Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
For immediate release: Friday, May 22
Statement by Claudia Vercellotti, SNAPtoledo@aol.com, 419 345 9291
For more than two weeks, Toledo Catholic officials kept silent about an allegation of misconduct involving a child. Even now, they refuse to give any details that might be helpful to parents, parishioners, police, prosecutors or the public. Shame on them.
Fr. Samuel Punnoor has been suspended. It’s now up to Bishop Daniel Thomas and his top aides to aggressively seek out others with information or suspicion about Fr. Punnoor and make sure they call law enforcement immediately.
Fr. Punnoor worked at Most Blessed Sacrament and Corpus Christi University parishes in Toledo, Central Catholic High School, Church of St. Patrick, Immaculate Conception Church (all in Toledo) and Saint Joseph parish in Maumee.
We urge every single person who may have seen, suspected or suffered crimes by Fr. Punnoor or cover ups by his church colleagues to seek help form independent sources: police, prosecutors, therapists or support groups like ours. We also urge them to protect kids, expose wrongdoing, and start healing.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.