Moms To Pres. Obama: Get Pope & US Bishops To Harm Kids & Moms Less, Or Else, No?

Christian Catholicism

Jerry Slevin

President Obama surprised three mothers with calls to wish them a Happy Mother’s Day. “I know how tough it is to raise kids and do right by them, and if it hadn’t been for my mother, I certainly wouldn’t be here,” Obama said. A nice gesture, but not enough. As a husband and father, Obama knows much more than childless priests about the uniqueness and vulnerability of children and the role of parents in protecting them. He also knows that USA moms, as well as moms from Chile, Ireland, the UK, the Philippines, Australia, Germany and almost everywhere else, want leaders like him, Germany’s Angela Merkel, the UK’s David Cameron, et al., to curtail child abuse in religious organizations whose lay members are in practice unable to bring their nefarious leaders to account.

In tribute to his own remarkable mother and to his admirable wife, First Lady Michelle, Obama must stand up to the “media created” (and thereby popular) Pope Francis and his subservient US bishops, including NY’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan, to protect innocent children and poor women in the USA and abroad from the Catholic Church hierarchy’s continuing, yet biblically unsupportable, assault on children and women.

The UK’s Cameron, and his “top cop”, Teresa May, recently began to stand up in a big way with a new investigation panel to review clerical child abuse, and Cameron even challenged the pope over free speech on widely watched US/CBS’s “Face the Nation”. Cameron’s unexpected political victory recently showed that standing up to clerical misdeeds is good politics, as well as the right thing to do. And even Merkel took it directly to the pope recently, see my Merkel Has Long Talk With Pope – About What ?. What is Obama afraid of here? When will he follow the lead of the UK’s Cameron, Germany’s Merkel, Ireland’s Enda Kenny, Australia’s Julia Gillard, et al.? Are US children and mothers less precious? Obama takes out minor terrorists 10,000 miles away with drones, but the leader of the world largest child abusive organization gets a special invitation to the White House. Shameful,no ?

Apparently coordinated with the US political advisers to Pope Francis and several US cardinals, including NY’s Timothy Dolan, who are exploiting terrorist attacks on Christians, US Republican presidential candidates recently blasted, with their election campaign “talk tough” theatrics, Islamic State outrages, but offer few specific fixes. Apparently the 1,000,000 plus dead, and $4 trillion plus wasted on an Iraq War that the Vatican in practice supported, has taught neither US Republican hawks nor their opportunistic Catholic hierarchy supporters very much. See here,


Dolan, who “polls” well with “low tax” US billionaires and Goldman Sachs investment bankers, is now even facing resistance from brave Catholic college students, many opposed to priest child abuse and bishops’ cover-ups and homophobic crusades, at a New York Jesuit university, Le Moyne, with their petition here on (SIGN IT NOW PLEASE), and related anticipated civil disobedience seeking to reject prominent New York’s Cardinal Dolan as their graduation speaker, in light of his evident child protection and homophobic failures, see here, Catholics Revolt: Jesuit Grads Shun Dolan As Goldman Sachs Bankers Woo Him.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.