Danby supported Leifer’s visa application. Says child abuse ‘pernicious evil’

The Australian Jewish News

MEMBER for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby has described child abuse as “a pernicious evil” adding that “anyone found responsible should face the full consequences of the law” after it was revealed yesterday that he had helped former Adass Israel principal Malka Leifer secure a visa allowing her to work in Australia.

A former student at Adass, who alleges Leifer sexually abused her over a number of years, has launched a lawsuit against the school and Leifer which is currently being heard in the Victorian Supreme Court.

Two letters written by Danby to the Department of Immigration in support of Leifer’s visa application before she took up her role at the ultra-Orthodox Melbourne school were submitted to the court on Thursday

Meanwhile, the former student gave graphic evidence to the court this week about the sexual assaults, which she said had resulted in “nightmares and anxiety and flashbacks” that have marred her life.

Questioned by barrister Dyson Hore-Lacy SC today on Thursday, the second day of the trial under Justice John Rush, she said she received psychological counselling for feeling “suicidal”

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