expecting more survivors of child sexual abuse to come forward as a result of the Commission’s visit.

“It has been a bit of a snowball effect of people coming forward and then hearing about others and feeling okay to come forward themselves,” she said.

Ms Gunn said while many survivors were looking forward to the chance to give evidence, the opportunity to speak out had made some victims feel anxious.

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Maryland diocese chooses replacement for deposed bishop

The Baltimore Sun

By Jonathan Pitts
The Baltimore Sun

To replace the bishop accused of driving drunk and killing a bicyclist in Roland Park last year, the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland has chosen a retired bishop who has made her own recovery from alcoholism central to her ministry.

Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton, head of the Maryland diocese, announced the Rt. Rev. Chilton R. Knudsen — a former bishop of Maine, and a widely respected author and counselor in the field of addiction recovery — as assistant bishop at the church’s annual convention Saturday in Ellicott City.

Knudsen, who has roots in Maryland, will be Sutton’s second-in-command until the diocese selects a long-term replacement for Cook, who resigned as bishop suffragan of Maryland on May 1.

Cook, 58, faces charges including manslaughter, homicide by a motor vehicle while impaired, leaving the scene of a fatal accident, drunken driving and texting while driving in the Dec. 27 death of Thomas Palermo. She has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to return to court next month.

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Adass sex allegations like ‘a bomb’

The Australian Jewish News

A SENIOR educator at the Adass Israel School told the Supreme Court of Victoria today she “felt like I was sitting on a bomb” when she discovered that Malka Leifer, the school’s head of Jewish Studies, might be sexually molesting students.

Sharon Ann (Chana) Bromberg, a teacher and chaplain at the school, told the court she received a phone call in August 2007 from a friend urging her to inquire whether Leifer “may have crossed any boundaries” with her female students.

Bromberg said her personal feeling after that phone call was that somebody was prepared to “stoop so low to get” Leifer. But when she confronted Leifer with this a few days later, Leifer said she had discussed her conduct with rabbis and all was in order.

The caller phoned again around 11 days before Leifer’s hasty departure for Israel, saying there was substance to allegations of sexual abuse based on a former student (the claimant) talking to a counsellor in Israel.

The caller called a third time to give Bromberg a young woman’s name to support the seriousness of the allegations.”I felt like I was sitting on a bomb,” Bromberg said.

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Church decision on harassment expected soon

Winnipeg Free Press

By: Ashley Prest

The result of Monday’s formal hearing regarding a sexual harassment complaint against Westminster United Church minister Robert Campbell is expected this week.

The hearing, commissioned by the United Church of Canada’s Winnipeg-based Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, was conducted by an independent committee from the Toronto Conference regional body.

It followed a formal investigation and 27-page report by an impartial investigator completed in January 2015. The report, obtained by the Free Press, upholds the complaint and concluded Campbell’s “actions and comments amount to sexual harassment and is behaviour of a sexual nature that is known or ought to be known to be unwanted or unwelcome.”

Rev. Shannon McCarthy, executive secretary of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, told the Free Press in an email Monday “the United Church of Canada takes all complaints seriously and has a process whereby we discern appropriate disposition of these matters.”

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KC diocese’s sex-abuse legal bills hit $3M last year

Kansas City Business Journal

Kansas City Business Journal

The Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese racked up more than $3 million in legal bills for sexual abuse cases during the most recent fiscal year, The Kansas City Star reports.

A report from the Catholic diocese included legal costs for the fiscal year that ended June 30. That brings the total paid by the diocese on legal bills and settlements to $27 million in the past four years — not counting a $9.95 million settlement in October involving 32 victims, The Star reports.

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May 11, 2015

Pope Francis Will Hardly Be A Change Agent As His Deeds Show & Insiders Note

Christian Catholicism

Jerry Slevin

Cardinal George Pell has indicated recently he expects that the upcoming Final Family Synod in less than five months will “massively endorse” the Catholic Church’s traditional teachings. Contraception, abortion and homosexual love would then remain “mortal sins”; women would remain second class Catholics; the Church would remain a clerical dictatorship; and children would continue at unsafe risks of priest sexual abuse, it appears, despite the pope’s carefully staged spin to the contrary. Unless Pope Francis convenes a full ecumenical council before retiring, which seems unlikely, Catholics will have to look to their democratically responsive national governments to press the Vatican to reform, see my “Two Years In, Pope Must Call Council As John XXIII Did“.

Elements of this dismal and disappointing forecast are echoed in well regarded veteran Vatican journalists’ recent reporting, including by Sandro Magister in “The Closed Door of Pope Francis” here,


and by Robert Mickens in “Merciless zealots in defense of life and truth“, here,

[National Catholic Reporter].

See also my pertinent remarks, “What Do We Now Know About The Real Goal Of Pope Francis?”.

Pope Francis, instead of making real and permanent reforms, will likely continue with his diversionary media distractions, like a gratuitous climate change encyclical, unnecessary foreign media junkets, and the like, while real issues are avoided. For example, it appears that Pope Francis’ solution for facilitating women’s exercise of their reproductive rights is more of the same as has recently been announced. The pope plans to send an army of globe-trotting priests — his “missionaries of mercy” — to absolve from eternal damnation women who have had abortions. Just what Catholic women need — another chance to share their intimate and stressful sexual histories in a dark confessional box with a celibate and strange guy who never changed a nappy, as Ireland’s former president, Mary McAleese, so well put it.

Of course, these priests may also have some linguistic and cultural challenges in the USA due to the local US priest shortage. Most likely, this “priest army” will consist mainly of “mercenary missionaries” bid for by US bishops in the Filipino, African and/or Indian “priest markets”, no? Is the pope for real here?

And as the pope allies himself increasingly with US Republicans and their “low tax” billionaire backers in next year’s US elections, the US political party that has prevented comprehensive US immigration reform, the pope also is offering a “fix” for some of the millions of undocumented US Latinos. Many of these desperate immigrants have “indigenous American” genes that led to their being discriminated against in Central and South American countries of their birth, and many of whom fled to the US to escape some of these residual and failed countries that had been dominated for centuries by the partnership of landed Hispanic descendants and a right wing Catholic hierarchy. The pope will give them a Hispanic saint, Fr. Junipero Serra, who in the 18th Century helped the rulers from Spain forcibly subjugate the indigenous Americans in California. Pope John Paul II beatified Fr. Serra a few weeks before George W.H. Bush’s was elected in 1988, and now Francis will canonize Fr. Serra this summer, apparently to enhance the presidential prospects of GWHB’s son, Jeb. Fr. Serra is almost a Bush Family patron saint, no? Again, is Pope Francis for real here as well? Please see my, A Mess: Mexico & Electing Bishops & Jeb Bush Too .

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Quincy Man Charged WIth Extorting Sharon Resident


By DANIEL LIBON (Patch Staff)

From the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office:

A Norfolk County Grand Jury on May 7, 2015 indicted Nicholas Zemeitus, age 30, of Willard Street, Quincy, formerly of Nancy Road, Milton, on extortion and other charges.

Investigation into the alleged extortion, which involved a Sharon resident, began roughly one year ago.

Zemeitus was arrested shortly after 3 p.m. today, May 11, 2015, on a Norfolk Superior Court indictment warrant at his Quincy place of business by Sharon Police working with the Quincy Police Department.

Zemeitus faces seven indictments of Larceny over $250; two indictments of Receiving Stolen Property valued over $250, a single indictment of Larceny under $250 and one indictment of Extortion.

These indictments are the result of an extensive Norfolk County Grand Jury investigation, investigation by the Sharon Police Department Detective Bureau and Det. Scott Leonard, and the Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit – Norfolk District Attorney’s Office.

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Man Charged With Shake-Down Tied to Rabbi Sex Case

Jewish Daily Forward

Paul Berger
May 11, 2015

A 30-year-old suburban Boston man has been indicted on theft and extortion charges in relation to the abrupt resignation last year of a leading Conservative rabbi over allegations of sex with a teenage boy.

Nicholas Zemeitus, of Quincy, Massachusetts, is charged with eight counts of larceny, two counts of receiving stolen property and one count of extortion, the Norfolk district attorney’s office said..

The charges appear to be the culmination of a yearlong investigation that began shortly before last May when Rabbi Barry Starr stepped down from his pulpit at Temple Israel, in Sharon, Massachusetts. Allegations soon surfaced that over the previous two years Starr, a 64-year-old father of two, paid an extortionist between $200,000 and $480,000 not to expose Starr’s sexual relationship with a teenager.

Starr allegedly borrowed $50,000 from a congregant of Temple Israel, a Holocaust survivor, to pay part of the extortion money.

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Freelance journalist Laura Robinson sticking to claim John Furlong defamed her

The Province

By Keith Fraser, The Province May 11, 2015

Freelance journalist Laura Robinson is dropping her lawsuit against the public relations company that represents John Furlong, but is proceeding with her main allegation that the former Vancouver Olympic CEO defamed her, a court was told Monday.

During a brief appearance in court, Bryan Baynham, a lawyer for Robinson, said that the parties had agreed to discontinue the case against the company TwentyTen Group, which was named as a third party in the lawsuit.

Baynham told B.C. Supreme Court Master Douglas Baker that he and Furlong’s lawyer were “very anxious” to get the case against his client scheduled for June 15 under way and to have a trial judge appointed.

Robinson alleges that she was defamed by public comments Furlong made in the wake of a September 2012 story she wrote for the Georgia Straight newspaper alleging he had physically abused a number of students he taught more than 40 years ago.

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St. Paul church stands by pastor who admitted to sex with teenage boy

Fox 9

by Tom Lyden

(KMSP) –
A St. Paul church is standing by their pastor even though he has been recently investigated by the White Bear Lake Police Department for sexually abusing teenage boys more than three decades ago, even admitting to having a sexual relationship with one of the boys.

After hearing about the troubles in the Catholic church, Eric Forseth googled Rev. Don Horner’s name out of curiosity and found something unexpected. Horner was in a position of trust, as the lead pastor at Eastside Lutheran Church in St. Paul. Forseth wondered how that could happen, given what he said happened to him 36 years ago when he was just 15 years old. The man said Horner fondled him twice, once on a hayride and another time at a church sleepover at First Lutheran in White Bear Lake where Horner was a youth pastor and music director.

TIMELINE: Rev. Don Horner

Forseth called Bishop — now former Bishop — Peter Rogness of the St. Paul synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the ELCA. The Bishop said Forseth should file a police report. After doing so, White Bear Lake police conducted an investigation, which turned up three victims.

Admits to abusing 1 teen boy

When the police department contacted Horner, he made a personal visit to the station. While he didn’t remember Forseth, he admitted to abusing another 15-year-old boy who was a member of the youth group at First Lutheran in White Bear Lake.

Horner molested him in the sauna, the church office, at church camp and weekly throughout high school. A sexual relationship developed that continued through college and for a few years later. Horner was married the entire time to his wife and had three children. That victim no longer lives in Minnesota, but told Fox 9 over the phone he doesn’t believe in all these years anyone has ever called police. He said Horner would always shower special attention on one particular boy, segregating them from the others. The man believes there are at least three other victims, but doesn’t believe they want to come forward.

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Survivors of ex-priest pedophile say he deserves more prison time

CBC News

By Jody Porter, CBC News

Male survivors of Ralph Rowe, one of Canada’s most prolific pedophiles, met in Thunder Bay, Ont., this week to see a new documentary about the former Anglican priest and boy scout leader who caused them so much pain.

Survivors Rowe tells the story of three of the estimated 500 victims who fell under the spell of the charismatic priest who flew his own plane into remote First Nations in northwestern Ontario in the 1970s and ’80s.

Other survivors who saw the documentary on Saturday said the film, directed by Daniel Roher, and the discussion around it will help with their healing, but they continue to seek justice for Rowe’s crimes.

“It brought back some memories while I was watching the movie,” said George Aquila Williams, who went out for a cigarette to avoid being too overwhelmed at the screening. “Like one of those guys was talking about how he [Rowe] would come into the room, and ask the kid to come to his blanket and lie down with him. It really bothered me.”

Williams said he was seven years old when Rowe first began abusing him. He became ashamed of who he was, and by the age of 14, he was struggling with addiction. Williams went to prison several times before he confronted his past and pushed for charges against Rowe.

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Lawyer: Rabbi Freundel doesn’t deserve prison


WASHINGTON (AP) – A lawyer for a once-prominent Orthodox rabbi who pleaded guilty to secretly videotaping scores of women in a changing room of a Jewish ritual bath says he shouldn’t go to prison.

Bernard Freundel’s lawyer wrote in a court document filed Friday ahead of his May 15 sentencing that putting him behind bars isn’t necessary and that he should instead do community service. Prosecutors have recommended that Freundel spend more than 17 years in prison.

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Attorney seeks community service, no prison time for D.C. rabbi

Washington Post

[prosecutors 25-page memo]

By Keith L. Alexander and Michelle Boorstein May 11

The attorney for Barry Freundel, the once-influential Orthodox rabbi who secretly videotaped dozens of nude women as they prepared for a ritual bath, has asked a D.C. Superior Court judge to spare his client any prison time and instead impose a sentence of community service.

The 12-page memo was filed after prosecutors Friday sent their own memo to the judge requesting that Freundel, 64, be sentenced to 17 years in prison.

In the defense memo, attorney Jeffrey Harris stressed that Freundel has lost his livelihood and asked Senior Judge Geoffrey M. Alprin to sentence Freundel to work with the community.

Alprin can either adopt or reject the sentences suggested by the prosecutors or the defense, or craft another punishment.

“He has already been punished in that he has lost his employment as a rabbi and is never likely to be so employed again,” Harris wrote. “He has been publicly humiliated and his prior reputation as a Judaic scholar, teacher and counselor have been destroyed.”

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Rabbi suspected of installing cameras in men’s mikveh


Moshe Heller
Published: 05.12.15

A rabbi was detained last week following complaints that he had installed a camera in a men’s mikveh (ritual bath) in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Sanhedria in northern Jerusalem.

The private mikveh on Avinoam Street had been deserted for several years after the neighborhood’s former rabbi, Yaakov Yeshaya Blau, banned the facility, claiming it was halachically unfit for immersion and purification.

But after the rabbi passed away two years ago, the neighborhood’s residents gradually began using the mikveh’s services again. Recently, rumors began circulating in Sanhedria that hidden cameras had been installed in the place, documenting the naked men during the ritual immersion.

After some of the men who visited the mikveh confirmed the suspicions, several complaints were filed with the police and investigators were dispatched to the facility. The rabbi was detained for questioning.

Shortly after the rabbi was released, ads were posted outside the ritual bath, warning visitors that the cameras are still being used.

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Lawyer: Rabbi in D.C. Voyeurism Case Doesn’t Deserve Prison

CBS Washington

WASHINGTON — A lawyer for a once-prominent Orthodox rabbi who pleaded guilty to secretly videotaping scores of women in a changing room of a Jewish ritual bath says he shouldn’t go to prison.

Bernard Freundel’s lawyer wrote in a court document filed Friday ahead of his May 15 sentencing that putting him behind bars isn’t necessary and that he should instead do community service. Prosecutors have recommended that Freundel spend more than 17 years in prison.

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Students Say Bishop Too Catholic To Speak At Catholic School

Daily Caller


Students at a Catholic university in New York are up in arms over their college’s choice of a Catholic cardinal commencement speaker.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, is scheduled to be the commencement speaker next Sunday at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, N.Y. A petition drive, however, is seeking to have the school disinvite him, on the grounds that Dolan is “homophobic” and has been complicit in “sexual violence.”

“Over the years, Cardinal Dolan has been involved with sexual abuse scandals dealing with clergy of the church, homophobic comments and does not represent the ideals we have come to know Le Moyne to represent,” says the petition. “With the growing attention toward sexual assault on the Le Moyne campus, students have felt that keeping Cardinal Dolan as commencement speaker completely opposes what we have advocated against.”

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Newly appointed archbishop talks about sex abuse


[with video]

By Mike Springer

SANTA FE, N.M. —The soon-to-be archbishop of Santa Fe said he won’t tolerate sex abuse involving Catholic priests.

Bishop John Wester said he knows what it’s like to be on the frontlines against sex abuse. He’s met with victims and said one of the church’s main jobs is to protect children.

“I have very vivid memories of that, and we made great progress then in our own diocese and I know exceeding here,” Wester said.

But those who represent abuse victims aren’t convinced. They believe Wester’s record leaves much to be desired when it comes to cracking down on the problem.

“When abuse cases surface, or when abuse victims talk to church officials, Bishop Wester does the absolute bare minimum,” said David Clohessy, with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP.

Critics point to the case of Rev. Stephen Whelan. According to the Albuquerque Journal, Whelan was accused of abuse and sued.

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Víctimas de Ilarraz volvieron a reclamar que se acelere el proceso


[Ilarraz victims again demanded that the process be accelerated.]

La defensa entregó como prueba una serie de cartas que Ilarraz envió a sus víctimas cuando estaba en el exterior.

Víctimas de los abusos del cura Justo José Ilarraz, volvieron a dirigirse públicamente a las autoridades que tienen a cargo la causa. En una carta enviada a ANÁLISIS DIGITAL, recalcaron la necesidad de acelerar el proceso y recordaron a la jueza Paola Firpo, quien dirige la instrucción, que “tiene en sus manos todos los elementos necesarios para procesar” al religioso. En el texto, se refirieron a una de las últimas medidas tomadas en la causa, a través de la cual la magistrada citó a tres víctimas para que reconozcan una serie de cartas -ofrecidas como prueba por la defensa-, que les había enviado el cura cuando se encontraba en el exterior.

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The Question on Everyone’s Mind…

Canonical Consultation


Jennifer Haselberger

Those of you who regularly read this blog may recall that this past Wednesday, May 6, was the rescheduled Clergy Study Day for priests and deacons of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The topics of the day were ‘Focusing on our Core Purpose as Church While Going Through Reorganization’ ( subtitled ‘Lessons Learned with the Archdiocese of Boston’), and ‘Revisioning the Next Chapter in the Life of our Archdiocese’.

Priests and deacons who would be in attendance were invited to submit questions in advance, and perhaps not surprisingly one question that came up was when and if the report by Green Espel into Archbishop Nienstedt’s personal conduct would be released to the public. To his credit, the Archbishop did respond to this question at the Study Day, although his answer raised more questions than it resolved.

I have heard from several sources that the Archbishop’s response to the question was to say that from the beginning he had removed himself from the investigation, entrusting it to the handling of his auxiliary, Bishop Piche. Therefore, according to Archbishop Nienstedt, it is out of his control as to whether the report is released or not- that question, like the investigation itself, is in the hands of Bishop Piche. Of course, as I have stated before, when I was interviewed by Greene Espel I was shown two documents- one from Nienstedt entrusting the investigation to Bishop Piche, and another from Piche entrusting the same to Father Daniel Griffith.

Regardless, the Archbishop’s response borders on the ridiculous. Are we truly to believe that he does not have the authority to release the report of an investigation which he himself authorized and which the Archdiocese which he governs paid for? If that is truly the case, who is running the show in Saint Paul?

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Adass school: ‘We weren’t Leifer’s employer’

The Australian Jewish News

Adass Israel school will not contest allegations of sexual abuse by its former principal, the Supreme Court of Victoria heard today.

Barrister Christopher Blanden SC, representing the school in a lawsuit by a former pupil, told Justice Jack Rush in court this morning that the school will argue that it is not liable for the conduct of Malka Leifer, an Israeli educator hired by Adass in 2000 until her quick departure from Australia in 2008 after accusations surfaced she had molested several students, including the plaintiff.

In testimony today, Adass’s current principal Israel Herszberg said Leifer was hired by the congregation in 2000.

He said a group including three rabbis decided to stand her down after the allegations arose in 2008 and she subsequently resigned.

He said the congregation board had no choice except to pay her and her family’s air fares and costs of her move back to Israel as these were stipulated in her contract.

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Ex-Bishop of Gloucester Michael Perham ‘can return to ministry’ after church review concludes

Goucester Citizen

Former Bishop of Gloucester the Right Reverend Michael Perham can return to ministry in his retirement and bid a proper farewell to the city after a Church of England review into him was concluded.

Mr Perham stepped aside from his duties in Gloucester Diocese last July when an allegation of indecent assault was made against him from the 1980s. Police investigated and took no further action, at which point the Church of England launched its own review in accordance with its normal policy.

It has concluded that Mr Perham can take up Ministry with the church in his retirement.

Mr Perham said: “I am glad that the church process has concluded and that the outcome is clear and decisive.

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Former Gloucester Bishop given clearance …


Former Gloucester Bishop given clearance by church over allegations to take up ministry in retirement

by Stuart Rust, reporter covering Dursley, Cam, Sharpness, Slimbridge, Kingscote, Stone, Coaley, Berkeley, Uley, Woodford, North Nibley, Wotton-under-Edge, Kingswood, Stinchcombe and Cambridge

FORMER Bishop of Gloucester Rev Michael Perham has been cleared to take up ministry in his retirement following a church probe into a ceased police investigation.

In 2014 Mr Perham faced police investigation over allegations of indecent assault in the early 1980s.

In October last year it was announced that, following questioning by police, Mr Perham would face no further action over the allegations.

After the investigation the matter was reviewed by the Church of England. On Monday, May 11, news came from Lambeth Palace, the official London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury in England, that the former Bishop had been cleared to take up ministry in his retirement.

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Former Bishop of Gloucester cleared after sex assault claims

BBC News

The retired Bishop of Gloucester has been cleared for the ministry after an inquiry into alleged sex assaults.

The Right Reverend Michael Perham was questioned by police last year over two allegations of offences dating back three decades.

No action was taken and now the Church of England has ended its own internal inquiry.

“I am glad that the church process has concluded and that the outcome is clear and decisive,” said Bishop Perham.

“The Church has to be rigorous in its approach to safeguarding and, as I made absolutely clear from the start, its investigations had to be thorough to leave no doubt about its conclusions.”

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Former Bishop of Gloucester cleared after sexual assault claims

Bath Chronicle

The retired Bishop of Gloucester Michael Perham will return to the ministry in his retirement following a review by Lambeth Palace.

The Right Reverend Michael Perham was questioned by police last year over two allegations of offences dating back to the 1980’s.

The Church of England had its own internal inquiry and now Bishop Perham will be allowed to return to ministry.

A spokesperson for Lambeth Palace said this morning: “Following a police investigation concerning Bishop Michael Perham last year, which resulted in no further action, the matter was reviewed by the Church of England in accordance with its national safeguarding policy. With the full co-operation of the Bishop an independent risk assessment has been satisfactorily completed and as a result Bishop Michael will be able to take up Ministry in retirement, and the postponed farewells for him in Gloucester can now take place.

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Former Bishop of Gloucester cleared over indecent assault claims


By John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor 11 May 2015

The former Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Rev Michael Perham, has been given the green light to continue serving as a Church of England cleric after being cleared of indecent assault allegations.

Scotland Yard announced in October that the bishop would face no further action after inquiries into allegations involving a woman and a girl dating back to the early 1980s when he was a curate in London.

But he remained suspended from ministry pending an independent review and risk assessment ordered by the Church of England.

Bishop Perham was already set to retire at the time, and the Archdeacon of Hackney, the Venerable Rachel Treweek, had since been named as his successor. But services to mark Bishop Perham’s retirement were put on hold while the review took place.

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MI–Abuse victims: Reform predator-friendly Michigan law

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

For immediate release: Monday, May 11

Statement by Bill McAlary, Grand Rapids director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( 616-514-0654, bllmack1@gmail.com )

Michigan lawmakers are considering reforming the archaic criminal statute of limitations on child sex crimes. We hope they do. But even more, we hope they reform the archaic civil statute of limitations.


Civil statute of limitations reform enables victims to seek justice from both the predator and his/her employer. Criminal statute of limitations reform only deals with living predators. So it deters employers from acting callously, recklessly and secretively in child sex cases.

Civil statute of limitations reform enables the truth about corrupt institutions to be revealed.

Criminal child sex cases are tough to bring and win. Predators are smart, police are overworked, prosecutors are under-funded, predators are smart, evidence can be scarce and the burden of proof is very high.

Civil child sex cases are also tough to bring and win. But the burden of proof is lower. And victims can take action themselves, through civil suits, to expose those who commit and conceal child sex crimes.

So while we welcome efforts to reform Michigan’s predator-friendly criminal statute of limitations, we also urge lawmakers to reform Michigan’s predator-friendly civil statute of limitations too.

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For Gallup Diocese, it’s all about land

Gallup Independent

Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, N.M., April 18, 2015

Officials won’t talk properties, sales

By Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola
Independent correspondent

GALLUP — Each day thousands of motorists on Interstate Highway 40 drive by the busy McDonald’s just off the interstate exit in Winslow, Ariz. Many stop by for a quick bite to eat but few likely know the property McDonald’s sits on is owned by a corporation in bankruptcy.

No, it’s not the McDonald’s corporation.

The Winslow property is owned by the Diocese of Gallup, now mired in bankruptcy court for 17 months, and it is just one of more than 270 parcels of land located on more than 190 properties in Arizona and New Mexico that the Gallup Diocese owns. That list includes a shopping center in Gallup, a large ranch in Northern Arizona, more than 60 subdivision lots outside of Grants, N.M., as well as houses, mobile home lots, vacant land and commercial property. And, of course, some church properties with actual churches on them.

But will the Diocese of Gallup part with any of these non-religious commercial, ranch or residential properties to help fund a plan of reorganization and fund settlements with the clergy sex abuse survivors who filed claims against the diocese in U.S. Bankruptcy Court?

Susan Boswell, the lead bankruptcy attorney for the Gallup Diocese, did not respond to questions submitted to her about the diocese’s plans for its extensive property holdings. James Stang, the counsel for the Unsecured Creditors Committee, which represents the interests of clergy sex abuse claimants, also did not respond to a request for comment.

Courthouse notices

Under Chapter 11, Bishop James S. Wall promised the Gallup Diocese “will have the opportunity to present a plan of reorganization that provides for a fair and equitable way to compensate all those who suffered sexual abuse as children” by church workers in the diocese. He also promised to be “open and transparent” throughout the bankruptcy process and keep Catholics “informed as the process continues.” Early into the bankruptcy case, Boswell had indicated the Gallup Diocese would be appraising some property, particularly property not tied to the diocese’s religious mission.

But between the bishop’s Chapter 11 announcement in the fall of 2013 and the bankruptcy filing more than two months later, Boswell’s Quarles & Brady law firm filed notices in the county recorders’ offices in each Arizona and New Mexico county where the Gallup Diocese holds property titles. In Arizona that includes Apache, Coconino and Navajo counties. In New Mexico, that includes Catron, Cibola, Luna, McKinley, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, San Juan, Socorro and Taos counties.

Citing the authority of Roman Catholic Church canon law in documents filed in secular courthouses, Quarles & Brady claimed much of the property the Gallup Diocese holds title to really belongs to local parishes and not the diocese. According to the notices, the diocese “holds and at all times has held only bare legal title as trustee” for the local parish — “notwithstanding the manner in which title” is held.

One of those properties in Arizona is the parcel of land in Winslow where the McDonald’s is located.

Relying on the real estate mantra of “location, location, location,” the Winslow property should be a gold mine. It’s within yards of Winslow’s central interstate highway exit, a thriving Safeway shopping center is across the street, and an always busy Wal-Mart is located on the opposite side of the highway.

However, it appears chancery officials in Gallup — not parish officials in Winslow — have made a number of poor business decisions through the years. According to a lease agreement signed in the 1980s, the late Bishop Jerome J. Hastrich signed an agreement with G.B. Investment Co., which owns the Bashas’ supermarket chain, allowing the company to lease the property for more than 50 years — until 2042. Then Hastrich and G.B. Investment Co. leased part of the property to the Kmart Corp., which later filed for bankruptcy. The Kmart building now sits empty on the south side of the property, and the McDonald’s is the only viable business on the large commercial lot.

Contrary to the Quales & Brady courthouse notice, documents filed with Navajo County indicate that Gallup’s Roman Catholic bishops, who supposedly only hold “bare legal title,” have made all the decisions and signed all the documents pertaining to the Winslow property.

Ranch and shopping center

The G-Bar Ranch, also known as the Barth Ranch, located outside of St. Johns, Ariz., is another church property diocesan attorneys have claimed the diocese is holding in trust for the Catholic church in St. Johns. Apache County records list the property owners, under the mailing address of the Gallup chancery, as the Roman Catholic Church Diocese of Gallup and Priests Retirement Fund.
Boswell did not respond to questions about whether church officials have considered trying to sell the sprawling ranch to the nearby Navajo Nation, the Pueblo of Zuni, or the Salt River Project’s Coronado Generating Station. In addition, Boswell did not provide answers about who benefits from the ranch’s revenue, which reportedly includes gravel mining and grazing fees.

Boswell also did not respond to questions about how much revenue, generated from a downtown Gallup shopping center, is divided between the Diocese of Gallup and the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The property, located on West Aztec Avenue between Fourth and Fifth Streets, features a Lowe’s grocery and liquor store, a Subway sandwich shop and several other businesses. If sold, the commercial property would presumably generate a considerable sum of money to help fund the diocese’s plan of reorganization.

The property does, however, have an historic connection to the Sacred Heart Cathedral as it was the building site of the previous cathedral.

Appraisal request

Inexplicably, according to the court record, the only property the Diocese of Gallup has asked for court approval to appraise is property that is closely tied to the diocese’s religious mission.

In January, diocesan attorneys asked to appraise three landmark church properties in Gallup – the bishop’s chancery office, the Sacred Heart Retreat Center, and Sacred Heart School, formerly known as Gallup Catholic School. It also asked to appraise property in Thoreau, some of which St. Bonaventure Indian School and Mission claims does not belong to the diocese. Bankruptcy Judge David T. Thuma approved those appraisals.

Based on what has happened in other church bankruptcies, two of the Gallup Diocese’s nonprofit organizations, the Southwest Indian Foundation and the Catholic Peoples Foundation, are likely to “purchase” the Gallup property to help the diocese fund its reorganization. The conflict over the Thoreau property could possibly end up in litigation.

A status hearing in the bankruptcy case will be held at 10:30 a.m., Monday, at the U.S. Courthouse in Albuquerque. One of the subjects scheduled to be discussed will be the valuation and sales of property.

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Gallup Diocese hit with complaints by its insurer

Gallup Independent

Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, N.M., April 20, 2015

By Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola
Independent correspondent

ALBUQUERQUE — On the eve of a status conference in U.S. Bankruptcy Court Monday, the Diocese of Gallup’s own insurance company leveled stinging complaints about the diocese and its attorneys in a court document filed Friday.

The Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America and The Catholic Relief Insurance Company of America, collectively referred to as “Catholic Mutual,” filed the document, filled with nine pages of accusations that the Gallup Diocese has been uncooperative, and asked Bankruptcy Judge David T. Thuma to deny the diocese’s request to set mediation for claims settlement.

Instead, Victor R. Ortega, an attorney for Catholic Mutual, asked Thuma to order the parties to proceed to mediation “for the purpose of resolving information and coverage issues.”

Last fall, Susan Boswell, the lead bankruptcy attorney for the diocese, told Thuma that she expected mediation in the case to begin in late October or early November. With Catholic Mutual’s filing, it is apparent the Gallup Diocese and its own insurance company have been in conflict for several months. Catholic Mutual, which is a self-insurance fund of the Catholic Church in the U.S. and Canada, has been expected to contribute a sizeable amount of settlement money to the Gallup Diocese for survivors of clergy sex abuse.

Alleged roadblocks

According to Ortega, Catholic Mutual needs information from the Diocese of Gallup related to all submitted sex abuse claims and information relevant to the diocese’s “legitimate defenses” to such claims. That information, Ortega said, has not been forthcoming.

Referring to the diocese as the Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Gallup, Ortega said, “Given that Catholic Mutual is the principal provider of liability protection, it would seem obvious that RCCDG would want to cooperate with Catholic Mutual and provide all necessary information to increase the chances of a successfully (sic) mediation. The exact opposite has happened.”

Ortega said the diocese has given 57 clergy sex abuse claims to Catholic Mutual, but the insurance company “has been able to obtain only the most rudimentary information on all but six or seven” of the claims.

In addition, “for reasons unknown to Catholic Mutual,” Ortega claimed the diocese “has placed every conceivable roadblock in the path of Catholic Mutual’s quest for the vital and necessary information.”

‘Utterly insufficient’

According to Ortega, of the 57 clergy sex abuse claims, “only 15 claims appear to allege that acts of sexual abuse took place within Catholic Mutual’s coverage periods.” Catholic Mutual provided coverage for sexual abuse on an “occurrence basis” from Dec. 1, 1977, to July 1, 1990, he said, and it provided coverage on a “claims-made basis” from 1990 to the present.

One startling statement in Catholic Mutual’s document is that one recently filed claim alleges an incident of sexual abuse just last summer in July 2014. Bishop James S. Wall has made no public announcement about such a recent allegation nor has he announced a law enforcement investigation into that allegation.

Ortega said the remaining 42 claims allege acts of sexual abuse in years preceding the issuance of the first Catholic Mutual coverage certificate on Dec. 1, 1977. At issue is Ortega’s assertion that the Diocese of Gallup “has provided Catholic Mutual with almost no information relative to the 57 tendered claims.”

“It is respectfully submitted that this information is utterly insufficient to enable Catholic Mutual to make a reasoned determination of settlement values and to make a final coverage determination,” he said.

Warburton brouhaha

Another area of conflict is a brouhaha regarding legal files of Robert Warburton, the New Mexico attorney who was the Gallup Diocese’s lead counsel in clergy sex abuse claims prior to the Chapter 11 filing. In January, Ortega said, the diocese revealed the existence of 10 transcripts of interviews with alleged clergy abuse survivors that were not in the insurance company’s files.

Catholic Mutual requested copies of the files and requested an interview with Warburton without the presence of lawyers, Ortega said, “since Mr. Warburton services had been entirely paid for by Catholic Mutual and were not pursuant to any reservation of rights.” The diocese “flatly refused” to allow Warburton to be interviewed under those circumstances, he added, but promised to provide the files.

According to Ortega, the diocese and Catholic Mutual have since been in conflict over details pertaining to the insurance company’s requests for the files and the interview. On Wednesday, Ortega said, the diocese produced Warburton’s files, but they “appear to be heavily redacted and unaccompanied by any redaction log.”

Ortega accused the diocese of producing the redacted files just days ago so those files cannot be reviewed before Monday’s status hearing. He also accused the diocese of “time stalling” tactics “to set a schedule for a claims settlement mediation in which Catholic Mutual will have insufficient information to make reasoned determinations” in mediation talks.

Attorneys for the Diocese of Gallup did not file a response Friday.

In addition to having to sort through this conflict during Monday’s status conference, Thuma is expected to hear about investigations into other insurance coverage, possible claims against other third parties, real property valuation and sales, and potential litigation.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Diocese, insurers trade accusations

Gallup Independent

Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, N.M., April 22, 2015

By Sherry Robinson
Independent correspondent

ALBUQUERQUE – Attorneys for the Diocese of Gallup and two of its insurers traded accusations and complaints during a hearing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Monday. But parties agreed to begin mediation in early June.

The three biggest points of disagreement were the diocese’s ability to satisfy requests for information, the incidents of abuse actually covered by insurance, and the determination of who is liable.

On Friday, Catholic Mutual filed a nine-page complaint stating that the diocese had been uncooperative, that it still needs information, and that only 15 of 57 claims fall under Catholic Mutual’s period of coverage. The insurer still needs information about all the sex abuse claims submitted, along with the diocese’s defenses to these claims. Instead of providing information, the diocese has instead erected roadblocks, the insurer said in its complaint.

Susan Boswell, attorney for the diocese, said during Monday’s hearing that her client had struggled from the outset of the bankruptcy filing in November 2013 to bring books and records up to date and to identify and obtain valuations of properties held by the diocese, which she said were mostly vacant land in Winslow, Holbrook and other locations in northern Arizona, as well as the Gallup area.

“It’s been quite a challenge to assemble records,” she said. “We’re trying to figure out a way to monetize that property. It’s not the easiest task. We’re trying to fund a mediated settlement and a reorganization.”

After retaining Insurance Archeology Group to reconstruct insurance records, it appears that Catholic Mutual and the New Mexico Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Fund are still the primary insurers, although the Franciscan Province of St. John the Baptist in Cincinnati (three of the offending priests were Franciscans) may contribute to a settlement. “We have worked with the Franciscans, who have provided significant information about the insurance coverage they may have,” Boswell said.

‘Offers and counter offers’

Jim Stang, attorney for the unsecured creditors’ committee and the representative of sex abuse claimants, said the diocese and committee have largely agreed what properties to include.

“To me, this is about getting to mediation and coming to mediation ready to make offers and counter offers,” Stang said. “We hope to do this the first two weeks of June. I don’t want to get another phone call saying one of the survivors has died. We started before Christmas offering information. The committee is ready to go forward and mediate a global resolution of case.” Boswell and Stang asked Bankruptcy Judge David T. Thuma to order these parties to mediation: the diocese, the committee, Catholic Mutual, New Mexico Property and Casualty, the Franciscans, the parishes of St. Johns and Sacred Heart Cathedral, and the Catholic People’s Fund.

Responding to Catholic Mutual’s complaint, Boswell said: “We tendered all 58 claims filed in the case … We understand they may cause consternation when claims are submitted for incidents that occurred before coverage. We had a duty to submit those claims. We understand the insurers’ need for information on each claim. We tried to elicit as much information as possible.”

Also at issue are the legal files of Robert Warburton, a New Mexico attorney who defended the diocese before the bankruptcy filing. Catholic Mutual wants to interview Warburton and see his files, but the diocese refused, according to the complaint. On Wednesday the diocese produced the files, heavily redacted. Boswell said of the Warburton files that there is attorney-client privilege, “and the client asserts that privilege.”

Attorney David Spector explained that the Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America and the Catholic Relief Insurance Company of America, referred to as Catholic Mutual, are the Catholic church’s self-insurance fund in North America, which “tries to help dioceses in these situations,” said Spector. Catholic Mutual has covered the Gallup Diocese in different forms since 1977, and there are claims before and after coverage the certificates of coverage.

The diocese cops an ‘attitude’

“This situation is a little unique,” Spector said. “We rarely see a situation where a diocese takes the attitude of this one. Catholic Mutual is not ready to resolve 57 or 58 claims, when 42 are pre-certification claims. We can’t resolve this when 75 percent of claims are subject to dispute.”

In addition, Catholic Mutual has been unable to investigate the 57 claims because the diocese hasn’t provided all the requested information, and some of the information was heavily redacted.

“We don’t want to go to war with the debtor or the credit committee, we just want information,” Spector said. “It’s gotten kind of petty.”

Stang said 15 claims were properly within the coverage period of Catholic Mutual, and that the creditors’ committee has recommended to the diocese that mediation be confined to the 15.

Edward Mazel, attorney for the New Mexico Property and Casualty, said, “The Catholic Mutual statement of Friday is eerily similar to our own experience.” His client picks up obligations of defunct insurance companies and is the successor to the Home Insurance Company, which insured the diocese from 1965 to 1977, when it went out of business. “We tried to analyze documents to the extent we were able,” Mazel said. He asked for priest files in December and didn’t receive them until last week.

Boswell responded that “the diocese doesn’t have the personnel nor are records organized in a way that makes it easy to produce records on request. I understand the need for information.”

When it became clear that the diocese was willing to drop its demand that Catholic Mutual mediate all 57 claims, the parties resolved to mediate.

Retired bankruptcy court judge Randall Newsome is willing to mediate the case pro bono, but he has made it clear the parties must be ready to negotiate in good faith and not use the mediation to gather information.

“We need to get this case done,” Boswell said. “We’ve spent considerable time and money providing information to third parties to get people to the point of sitting down with a mediator.”

Judge Thuma asked Boswell to prepare a mediation order and scheduled a hearing next Monday.

Still unanswered is the question of liability for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, which previously employed Father Clement Hageman.

“Corpus Christi is hardest,” Stang said. “There are lots of disputes about whether Corpus Christi should be held liable for Father Hagerman, the main perpetrator in about one-third (18) of the claims. He hurt a lot of people. We think Corpus Christi should be at the mediation too.”

Daryl Diesing, attorney for the Corpus Christi Diocese said: “Father Hageman was discharged from Corpus Christi. It was not kept a secret. We don’t feel the court has jurisdiction over Corpus Christi. There is no way we are close enough in our discussion that we should be dragged into mediation.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Judge orders parties in diocese bankruptcy case into mediation

Gallup Independent

Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, N.M., April 28, 2015

By Sherry Robinson
Independent correspondent

ALBUQUERQUE — U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge David T. Thuma Monday ordered into mediation 10 parties to the Diocese of Gallup bankruptcy reorganization.

Retired bankruptcy Judge Randall J. Newsome, who has offered to mediate at no fee, will set the time and location of the mediation but it will begin no later than July 15, the order said.

The parties ordered to participate are the diocese, the unsecured creditors committee, New Mexico Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association, The Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America, The Catholic Relief Insurance Company of America, Province of St. John The Baptist of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Sacred Heart Cathedral in Gallup, St. John the Baptist in St. Johns, Catholic Peoples Foundation (a diocese fund-raising arm), and St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School.

The order also provides that results of the mediation will be nonbinding unless the parties agree otherwise, communications during the mediation will be confidential, and none of the parties can compel the mediator to testify or be deposed. Thuma also ordered the parties to cooperate in discovery and depositions before mediation.

Thuma had asked Susan Boswell, attorney for the diocese, to prepare an order during a hearing a week earlier. Attorneys for insurers criticized her draft for departing from the court’s own standard mediation orders. Boswell said she included language about a binding agreement because “I don’t want to see people backpedaling on the settlement.”

David Spector, attorney for The Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America and The Catholic Relief Insurance Company of America (Catholic Mutual), objected to “imposing plenipotentiary powers on the mediator,” which allows him to enter any order, and added that mediations work best when the mediator tries to bring parties together without acting as judge.

Edward Mazel, attorney for New Mexico Property and Casualty, agreed.

Jim Stang, attorney for the unsecured creditors’ committee and the representative of sex abuse claimants, said, “We feel very strongly that you should order the parties to mediate as of a certain date. Given the number of parties and the level of communication or noncommunication, we need an order.”

Spector argued that he had to find an appropriate attorney to take depositions from 15 claimants and then to depose those claimants. Said Stang, “Catholic Mutual has been the insurer in more sex abuse cases than any other insurer. They should be able to find an attorney (quickly) to take depositions.”

Spector proposed that mediation begin in September. Stang responded, “Waiting until September is just torture. That’s the way it will feel to my folks.”

After Boswell and the insurance lawyers snipped at each other about what information was provided when and who requested what, Stang said, “Sometimes you’ve just gotta pick up the phone.”

Thuma said he had worked on the form proposed by Boswell. He said he didn’t believe that deposing 15 claimants would take all summer. He said the parties should be willing to cooperate in discovery and ready to mediate, and if not, he would settle disputes.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Editorial: Diocese must accept its share of blame

Gallup Independent

Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, N.M., May 2, 2015

Bishops who served in the Diocese of Gallup have a long history of keeping secrets from its members and the public.

Bernard T. Espelage, who served from 1940 to 1969, and Jerome J. Hastrich, who served from 1969 to 1990, both allowed priests who served in other dioceses and who had been disciplined or had been sent to centers specializing in treating priests accused of child molestation to be transferred to the Gallup Diocese. None of this was reported to the members of the congregation that they were assigned to serve and many have now been named as committing the same crimes in this diocese.

Donald Edmond Pelotte, who served from 1990 to 2008, kept many priest sex abuse cases secret as he did aspects of his personal life that became public during his last couple of years of his administration.

James Sean Wall, the current bishop, promised members of the diocese and the public when he was appointed in 2009 that he would be more open about allegations of misconduct by priests. Within months of that promise, however, the diocese once again began keeping these matters under wraps.

Given the position of the bishops of this diocese on the subject of priest sexual abuse, we shouldn’t have been surprised when the diocese’s insurance company, Catholic Mutual, filed a complaint in a federal bankruptcy court recently charging the diocese with failure to provide them information about sex abuse cases in this diocese. The prevailing attitude seems to continue to be to sweep these kinds of cases under the rug in the hopes that they are never made public.

We have learned to expect this type of behavior from diocese leaders which is why we have used every source we have been able to find to bring these cases out in the open.

We have found a lot of them but we also believe that there are others that the diocese has managed to keep secret.

And we were especially shocked to find out from recent filings in the diocese’s bankruptcy case that there are allegations of an incident of sexual abuse that occurred just last summer.

This hasn’t been made public and we can’t help but wonder if the diocese has violated laws that require diocese officials to make these kinds of allegations known to law enforcement authorities.

Since the diocese is still keeping these kinds of things secret, we can’t help but wonder if there have been more current cases that are being swept under the rug. Is the diocese continuing to turn its back on the safety of the children it has pledged to protect?

Another aspect of the diocese’s internal affairs has been made public in light of the recent bankruptcy filings and that is how much money the church is spending in legal fees dealing with the recent sexual abuse cases filed by a number of sex abuse victims.

The diocese is facing spending millions of dollars to defend these lawsuits but the interesting thing is that it that there is a good possibility that it will spend even more in legal fees in connection with those cases.

It would seem to us that the diocese would have been better off both financially and morally if it treated these suits as a chance to show how serious it takes these kinds of charges and how it wants to be open and fair to those who it failed to protect in the past.

Sadly, this is not happening and what we continue to see is a diocese that refuses to accept its share of blame for allowing this to occur.

In this space only does the opinion of the Gallup Independent Editorial Board appear.

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Man accused of child sex abuse employed by prestigious private school


[with video]

By Kevin Lewis May 11, 2015

ROCKVILLE, Md. (WJLA) – A distinguished Montgomery County private school is on edge after police arrested a longtime employee on charges of child sex abuse.
Continue reading

Julio Cruz, 58, of Rockville, is accused of inappropriately touching, and in one case, having sexual intercourse with his niece, then just 10-years-old.

According to charging documents filed in Montgomery County District Court, Cruz molested the girl, now 20, on four separate occasions during the summer and fall of 2005. The alleged incidents occurred inside of his home and car. …

ABC 7 News has learned Cruz worked as a maintenance technician at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville since 2001. He was assigned to the Lower School located along the 1900 block of Jefferson Street in Rockville. Although the alleged abuse took place off-campus, school leaders are taking the criminal case very seriously.

In a letter home to parents, Head of School, Rabbi Mitchel Malkus wrote, “Given the nature of the charges, we felt it was important to make you aware of the situation and the actions the school has taken… [We] immediately suspended Mr. Cruz. He has not been on campus since his arrest and he is no longer permitted on campus.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Senior rabbi Zvi Telsner on committee …

Herald Sun

Senior rabbi Zvi Telsner on committee that helped accused sex predator flee Australia, court told

A SENIOR rabbi accused of covering up sex crimes at Yeshivah College formed part of a committee that helped accused sex predator Malka Leifer flee Australia, a court has heard.

Mrs Leifer fled Australia just days after the Adass Israel School committee of management was told of allegations she abused at least three sisters and a string of other girls.

Yeshivah Centre chief rabbi Zvi Telsner was on Monday named as a member of a panel that decided to terminate the former Adass Israel School principal’s employment and help her flee Australia in 2008.

It comes as Mrs Leifer was on Monday night expected to fight an application for her extradition from Israel to face criminal charges here.

But the federal Attorney-General’s media department thwarted attempts to cover the case by refusing to tell media when or where it would be heard.

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Belgiens Kirche braucht einen Neuanfang

Luxemburger Wort

[Belgian Church needs a fresh start]

Seine Amtszeit stand zu keiner Zeit unter einem guten Stern. Von einem „großen Missverständnis“ war gar die Rede; Torten flogen. Brüssels Erzbischof André Léonard wurde nicht Kardinal – und könnte nun bald abgelöst werden.

Er selbst macht kein Hehl aus der Sache. „Ich hoffe nicht, dass mein Amt um ein paar Jahre verlängert wird“, sagte Andre Joseph Leonard kürzlich in einem Interview mit dem Privatsender VTM. Er wolle auch gar nicht bleiben, bis ein Nachfolger gefunden sei. Leonard ist Erzbischof von Mechelen-Brüssel, Vorsitzender der Belgischen Bischofskonferenz und Militärordinarius für Belgien. Am Mittwoch (6. Mai) wurde er 75 Jahre alt; eine Altersgrenze, an der Bischöfe dem Papst ihren Amtsverzicht anbieten. Dass Franziskus diesen schon bald annehmen könnte, ist nicht unwahrscheinlich.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Ackern im Weinberg der übergriffigen Herrn


Kath. Internate Fünf Jahre “Aufarbeitung” des Missbrauchs in katholischen Internaten – so skandalös wie der Missbrauch selbst. Jetzt bleiben die Schüler weg. Aus ganz anderen Gründen?

Ein Blog-Beitrag von Freitag-Community-Mitglied Ulrich Lange

Deutschlandfunk ist auf facebook. Und fragt die Community: Eltern lassen “weniger leicht los” – Ist das die Erklärung für den Schülerschwund in den Internaten?

Verlinkt wird auf ein DLF-Interview von Sandra Pfister mit dem Vorsitzenden des Verbandes Katholischer Internate und Tagesinternate (V.K.I.T.), Dr. Christopher Haep, ausgestrahlt am 05.05.2015 in der Sendereihe “Campus und Karriere”, das der Header folgendermaßen auf den Punkt bringt:

>> Vielen deutschen Internaten kommen die Schüler abhanden. Aber schon vor den Missbrauchsskandalen hätte bei den Internatsschulen ein “Umbruchprozess” begonnen, betonte der Vorsitzende des Verbandes katholischer Internate, Christopher Haep, im DLF. Der Schülerschwund habe sowohl mit dem Ausbau der Ganztagsbetreuung als auch mit einem veränderten Verhalten der Eltern zu tun: Sie ließen “weniger leicht los”. <<

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Inquiry to focus on priest abuse

Belfast Telegraph

11 MAY 2015

Paedophile priest Father Brendan Smyth will be the subject of a focused investigation as part of a public inquiry into historical child abuse in Northern Ireland.

The serial child molester frequented Catholic residential homes and was convicted of more than 100 child abuse charges.

Retired judge Sir Anthony Hart is leading one of the UK’s largest inquiries into physical, sexual and emotional harm to children at homes run by the church, state and voluntary organisations.

He said the inquiry will: “Examine issues arising from the actions of Fr Brendan Smyth in a number of homes in Northern Ireland, actions which have been described by a number of witnesses who have already given evidence to the Inquiry.”

The Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry has extended its work to cover three more state-run institutions; Hydebank Young Offenders Centre in south Belfast and former homes at Fort James and Harberton House, Londonderry.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

600+ Le Moyne students sign petition to remove Cardinal Dolan as commencement speaker


[with video]

Syracuse (WSYR-TV) – Controversy about a commencement speaker!

Some students at Le Moyne College are angry that Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the leader of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York will be speaking at graduation next weekend.

There are allegations, that while Dolan was Archbishop of Milwaukee, he moved money into a fund to protect priests involved in sexual abuse scandals.

The cardinal has denied these claims, but Le Moyne students say he’s not fit to be their speaker.

“It’s just because there’s so many questions dealing with this. And we had so many different cases of sexual assault being addressed on our campus. I felt it was a bit hypocritical for Cardinal Dolan to be our commencement speaker. There’s certain details that need to be clarified for me to be okay with this,” says Krystal Wilson, Le Moyne student.

Wilson along with another Le Moyne student created an online petition.

They’ve already gathered more than 600 signatures.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

The Closed Door of Pope Francis


Since the end of the 2014 synod, he has spoken dozens of times on abortion, divorce, and homosexuality. But he hasn’t said a single word more in support of the “openness” demanded by the innovators

by Sandro Magister

ROME, May 11, 2015 – The second and last session of the synod on the family is approaching, and the temperature of the discussion keeps going up.

The latest uproar is over an onslaught of the German bishops, who now take as a given, in the “cultural context” of their local Church, substantial changes of doctrine and pastoral practice in matters of divorce and homosexuality:

Nothing new, in this. Most of the bishops of Germany have for some time been entrenched in positions of this kind, even before Cardinal Walter Kasper opened fire with the memorable introductory talk at the February 2014 consistory of cardinals, in support of communion for the divorced and remarried:

The new development is another. And it has as its protagonist Pope Francis.

Until the synod of October 2014, Jorge Mario Bergoglio had repeatedly and in various ways shown encouragement for “openness” in matters of homosexuality and second marriages, each time with great fanfare in the media. Cardinal Kasper explicitly said that he had “agreed” with the pope on his explosive talk at the consistory.

But during that synod the resistance to the new paradigms showed itself to be much more strong and widespread than expected, and determined the defeat of the innovators. The reckless “relatio post disceptationem” halfway through the assembly was demolished by the criticism and gave way to a much more traditional final report.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Paedophile priest David Rapson jailed for 12 years for sexually abusing students

The Age

May 11, 2015

Adam Cooper and Cameron Houston

One of David Rapson’s victims screamed at the paedophile priest as he was led away after being jailed for at least nine years for sexually abusing students at two Victorian schools.

“Hope you die in jail, you dog,” the man yelled as the former Catholic priest was led into custody moments after he was jailed for 12 years and one month by a County Court judge on Monday.

Rapson, who was this year found guilty in trials of abusing six boys between 1976 and 1990, must serve nine years and four months in prison before he is eligible for parole.

The 61-year-old was this year found guilty of five charges of rape and six counts of indecent assault, related to attacks on six students at two schools. The boys were aged between 11 or 12 and 16 at the time, and Rapson was deputy principal during some of his offending.

Judge James Parrish described the former priest as a “ruthless sexual predator” for the way he lured children to his office with cigarettes, alcohol, lollies and the chance to play computer games, before assaulting them. He assaulted others in the school’s infirmary, the court heard.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry extended


The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry has been extended to include three more state-run organisations and the actions of notorious paedophile priest Father Brendan Smyth.

The inquiry, set up in 2013 and chaired by Sir Anthony Hart, has been examining 13 institutions and the child migration scheme to Australia.

On Monday, Sir Anthony announced an extension to his remit to include Fort James and Harberton House in Londonderry, which have both closed, and Hydebank Young Offenders’ Centre in south Belfast

He said: “Today we wish to announce that we are adding three more institutions to the list, and one individual, bringing the total of homes and matters to be investigated to 18.

“Fort James and Harberton House, both statutory homes in Londonderry, will be dealt with together in module five which will take place next month.

“It will be followed by module six which will examine issues arising from the actions of Fr Brendan Smyth in a number of homes in Northern Ireland, actions which have been described by a number of witnesses who have already given evidence to the inquiry.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry to focus on notorious paedophile priest Brendan Smyth

Belfast Live

11 May 2015 By Maurice Fitzmaurice

Pervert priest Brendan Smyth is to be subjected to a specific section as part of a massive inquiry into institutional sex abuse.

The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry also announced on Monday that three new institutions – Hydebank Wood Young Offenders’ Centre in Belfast and Fort James Children’s Home in Ardmore Road and Harberton House Assessment Centre in Irish Street both in Derry – are also to be looked into.

HIA Chairman Sir Anthony Hart said the extra parts to the large-scale probe will bring “the total of homes and matters to be investigated to 18”.

He said Module 6 “will examine issues arising from the actions of Fr Brendan Smyth in a number of homes in Northern Ireland, actions which have been described by a number of witnesses who have already given evidence to the Inquiry”.

Smyth died of a heart attack in prison in August 1997, just a month into a 12 year prison sentence for a raft of offences against children.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Abuse inquiry: two more Derry institutions to be investigated

Derry Journal

The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry is to investigate two additional state-run institutions in Derry.

The inquiry has already investigated St Joseph’s Boys’ Home, Termonbacca, and Nazareth House Children’s Home at Bishop Street in Derry.

However, Fort James Children’s Home at Ardmore and Harberton House Assessment Centre in Irish Street in the city’s Waterside are also now to be examined.

Both establishments were controlled by the former Western Health and Social Services Board and have since closed.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Historical Abuse Inquiry: Three more institutions to be investigated

BBC News

The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry is to investigate three additional state-run institutions.

There will also be a separate examination of the activities of paedophile priest Brendan Smyth.
The inquiry has been investigating 13 institutions to date.

However, Hydebank Young Offenders Centre in south Belfast and two former homes in Londonderry – Fort James and Harberton House – will now also be examined.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.


The College Fix


Le Moyne College president calls the student activism a ‘great call for celebration’

It seemed a perfect choice: A Catholic university inviting one of the church’s top leaders – the archbishop of New York – someone who even voted in the last papal conclave, as its commencement speaker.

But some at Le Moyne College see it differently.

Students at the Jesuit college, located in Syracuse, N.Y., are calling for Cardinal Timothy Dolan – leader of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York – to be disinvited as the college’s commencement speaker.

A petition posted two weeks ago on Change.org titled “Change Le Moyne’s Commencement speaker 2015” implored the college’s administration to disinvite Dolan, stating “the graduating class of 2015 and the graduates, along with staff and other students, do not approve” of Dolan.

As of Sunday night, the petition had 613 signatures. That’s at a college with only 2,800 undergrads and 800 grad students.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.


Care Appointments

Press Association

Northern Ireland’s public inquiry in to child abuse is to investigate three more state-run institutions, the chairman said.

The Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry has extended its work to cover Hydebank Young Offenders Centre in south Belfast and former homes at Fort James and Harberton House, Londonderry.

Another section will focus on issues arising from the actions of paedophile priest Brendan Smyth, a serial child molester who frequented some Catholic residential homes, according to HIA chairman Sir Anthony Hart.

He is heading what was the UK’s largest probe into child abuse and has been investigating homes run by religious orders of nuns and brothers.

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May 10, 2015

‘Sadist’ paedophile priest jailed for luring boys with video games, alcohol

The Guardian

Australian Associated Press

Sunday 10 May 2015

A paedophile priest dubbed a “sadist” by his victims has been jailed for at least nine years for luring schoolboys to his office with video games, cigarettes and alcohol before sexually abusing them.

Former Catholic cleric David Edward Rapson, 61, was found guilty of sexually abusing six boys at two Victorian boarding schools in the 1970s and 1980s.

In 2013 Rapson was jailed for 13 years, but was bailed 12 months later when the Victorian court of appeal quashed his rape and sexual assault convictions.

He was found guilty in three new trials in February and March this year.

In sentencing on Monday, county court judge James Parrish described Rapson as a sexual predator who took advantage of the trust he had as a teacher and spiritual adviser.

He said some of the aggravating circumstances of the abuse against the boys, who were aged between 11 and 16 at the time, bordered on sadistic.

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Pedophile priest who lured young school boys …

Daily Mail

Pedophile priest who lured young school boys in with alcohol, cigarettes and video games is jailed for nine years for ‘sadistic’ crimes

PUBLISHED: 21:24 EST, 10 May 2015 | UPDATED: 21:24 EST, 10 May 2015

A pedophile priest dubbed a ‘sadist’ by his victims has been jailed for at least nine years for luring schoolboys to his office with video games, cigarettes and alcohol before sexually abusing.

Former Catholic cleric David Edward Rapson, 61, was found guilty of sexually abusing six boys at two Victorian boarding schools in the 1970s and 1980s.

Rapson was in 2013 jailed for 13 years, but was bailed 12 months later when the Victorian Court of Appeal quashed his rape and sexual assault convictions.

He was found guilty in three new trials in February and March this year.

In sentencing on Monday, County Court judge James Parrish described Rapson as a sexual predator who took advantage of the trust he had as a teacher and spiritual adviser.

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Paedophile priest David Rapson jailed for sexual abuse of schoolboys at Catholic boarding school

ABC News

Paedophile priest David Rapson has been sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison for the rape and indecent assault of six boys in Victoria during the 1970s, 80s and 90s.

The Melbourne County Court heard the boys were as young as 11 or 12 when Rapson abused them at the Catholic boarding school he taught at.

The judge described Rapson as a “sexual predator seeking sexual fulfilment at the expense of young boys”.

He said Rapson displayed “cruelty and violence bordering on being sadistic”.

Rapson will be eligible for parole in 2023.

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Perverted priest David Edwin Rapson jailed for attacks on boys

Herald Sun


A PERVERTED priest who plied young boys with cigarettes and alcohol before raping them has been jailed for at least nine years.

David Edwin Rapson, 61, was today sentenced to a maximum jail term of 12-and-a-half years for the second time over the assault of a string of young boys.

As he was marched out of court by prison staff a victim yelled to him: “I hope you die in jail. Dog”.

In 2013 Rapson was jailed for 13 years for his crimes but was released on appeal after serving just a year of that sentence.

He was ordered to face new trials and was last month he was found guilty of five charges of rape and six of indecent assault after four secret County Court trials.

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$3 million in legal fees paid by Kansas City Catholic diocese in the past fiscal year

The Kansas City Star


The Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese paid more than $3 million in legal fees on sexual abuse cases in the past fiscal year, raising the total litigation costs to more than $10 million since one of its priests was charged with producing child pornography four years ago.

The figures, published in a diocesan report covering the year ending June 30, 2014, don’t include legal costs incurred after that date associated with a $9.95 million settlement in October involving 32 victims, some of whom alleged abuse going back several decades. The diocese said last week that those numbers weren’t yet available.

Even without those figures, the diocese has paid more than $27 million in settlements and litigation costs related to priest sex abuse cases in the past four years.

A recent report released by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops shows that the Kansas City diocese isn’t alone. Since 2004, the Catholic Church nationwide has paid nearly $3 billion in costs related to the sex abuse scandal, according to an annual survey by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University.

In fiscal 2014, dioceses and religious orders spent $119 million on settlements to victims, therapy and attorneys’ fees, the survey found.

More than half of those payments — 53 percent — were settlements to victims, with legal fees accounting for an additional 24 percent. The remainder went toward support for offenders and therapy for victims and offenders.

The church also spent nearly $32 million on safe environment training programs, background checks and other protective efforts.

The survey was included in an annual audit of how dioceses are complying with the requirements that U.S. bishops established in their 2002 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

The survey found that the number of priest sex abuse cases in the church continues to decrease. More than 80 percent of the 294 credible allegations of abuse reported in the past fiscal year dated back more than 25 years, with most occurring from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Though the report showed positive progress, “we must remain ever vigilant in the protection of children,” Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said in a news release last month.

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Barry Freundel’s crimes

A Jewish Feminist

Posted by Elana Sztokman on Saturday, 09 May 2015

Convicted of recording 52 women naked in the mikveh, with another 100 women who are past the statute of limitations…. Untold emotional, psychological and spiritual damage to the women….. victims who can no longer step foot in synagogue, who can no longer trust rabbis, who no longer want to be Jewish, who are reliving nightmares of abuse, who do not want to go the mikveh, whose marriages are strained, whose identities are in question…… Below is a detailed description of the crimes of Barry Freundel. Read it and tremble.

Case No. 2014-CMD-18262 Hon. Geoffrey Alprin
Sentencing Date: May 15, 2015

The United States of America, by and through its attorney, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, respectfully submits this memorandum in aid of sentencing. The defendant, Bernard Freundel, is before the Court for sentencing after pleading guilty to 52 counts of Voyeurism, in violation of 22 D.C. Code §§ 3531(6) and (c), involving surreptitiously videotaping 52 separate women. In light of the extraordinary scope of the defendant’s crimes, the premeditation and planning involved, the substantial abuse of the defendant’s position of exceptional trust, and the severe impact on the victims, the United States submits that a sentence of 208 months of incarceration would serve the interests of justice in this case. In support of its recommendation, the government relies on the following information.

Between approximately 1989 and October 2014, the defendant, Bernard Freundel, was the sole rabbi of Kesher Israel Congregation, located at 2801 N Street, NW, Washington, D.C. The defendant also taught courses on ethics at Towson University for approximately five years, and seminars on Jewish law at Georgetown Law Center since the early 1990s. The defendant’s influence was felt not only within Washington D.C., but around the world. For years, the defendant was a leader in an effort to establish uniform standards for conversions to Orthodox Judaism in the United States, and to ensure that many American conversions would be accepted by Israel. At one time, his reputation was that only his conversions would be guaranteed to be deemed valid by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. As a result, people came from all over the region and the globe to study with the defendant and convert with him as their sponsor.

In 2005, a Jewish ritual bath (known as a “mikvah”) opened at 1308 28th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. Known as the National Capital Mikvah, the building is located across a courtyard from Kesher Israel.’ A mikvah is used primarily by Orthodox Jewish women for monthly spiritual purification and by individuals as the final step in the Orthodox Jewish conversion process. The use of the mikvah and many of its attendant rituals and blessings are prescribed by Jewish text and tradition. As an initial matter, immersion in a mikvah is regarded as an intensely private and spiritual experience. As noted in a community impact statement from former members of Kesher Israel who used the Mikvah, a mikvah is regarded as “the most sacred space for Jewish women.” As described in the same community impact statement, Jewish law requires users to fully cleanse their body before immersion in the mikvah, so users take a bath or shower, remove all clothing, jewelry, makeup, nail polish, clean under their fingernails, and even remove their contact lenses before immersing, as doing so represents the complete absence of barriers between the user and the water. The user wraps herself in a sheet before immersing and then removes the sheet entirely as she immerses in the water. During a conversion to Judaism, three rabbis and a female attendant are present. With steps carefully choreographed to protect the modesty of the candidate, the rabbis stand in the doorway and turn to watch the candidate as his or her head immerses fully under the water.

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Moms To Pres. Obama: Get Pope & US Bishops To Harm Kids & Moms Less, Or Else, No?

Christian Catholicism

Jerry Slevin

President Obama surprised three mothers with calls to wish them a Happy Mother’s Day. “I know how tough it is to raise kids and do right by them, and if it hadn’t been for my mother, I certainly wouldn’t be here,” Obama said. A nice gesture, but not enough. As a husband and father, Obama knows much more than childless priests about the uniqueness and vulnerability of children and the role of parents in protecting them. He also knows that USA moms, as well as moms from Chile, Ireland, the UK, the Philippines, Australia, Germany and almost everywhere else, want leaders like him, Germany’s Angela Merkel, the UK’s David Cameron, et al., to curtail child abuse in religious organizations whose lay members are in practice unable to bring their nefarious leaders to account.

In tribute to his own remarkable mother and to his admirable wife, First Lady Michelle, Obama must stand up to the “media created” (and thereby popular) Pope Francis and his subservient US bishops, including NY’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan, to protect innocent children and poor women in the USA and abroad from the Catholic Church hierarchy’s continuing, yet biblically unsupportable, assault on children and women.

The UK’s Cameron, and his “top cop”, Teresa May, recently began to stand up in a big way with a new investigation panel to review clerical child abuse, and Cameron even challenged the pope over free speech on widely watched US/CBS’s “Face the Nation”. Cameron’s unexpected political victory recently showed that standing up to clerical misdeeds is good politics, as well as the right thing to do. And even Merkel took it directly to the pope recently, see my Merkel Has Long Talk With Pope – About What ?. What is Obama afraid of here? When will he follow the lead of the UK’s Cameron, Germany’s Merkel, Ireland’s Enda Kenny, Australia’s Julia Gillard, et al.? Are US children and mothers less precious? Obama takes out minor terrorists 10,000 miles away with drones, but the leader of the world largest child abusive organization gets a special invitation to the White House. Shameful,no ?

Apparently coordinated with the US political advisers to Pope Francis and several US cardinals, including NY’s Timothy Dolan, who are exploiting terrorist attacks on Christians, US Republican presidential candidates recently blasted, with their election campaign “talk tough” theatrics, Islamic State outrages, but offer few specific fixes. Apparently the 1,000,000 plus dead, and $4 trillion plus wasted on an Iraq War that the Vatican in practice supported, has taught neither US Republican hawks nor their opportunistic Catholic hierarchy supporters very much. See here,


Dolan, who “polls” well with “low tax” US billionaires and Goldman Sachs investment bankers, is now even facing resistance from brave Catholic college students, many opposed to priest child abuse and bishops’ cover-ups and homophobic crusades, at a New York Jesuit university, Le Moyne, with their petition here on Change.org (SIGN IT NOW PLEASE), and related anticipated civil disobedience seeking to reject prominent New York’s Cardinal Dolan as their graduation speaker, in light of his evident child protection and homophobic failures, see here, Catholics Revolt: Jesuit Grads Shun Dolan As Goldman Sachs Bankers Woo Him.

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Four new cases of clerical sex abuse

Times of Malta

Sunday, May 10, 2015, 07:06

Four new clerical sex abuse claims have come to light since Archbishop Charles Scicluna took over as head of the Maltese Church three months ago.

Speaking during a question and answer session with Times of Malta’s newsroom, Mgr Scicluna said the new claims were all being looked into by the Church’s newly set up Safeguarding Commission. Some have already been handed over to the police for investigation. While all of the cases were “serious”, he said, only one involved minors.

Mgr Scicluna touched upon a number of issues ranging from his resolute stand on racism to reforms to the Church Tribunal. He drew a line in the sand saying he would rather close Church schools than have them abandon their Catholic ethos and admitted that, today, the Church was just one voice among many in Malta.

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Israeli court bid to extradite former principal …

Herald Sun

Israeli court bid to extradite former principal accused of molesting girls at Melbourne’s Adass Israel School


THE fight to extradite a former Melbourne principal accused of molesting a string of young girls will continue in an Israeli court today.

Eight months after Malka Leifer was arrested in Israel at the request of Australian police, authorities are expected to outline her alleged offending in a bid to force her return to Melbourne.

If the extradition is granted, it is expected Mrs Leifer could be charged with dozens of rape and indecent assault offences.

The mother of eight has been accused of molesting students while principal of ultra orthodox Adass Israel School in Elsternwick between 2001 and 2008.

Among her alleged victims one has launched a civil suit against the former principal and the school in the Victorian Supreme Court.

The woman, now in her 20s, told the hearing last week the principal was a respected community leader who turned into a sexual predator after taking a special liking to her.

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Father David Rapson’s crimes were covered up by his colleagues and superiors

Broken Rites

By a Broken Rites researcher (article updated on 10 May 2015)

Catholic priest David Edwin Rapson used computer games, soft drinks, alcohol and cigarettes to lure boys (as young as 12) into his office at a Catholic boarding school before he sexually abused them, a Melbourne court has been told. After two years of hearings which finished in 2015, Rapson (now aged 61) was convicted of serious child-sex crimes. Now he is locked up, awaiting the amount of his jail sentence which is due to be announced on Monday 11 May 2015.

Rapson, who was the school’s vice-principal at one stage, also gave some of his victims a drink of drug-laced chocolate-milk or lemonade to make them sleepy before he sexually abused them, the court was told.

However, if boys complained about Rapson’s abuse, they tended to merely tell Rapson’s colleagues and friends in the priesthood, some of whom might be offenders themselves. And the church does not arrest any priests or Brothers — only the police do this.

It was some of the victims, not the church authorities, who finally brought Rapson to justice.

These victims were of various ages, from 12 to 17, and they were not all in the same years at school. These were not Rapson’s only victims. They are merely the ones who, eventually (as adults), took the opportunity individually of having an interview with detectives from Victoria’s Sexual Crimes Squad, without knowing that other victims were initiating similar police action.

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John C. Wester: Politically engaged, social media savvy

ABQ Journal

By Olivier Uyttebrouck / Journal Staff Writer
PUBLISHED: Sunday, May 10, 2015

As the newly appointed bishop of Salt Lake City in 2007, John C. Wester found himself leading 300,000 Utah Catholics, about 80 percent of whom were Spanish speakers.

Wester decided to get busy learning Spanish.

“When I came here, I got a tutor and started working in earnest,” said Wester, who on April 27 was named the archbishop-elect of Santa Fe. “I love the language. For me, it’s not a chore.”

Today, Wester can carry on a basic conversation and celebrate Mass in Spanish, said Martin Alcocer, who publishes a Spanish-language magazine in Salt Lake City. …

As auxiliary bishop from 1998 to 2007, he took a leading role in dealing with the clerical sex abuse scandal in which the Archdiocese of San Francisco settled 101 abuse claims and paid $68 million in settlements from 2003 to 2011, according to news reports.

Wester met regularly with sexual abuse victims and participated in the 2002 meeting in Dallas when the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops drafted a zero-tolerance charter to protect children from sexual abuse by priests.

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Defense motions to throw out evidence in priest’s case

American Press

By Johnathan Manning / American Press

Defense attorneys for a former Calcasieu priest accused of sex crimes have asked a judge to rule that evidence of allegations of other crimes not be entered into evidence during trial.

Mark Anthony Broussard is to stand trial Sept. 21 on allegations that he molested and raped boys while serving as a parish priest between 1986 and 1991. He is facing five sex charges, including two counts of aggravated rape.

Broussard was indicted on 224 counts of sexual abuse, but the charges were amended first to 10 counts then to five counts after it was found that the statute of limitations had expired on five of the charges.

Defense attorneys Tom and Dan Lorenzi have filed two motions, one asking Judge David Ritchie to order that mention of the other five counts be impermissible and another asking that certain parts of Broussard’s interview with Calcasieu sheriff’s detectives be redacted.

“(Broussard) has no prior criminal history and the introduction of these alleged ‘other crimes’ will serve no purpose other than to prejudice the jurors into attaching a nationally perpetuated stigma onto defendant,” reads one motion.

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Defense asks judge to throw out evidence in ex-priest’s case

Houston Chronicle

LAKE CHARLES, La. (AP) — The attorneys for a former Calcasieu Parish priest accused of molesting young parishioners are asking a judge to stop prosecutors from telling a jury about allegations of other crimes.

Mark Anthony Broussard is to stand trial Sept. 21 on five counts that he molested and raped boys while serving as a parish priest between 1986 and 1991.

Broussard was originally charged with 224 counts of child sexual abuse, but some charges involving one of the boys were too old to prosecute.

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Prosecutors Have Videootapes …

Failed Messiah

Prosecutors Have Videootapes Of Married Former Top Modern Orthodox Rabbi Having Sex With Several Women

…In a 25-page memo, prosecutors attacked Freundel’s credibility as a religious leader and said he lived a “double life.” Prosecutors said they found videos of the rabbi, who is married, having sex with several women.…”

Above: Rabbi Barry Freundel

In an updated version of its Friday afternoon report, the Washington Post adds:

…In a 25-page memo, prosecutors attacked [Rabbi Barry] Freundel’s credibility as a religious leader and said he lived a “double life.” Prosecutors said they found videos of the rabbi, who is married, having sex with several women.

In another part of the memo, prosecutors wrote of a woman videotaped by Freundel who had been a victim of domestic abuse for more than 10 years. Freundel offered her support, even setting her up in an apartment away from her husband. Yet, un­beknownst to the woman, Freundel placed recording devices in the apartment’s bedroom and bathroom, according to the memo.

Prosecutors said Freundel used an “elaborate” cataloguing system to identify each video of his victims by number and included the women’s names or initials.

“He used his position of trust to take advantage of a place of peacefulness, spirituality, and privacy, deceiving women into attending, and surreptitiously recording his congregants, students, and potential converts ­naked,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Amy Zubrensky wrote in the memo.

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Wester at center of dealing with sex abuse scandal

ABQ Journal

By Olivier Uyttebrouck / Journal Staff Writer
PUBLISHED: Sunday, May 10, 2015

Archbishop-elect of Santa Fe John C. Wester said he remains in contact with victims of clerical sexual abuse in San Francisco and considers some to be friends.

It is unlikely that Joseph Piscitelli counts himself among them.

In 2006, a California jury awarded Piscitelli, 59, a $600,000 civil award for sexual abuse he experienced as a teenager at the hands of a priest who served as a teacher and vice principal at a Catholic high school in Richmond, Calif.

The priest, the Rev. Stephen Whelan, later worked at a church with an attached grammar school owned by the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

Piscitelli said that, in 2003, shortly after he filed a lawsuit alleging the abuse, he met with Wester, then-auxiliary bishop of San Francisco, and urged the archdiocese to remove Whelan from duties at Saints Peter and Paul Church in San Francisco.

“Here’s a guy that I know is a rapist, that I’m suing for sexual molestation, who is working with kids at a Catholic Church in San Francisco,” Piscitelli said of Whelan.

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May 9, 2015


Berger’s Beat

FR. JAMES J. PAVLIK, one of six alleged wrongdoers who worked at the Cathedral on Lindell, has passed away. (The others: Fr. James Gummersbach; Fr. Chester Gaiter; Fr. Bryan Kuchar; Fr. Xiu “Joseph” Jiang (who currently faces criminal charges) and K.C. Bishop Robert Finn (who was convicted last year of refusing to report a pedophile priest). Archdiocesan staff admit that Pavlik was accused of sexual misconduct in 1994, was secretly suspended in 2000 and exposed for child sex crimes by SNAP in 2003. Like Fr. Norman Christian, another local predator priest, one of Pavlik’s relatives has reportedly spoken out about his alleged crimes and supported his victims.

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