Child sex abuse: Change must begin in our homes

The JC

Yehudis Goldsobel
By Yehudis Goldsobel
May 21, 2015

After considerable deliberation and a thorough re-examination of all the evidence, the retrial of Todros Grynhaus concluded this week with a conviction.

There is one less sex offender on our streets, and his many victims – now adults – can now begin their long journey of healing without fear of encountering their attacker on the street, in a local shop or in the synagogue.

As the founder and director of Migdal Emunah, a support service for Jewish victims of sexual abuse and their families, I am proud of the community for standing up against Grynhaus.

I am proud of the victims who filed a police complaint and went through the painful process of giving testimony, and I am also proud of the rabbis who supported the victims in their reporting.

Unlike previous cases of victims being shunned by their community, it is clear that attitudes are beginning to change.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.