Former Bishop of Gloucester cleared after sexual assault claims

Bath Chronicle

The retired Bishop of Gloucester Michael Perham will return to the ministry in his retirement following a review by Lambeth Palace.

The Right Reverend Michael Perham was questioned by police last year over two allegations of offences dating back to the 1980’s.

The Church of England had its own internal inquiry and now Bishop Perham will be allowed to return to ministry.

A spokesperson for Lambeth Palace said this morning: “Following a police investigation concerning Bishop Michael Perham last year, which resulted in no further action, the matter was reviewed by the Church of England in accordance with its national safeguarding policy. With the full co-operation of the Bishop an independent risk assessment has been satisfactorily completed and as a result Bishop Michael will be able to take up Ministry in retirement, and the postponed farewells for him in Gloucester can now take place.

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